
World background

In a world called Kituc where affinity determines your own future.

There are two types of affinities: weapon and magic

For weapons, whether a sword, dagger or bow or axe, even if one never holds a sword can be a sword saint or sword god. But if one holds another weapon beside his affinity, he has to train forever to master the move but never the effectiveness or power. A swordsman cannot be trained with an axe to be effective.

Magic affinities are more likely to be treated and it would be better if he has both weapon and magic affinities. Holy magic is more well treated than other magics. Dark magic is not discriminated against since it is the best way to seek for the truth. Holy magic gives hope while dark magic exposes the true nature of humans. If one has one of these two, he would have a high stand in society.


nomanlikecreators' thoughts