
Getting Stronger Through My Clones

100 push ups, 100 situps, 10km runs for 2 years? Well.....with 100 clones divide that by 100

MoonSol · Fantasy
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19 Chs


Hael remembered all of what happened before, It seems like he reincarnated into this body meaning. He came to this world when he was still a baby. He only got his past life memory when he reached 11 years which is yesterday. He also remembered about him dreaming about his past self.

It made him frown because he spent all his time asking question, but he eventually retrieved his memories. He ignored it eventually, atleast he made an acquiantance.

He recalled every detail that he received.

Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Demons and Beastkin. The five original inhabitants of this world also known as Gaia.

Gaia is made up of 8 continents. Fissan, The Kingdom of Humans; Drook, The Kingdom of Dwarves; Byeo, The Kingdom of Elves; Nabi, The Kingdom of Demons; Lere, The Kingdom of Beastkin and the two neutral continents Ferni and Taur.

A war that filled the world occured 239 years ago. It was devastating. Every single race got affected by the war.

As the war came to an end and peace was brought back to life, a spacial crack appeared and spat out wild, rabid and grotesque creatures. They led chaos everywhere they go. They took the continents, Ferni and Taur, and built an empire which created their name called Invaders.

Due to this, The 5 races formed an alliance that focused on pushing back these violent creatures. They fended them off the 5 continents and is now currently defending it, trying to reclaim their lost land while at it.

'Those goblins were just bandits huh. But why did it look like they are fighting for food. The cargo only has some vegetables and such. Probably vegetarians. That minotaur also probably fought for food. The moment I stole his food, he went crazy'

'So no, please slay the demon king that laid waste on this land... ' Hael thought, using a deep voice typically use in narrations.

Still it was a pretty basic fantasy plot. What is in that spacial rift is still kinda interesting though.

Hael this time around recalled information about his self.

He lives in a small town, 28 miles away from Grimly.

Thankfully he goes by the name of Hael Freed, so he won't be confused. He lives with both of his parents Sarah Freed and Leon Freed.

The previous him wanted to become a powerful figure when he was young. It all changed when he awakened his skill which is yesterday. He obtained a weak skill that copies himself but it's weak.

Awakening happens normally between 5 and 7, If you got it from the age of 1, you are considered as a genius. If you awaken at the maximum possible age to awaken which is 11 you are trash.

Awakening surrounds the child with light corresponding to his eye color. After 10 seconds your skill will appear on a random spot on your body as a tattoo with a number that corresponds with it's level. The level of a skill increases with usage and practice. The moment a skill level up, It either gets larger, stronger, faster or it increases it's number depending on the skill you have.

Then the description and instructions of the skill appears on the brain, so only the user knows his potential. That's a different case to Hael though.

Hael's tattoo appeared on his shoulderblade with the word clone. He was happy because of it, but reality struct him. He heard the description of his skill.

He had his hopes up and stayed positive up to the end only to get destroyed by reality.

He ran from his home and wanted to ignore reality by using it in a real fight. He searched the forest and looked for something he would fight. He found a kobold and naively tried to kill it. Not only did he realize the weakness of his clone, he nearly lost his life with it. He managed to trick the kobold by letting a clone of him run of to the distance, leading it away. He didn't have any strength left, so he closed his eyes.

Even though he is technically the same person, he felt like someone else. 'Since you grant me a life where I can enjoy myself, I shall grant your wish to soar the skies.' He whispered under his breath. The moment he said this, he felt like someone was giving him a warm smile from the sky.

'Hmmmmm' Hael ignored it thinking he hallucinated

Hael came back to his senses as he heard his mother's cries "Hael are you okay? what happened to you? " She was so happy to see him that he didn't even noticed his bloodied clothes. With the amount of blood, it contains it's color change.

Hael felt like crying when he saw the woman in front of him. Is it because he hold the conciousness of the previous host or it's just his own conciousness looking for a parent's warmth. Either way he felt refreshed and comfortable.

'I just killed all of the invaders so nothing much. '

"You cheeky brat." Sarah smiled at him, atleast he is good enough to even make jokes now.

'Where's dad? '

"He is currently guarding Joseph"

Joseph was their horse.

'Let's go home. ' Hael suggested. His mom immediately agreed and immediately walked to Leon.

Hael smiled and said his thanks and goodbyes to Lian before setting off.

The moment Leon saw his son he immediately rushed over to hug him. He stopped because he saw his son's clothes. Hael explained again and laughed it off. They brought a caravan with them full of food. Hael smiled at the thought and felt sad at the same time.

When they arrived to town. no one really greeted Hael. He has no friends in town. The reason to this is because he is socially awkward. Well he is a new person. Still he wants to focus on knowledge, for the previous host didn't like studying that much so he knows little about the world.

"Are you okay Hael? " They both asked him

Hael knew the reason why they asked him. They were there celebrating for his birthday and his sudden skill awakening, but he suddenly shouted at his parents and ran off somewhere.

Hael felt guilty to his previous actions. While his parents are happy and celebrating for him. He shouted at them and ran off somewhere causing them to worry.

'Yes, Im good.....good looking '

His parents smiled at their son's action.

They arrived home. Their house is made with wood. It has exactly 3 rooms, one for the living room and 2 for their own rooms. It was a small house, but it's filled with memories and warmth.

They ate dinner and Hael explained his skill. His parents thought it was a strong ability because of the word clone, but they were mistaken and celebrated for him. They said their sorry, but Hael said there's nothing to worry about.

' Status '

Hael is currently on his bed. He wanted to check the skill which the previous him deemed useless. He read it again but got distracted by the line." It gives or receives feedback to the user when wished" .

I changed the stats of minos. I also removed the level thing cuz it's useless and restricting.


Strength: 24

Endurance: 17

Agility: 16

Intelligence: 6

Battle Power: 2200

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