
Getting Stronger Through My Clones

100 push ups, 100 situps, 10km runs for 2 years? Well.....with 100 clones divide that by 100

MoonSol · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Level Up

Hael is currently in the Library of Grimly searching for stuff. The library was massive consisting of 3 different floors, filled to the brim with books. He is currently looking for magic spells that would benefit his combat abilities.

Hael asked the librarian and found out that if you wanted spells you should buy it from here. 10 silvers for session on a Rank G spell. There were tons and tons of spells here ranging from G to B rank. Hael was curious about the people who were reading the spells and noticed that, their physical attributes aren't that good but their exhexo and malia were amazing. It's the kingdom of magic after all.

But he can't help but notice how their intelligence factor doesn't go up to more than 10. Hael ignored it and thought it was probably the maximum.

The spells he found in the library are, Fire Ball, Poison Dart, Cure and Water Bolt.

Hael bought the poison dart and cure for they are the most useful for his current plan . He wanted to earn a little bit of money so he can use it to make something. He would hunt animals and sell their parts for a little bit of income.

The animals in this world are the same with Earth but with a lot of different variants such as, Horned Bunny, Shadow Leopard ,Lightning Centipede etc. The residents of Gaia tend to use some parts of these creatures for creating equipments and daily necessities, just like our own world.

Hael analyzed both of the book for a few hours to use it. Learning spells doesnt take a second to learn how to cast it. You need to learn the structure of the spell and recreate it using your mana. To show it's difficulty a Rank G spell contains 1000 lines minimum and a Rank F spell has 10000 lines minimum. (Lines as in art lines).

Hael is the only one who can do that though. He thought reading a for a few hours is normal, but the true normal for non magical skill owners is a week to a month. When you earn a magical skill you are loved by exhezo and malia. That's why you tend to analyze them better.

Hael went out the next day and hunted in the forest beside him. Judging from his current strength he shouldn't have a problem with the current location.

He didn't brought any armor, for he will use long range spells only. His theory was deemed positive. He can deal magical damage using his clone, which is pretty sweet. He brought some malia potions and a spacial pouch containing the space of an entire room.

As Hael ventured deeper and deeper, less to none creatures is on sight, until a loud roar echoed throughout the forest. Hael looked at the direction of the roar and he saw a creature that had a black body. It was skinny looking like it haven't eaten for decades. It has a skull of a horse for a head. Three sharp claws coming out of 4 legs. It was running directly to Hael like it finally saw food after years of starvation.

Hael immediately retorted and summoned his clone. He launched a barrage of poison darts. The black figure though seems to not be affected by poison and is only getting damaged by a small amount by the darts. Furthermore, It regenerates the wound instantly.

The creature leaped at him and swiped it's sharp claws to his neck. Hael moved to the left succesfully dodging the creatures claws. Hael face turned grim due to the small amount of time he had to dodge. If he failed that he would've been dead lying on the ground. the creature staggered, which gave Hael some time to run and analyze the beast.

[Lowest Class Invader]

Strength: 31

Endurance: 33

Agility: 21

Intelligence: 3

BP : 3002

Skill: Devour

Hael nearly staggered due to his sight. He atleast felt happy about the Intelligence factor. This means, he can still outsmart the beast. Hael also knew how he is still alive by now. Guessing from the physique of that Invader, He didn't fight a lot of times, so he probably got rusty.

Hael ran while ordering his clone to pummel the beast with darts to atleast slow it down due to the impact. His clone eventually stop after a few shots because he and Hael share the same amount of Malia, so it eventually runs out of it. Hael id currently running plans on his head until he finally found something. He saw a huge boulder at the top a cliff. He then decided to split up with his clone, not exceeding the maximum distance though. Depending on the Invader's choice of food the other one will push the boulder directly to the Invader.

They proceeded with the plan and the invader chose the clone. The invader is hella fast, a fe seconds ago they can only hear rustling far away, but now it's on sight. The invade chose the clone, so Hael went up the tiny mound and readied up in position. The clone ran to the spot where Hael marked, but with only inches away. The Invader killed the clone.

Hael's face turned grim. He stared at the invader thinking next on what to do. Thankfully, when the clone dissipated, the Invader became confused. hael then thought of something else.

After a few seconds, the Invader finally noticed Hael and rushed to up the mound. Hael was doing nothing though. When the Invader raised it's claws to kill Hael, Hael shouted 'Now!' and casted a light orb directly at it's face, temporarily blinding it. The light shocked the Invader falling to the ground but still slashed Hael at his stomach.

Hael spat out blood and held his stomach to put pressure to slow down the bleeding. Hael bit his lips to not fall unconcious and casted a crap ton of poison dart while chugging down potions to continue the barrage the boulder was pushed but still needed a few force until it falls down. Hael walked to it but nearly fell down due to the dizziness.

The invader looked like it recovered from the blindness. It stared at Hael and screeched. Hael clicked his tongue and let out all of his strength to push the boulder, which became successful. The Invader was crushed by the huge boulder. Hael collapsed from his spot and nearly went unconcious, he saw a level up notification on his face.

[You leveld up! Clone capacity +1]

Hael immediately summoned the clone and ordered it to use cure on him without stopping. Hael became unconcious due to the mental and physical tiredness he received.

I will use " on both parties from now on and will use ' for when they say that in thei head

The BP is also affected by Malia and exhezo if you didn't notice.

I'll only release this chapter for this week, I think. I want to sleep more lol.

MoonSolcreators' thoughts