
Getting Rich Overnight, Starting From a Multiple-Choice Question

Which option will you choose from these three options? 1. A Shuimu University graduation certificate; 2. The experienced school beauty; 3. Fifty million in start-up capital. ... Life is made up of choices. However, Ye Feng finds that whatever choice he makes comes true. Thus, his story unfolds. ... Many years later, as the youngest billionaire, Ye Feng says modestly during an interview, “I’m just better at making choices than others.”

As if New Marks · Urban
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40 Chs

Vile Person

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

After three rounds of drinks and five dishes…

Wang Xiang rubbed his big belly and burped comfortably, but his eyes flashed with brilliance.

"Boss Zhao, as the saying goes, one never visits unless they need something. Now that we've had our fill, it's time to talk."

Instead of calling him Old Zhao, he chose a more formal title.

Zhao Zhen understood what he meant. He knew that his chance had come.

"I can't hide anything from you."

Zhao Zhen smiled as he poured a glass of wine for Wang Xiang and said in a relaxed tone, "I recently resigned from Prosperous Flavor and went to another hotpot restaurant. However, we're still lacking a supplier for now, so I thought of you."

Wang Xiang seemed to have expected this. He was not surprised when he heard this, but there was an apologetic look in his eyes.

Zhao Zhen sensed that something was wrong.

"Boss Zhao." Wang Xiang sighed. "President Li from Prosperous Flavor just established a one-year supply agreement with me today."

"Furthermore, the price of this agreement is 5% higher than normal…"

Wang Xiang did not finish his sentence, but both sides were smart people. Thus, they could understand some things easily.

Li Xin was such a selfish person. How could he suddenly raise the price?

"President Li is a smart person. He knew that you would come to me."

Wang Xiang patted Zhao Zhen's shoulder and raised his wine glass before downing it in one gulp. "This time, I've let you down."

"We can raise the price too."

After a moment of silence, Zhao Zhen spoke.

"It's not that simple, is it?"

Wang Xiang had no intention of being moved.

In business, one had to have a long-term vision. Furthermore, in terms of both size and future prospects, this additional 5% from Prosperous Flavor was far more important than having Hedilao as a partner.

The air suddenly turned silent and the situation became a little awkward.

Then, Wang Xiang stood up. He couldn't drink with Zhao Zhen anymore.

"Old Wang."

However, Zhao Zhen poured himself a glass of wine and said, "Seven years ago, when your business was in trouble, I was the one who chose to cooperate with you."

Zhao Zhen raised his glass and finished it in one gulp. Then, he refilled his glass and continued, "Four years ago, another competitor framed you. I was also the one who testified on your behalf and prevented you from being blacklisted."

After finishing the wine in his cup once again, Zhao Zhen's eyes became a little dazed.

"Last year, your father-in-law got into a car accident. I was the one who went to Shanghai to hire an expert for you."

When Zhao Zhen raised his glass again, a pair of large hands grabbed him.

Then, Wang Xiang took the cup and said seriously, "Old Zhao, if you say that, I won't be able to leave today."

"I should drink with you."


Zhao Zhen grinned and pointed at Wang Xiang, his tone full of confidence. "I knew that you aren't someone who is without a conscience!"

"I really wish I didn't have a conscience. After all, money can be earned again if it's gone. But if I lose my conscience…"

"Then I'll earn even more."

Wang Xiang touched his greasy hair and smiled bitterly. "Looks like I won't be able to earn this 5% from President Li."

Meanwhile, in a private room at Yanghe Hotel…

The members of Dormitory 7012 were filled with joy and harmony.

Ye Feng's hair was stained with some cake that someone had smashed on him. Meanwhile, the other three also showed traces of battle.

"Brothers, I can't take it anymore. I'll go to the toilet first."

Fan Jiawei stood up and staggered out.

Outside the private room, the cold wind woke Fan Jiawei up a little. He touched his warm face and looked in the other direction.

There was a private room over there, where his fellow members of the student union were sitting.

However, Fan Jiawei had no intention of walking over. After all, he knew very well who the star of today was.

Thus, he changed directions and headed for the toilet.

However, Fan Jiawei didn't notice that there were two figures smoking by the railing in the corner.

"Brother Wang, isn't that Fan Jiawei?"

One of them put down the cigarette in his hand and spoke with uncertainty as he pointed at Fan Jiawei.

The other person was smoking and looked in the direction of where the first person was pointing upon hearing this.

"I think so."

Wang Ge burped and narrowed his eyes. "Why is he here?"

The person who spoke first shifted his gaze to look at Wang Ge's expression. Then, a smile appeared on his face. He seemed to be up to no good.

"That's right. He just rejected Brother Wang's invitation today, but he still appeared here… He's clearly not giving you any face!"

"Also, Brother Wang, Fan Jiawei is always so close to Chen Zizhen… Chen Zizhen is your competitor!"


Wang Ge was stunned. He really did not notice this.

"Of course. He was the first to agree when Chen Zizhen invited us to dinner."

"Of course, Brother Wang, don't worry. I definitely rejected him."

"Think about it. He went to Chen Zizhen's gathering, not yours."

"If he isn't disrespecting you or being too close to Chen Zizhen, then what is he doing?"


Hearing Yang Xiao's words, Wang Ge thought for a moment and suddenly slapped his thigh. "You have a point."

As he spoke, he spat on the ground. "This Fan Jiawei really isn't giving me any face!"

Hearing that, Yang Xiao was amused. "Brother Wang, do you want to torture him?"

"What are you planning to do?"

Wang Ge was tempted. However, he said, "This is a hotel. Don't cause any trouble."

"Don't worry."

Yang Xiao patted his chest and said with a fake smile, "I just want to invite him… for a drink."

"Old Fan."

Fan Jiawei had just walked out of the toilet when he saw a familiar person standing at the door.

Then, he instantly frowned.

After all, he recognized this person. It was Yang Xiao.

However, this Yang Xiao usually referred to himself as Wang Ge's number one lackey. Furthermore, he typically acted very arrogantly as he was supported by the Vice-President.

Naturally, there were many conflicts between him and Fan Jiawei. Thus, their relationship wasn't good.

"What are you doing here?"

Fan Jiawei walked over and spoke in a very cold tone.

"Eh, Old Fan?"

When Yang Xiao saw Fan Jiawei, he pretended to be surprised. Then, he walked up enthusiastically.

"Damn, what else could I be doing? I'm here for a gathering. I drank too much, so I came out to sober up."

"Come, come, Old Fan. Since we've met, let's have a drink together, shall we?"

Yang Xiao's solicitous smile made Fan Jiawei feel that something was wrong.

One had to know that the two of them usually did not like each other. Thus, it was normal for them to exchange a few words of hate when they met.

Thus, why was he here to treat Fan Jiawei to a drink with a despicable smile?

"I'm not going."

Without even considering, Fan Jiawei decisively rejected Yang Xiao's suggestion.

"Old Fan."

Seeing that the invitation didn't work, Yang Xiao immediately changed his tone. "Brother Wang is in the private room. If you don't give me some face today, I'll make a secret report to the others. If Brother Wang finds out that you're here but not at the gathering, I'm afraid it won't look good on you."


Fan Jiawei glared at Yang Xiao.

Yang Xiao was really capable of snitching.

Wang Ge was a rich second-generation heir who was used to being arrogant because of his family's wealth. He was not a kind person.

Meanwhile, Fan Jiawei still had to work at the student union in the future, and it would not be good if her relationship with Wang Ge became too strained.

At the thought of this, Fan Jiawei could only glare fiercely at Yang Xiao. "Okay, I'll go!"