
Getting Rich Overnight, Starting From a Multiple-Choice Question

Which option will you choose from these three options? 1. A Shuimu University graduation certificate; 2. The experienced school beauty; 3. Fifty million in start-up capital. ... Life is made up of choices. However, Ye Feng finds that whatever choice he makes comes true. Thus, his story unfolds. ... Many years later, as the youngest billionaire, Ye Feng says modestly during an interview, “I’m just better at making choices than others.”

As if New Marks · Urban
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40 Chs

The Best Times

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Little Liu was indeed a smart person.

He knew that skipping ranks and directly reporting this information to the Vice-President would make the Vice-President hate him even more. Thus, he did not act rashly.

He reported this news to express his loyalty and attitude.

As a result, the newly-appointed Director Wang was very satisfied with him.

Prosperous Flavor, Chairman's Office.

After putting down the phone, Li Xin's expression was mixed.

"What happened?"

General Manager Liu Yan, who was beside him, put down the documents in his hand and asked.

"It's Zhao Zhen."

Li Xin touched the prayer beads on his wrist and narrowed his eyes. "He went to another hotpot restaurant."

"Which hotpot restaurant? Seventeen Doors or Jiangnan Flavor?"

The two restaurants that Liu Yan mentioned were the biggest competitors of Prosperous Flavor.


The expression on Li Xin's face was a little strange. "It's another unknown hotpot restaurant called Hedilao. He's the manager."

"The manager?"

Liu Yan was flabbergasted, but he soon broke into a smile. "This Zhao Zhen is getting worse by the day."

"Hedilao… It's probably some small shop. It won't be able to cause any trouble, so don't worry about it. "


Upon hearing Liu Yan's words, Li Xin did not agree. Thus, he said firmly, "Go and find someone to investigate what kind of sacred place this Hedilao is."

"The information must be accurate. Don't be afraid of spending money."

"Is there a need to mobilize so many people?" Liu Yan didn't seem to mind at all. "In my opinion, Zhao Zhen is just looking for a place to retire because he's disheartened."

"He's disheartened?"

Li Xin sneered. "You think too simply of him!"

Then, he put his palms together and said casually, "Don't forget that the position of General Manager should've been his."

Liu Yan's heart tightened and the expression on his face changed imperceptibly. He understood that Li Xin was saying this to irritate him.

After Zhao Zhen left… Li Xin's desire to control the company grew even stronger.

"I've never underestimated him." Liu Yan quickly expressed his opinion. After a pause, he continued, "I'll immediately make arrangements."


As he watched Liu Yan leave in a hurry, Li Xin looked down at his table and muttered to himself.

"It's precisely because I know how powerful you are that I won't groom a competitor for myself."

Li Xin always remembered that five years ago, when the capital chain of Prosperous Flavor was almost disrupted due to competition, it was Zhao Zhen who turned the tides and negotiated for a loan of 20 million yuan.

It could be said that without this 20 million yuan, there would not be the current Prosperous Flavor.

On the other side, in Dormitory 7012, Ye Feng rubbed his chin. There was something on his mind.

He realized that there was something wrong with his roommates today.

This was a kind of intuition. He felt that his roommates were hiding something from him. In particular, the way Yang Chao looked at him had been strange throughout.

"Did they find out that I suddenly became rich?"

Ye Feng was shocked. If that was the case, then things would be troublesome.

However, on second thought, he felt that something was wrong.

"I've been keeping the two contracts properly, and I've confirmed that no one has touched them. Furthermore, I haven't allowed my success to affect my usual behavior."

"Logically speaking, it's impossible for them to know about this."

"Could it be that… my sleep talking exposed me?"

Did he talk in his sleep last night?

Ye Feng fell into deep thought. He felt that he had to verify this question.

It was now 11pm. Thus, he started recording himself and lay in bed, preparing to sleep.

Then, at midnight…

"Has Fourth Brother fallen asleep?"

In the darkness, a voice came from Dormitory 7012. Then, a black shadow crept up to Ye Feng's bed.

"He's asleep."

Liu He nodded his head. He didn't care if the others could see him clearly and simply made a hand gesture.

"Let's go."

Soon, three shadows crept out one after another.

Dormitory 7012 was silent. Only Ye Feng's soft breathing echoed throughout the room.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you…"

Melodious music began to play. Then, Ye Feng faintly felt as if someone was singing a birthday song by his ear.

"What's happening?"

Ye Feng opened his sleepy eyes and quickly found the source of the sound —— it was from a phone placed near his headboard.

"Isn't this Second Brother's cell phone?"

He recognized the phone by its faint glow.

"Second Brother, Second Brother, why is your phone on my bed?"

Ye Feng turned off the music on the phone. Then, he turned around and shouted weakly at the bed opposite him.

"Second Brother."

"Liu He?"


Ye Feng sat up and rubbed his eyes forcefully.

Something was wrong. Something was wrong with this situation.

The dormitory was too quiet.

He looked at the time and realised that it was 2.34am.

At this time, the dormitory should be filled with the sound of Third Brother snoring.

Yang Chao had a habit of snoring. Thus, he was always the last person to sleep in Dormitory 7012.

"Third Brother?"


"Yang Chao!"

Ye Feng panicked.

He quickly switched on the flashlight on his phone. However, the scene in front of him made him shiver.

Their beds were folded extremely neatly. It was obvious that no one had slept in them.


All of a sudden, countless scenes from horror movies flooded his mind.


There was the sound of the door opening from the entrance.


Then, the lights were turned on.

The strong light made Ye Feng subconsciously close his eyes. When he opened them again, he saw three smiling faces and an egg.

"Fourth Brother, happy birthday!"

"Son, Daddy loves you!"


"You— you guys…"

The corners of Ye Feng's mouth trembled slightly when he witnessed this scene, and tears started to fill his eyes.

He had been busy with Hedilao recently. Thus, he had neglected an important piece of news.

Today was his birthday.

"It's time."

Fan Jiawei looked at the time and nodded.

"Fourth Brother, have this egg."

"Today is the day you break out of your shell in Dormitory 7012."

It was 2:38am.

Only now did Ye Feng remember that he mentioned his date of birth when they had first gathered in the dormitory.

Furthermore, in order to show off that he had a good memory, he had even mentioned the exact time of his birth to the minute.

"So you guys have always remembered…"

A wave of warmth surged out from Ye Feng's heart and he felt choked up. He was unable to describe what he was feeling.

Liu He looked rather proud.

"Of course. After all, you are my dearest son."

"Dad will always remember your birthday."

Ye Feng was speechless. He simply took the egg from Fan Jiawei's hand, peeled it, and started eating.

His heart was so warm that even his balls felt a little warm.

"Of course it's warm."

Liu He said, "After all, Yang Chao kept the egg in his armpit to keep it warm."


Yang Chao scratched his head and smiled.


Ye Feng paused for a moment when he heard this. Then, he looked at the eggshell in his hand.

"Boss, is there a rubbish bin?"

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing. I just feel like throwing up."