
Getting lucky in Another World – Isekai de kōun wo te ni ireru

Hi, my name is Alexander Mortimer Tye. Though pretty much everyone just calls me Alex. My entire life has been unlucky, nothing has ever gone my way except for two things. My best friend Rebecca and the magic lamp before me now. I never get this lucky. Let's fix that. My last wish was to be able to go to another world because his one sucks. This is the stories of my adventures their... (Hope You Enjoy my latest Smut. This is on Scribble and Webnovel. Chapters Daily)

Smut_Hater · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Eating the Flesh of thy Enemy

(Sorry about no chapter yesterday. Here is two for today to make it up.) I'm now back at the dojo practicing throwing some Kunai at logs. The Kunai was originally a trowel used for gardening that like most weapons was taken by ninja to use as weapons that could easily be discarded. These were slightly slimmer blades, so it was more of a flat blade. So, far whenever I aimed at a spot it hit that spot when I threw one. I had bought ten identical ones along with a holster for the back of my belt so I could grab one easily.

Tanaka was watching me do this with a smile on his face. I had asked him to show me how to throw and after one demonstration I could hit any time unless I deliberately missed. I had stopped sparring with the other students for the last week since I would always find a gap or weak spot, or they would make a mistake.

The only person I could still spar with was Tanaka and I was starting to think he was not human because no matter how many times I fought him he never made a mistake, and I never had an opportunity to exploit. No matter if we were doing hand-to-hand or with wooden swords.

He then asks me while I'm about to throw my tenth Kunai. "Alex. Why are you now on a course for strength. I don't know why you seek it but for whatever reason I will not tolerate you abusing it." I just stop and turn to look at him and dip my head as I respond making sure to use formal Japanese instead of the informal, he asked me in. "I apologize deeply sensei. But I cannot tell you the reason due to my current circumstances. I guarantee though that I will never hurt the innocent with the gift you bestowed upon me."

He seemed satisfied with my honesty and nodded as he walked away, and I threw my last kunai before walking thirty meters to the log and then prying them out of the log.

I spent the next few days just killing goblins and kobolds. It really wasn't fair since I would just snipe them all in the neck with my kunai and watch as they bleed out. I never had a problem with blood or violence growing up. Action and horror films just seemed to bore me. Maybe I'm a psycho/sociopath and didn't know it. Nah, I don't show any of the symptoms.

I killed two packs totalling thirteen goblins before I came across something different. It was a group of eight kobolds. I ran ahead of them and climbed a tree to get a higher vantage point. They had blue skin and looked like the Egyptian depictions of dogs. It didn't matter anyway since they were just going to die. Again, all eight soon dropped and began to squirm as they bled out. Their ears were a bit harder to lop off and took a bit of effort but once I found the technique it was easy.

In four days, I managed to kill eighty-nine goblins and twenty-seven kobolds. Making twenty-five silver and seven copper and five bits. That was more than enough to survive for the month. If I could keep that up until I made a gold coin, then I would be able to pawn that coin back on earth for about two grand if I went to a gold smith.

I would need to get stronger in order to get more stuff but for now it would do. I then heard the loud grunt of a pig. I had seen a few wild boars wandering around but they, like most animals, were illegal to hunt without a license. However, this one sounded more guttural.

I approached and I found three of them standing there. They were big and fat humanoid pigs with huge tusks. They were different from the other monsters though because they owned thick furs and hides as makeshift Armor and wielded flint and stone weapons. My kunai impacted the back of the legs of the three orcs. Six into their legs and three into their necks. They all immediately turned to me and began to crawl with quite some speed for their size once they had collapsed.

It seems throwing them at their legs was the best option. Their huge muscley arms rippled as they dragged themselves towards me. I just kept backing up until they eventually bled to death. I lopped off their ears and then began to drag on back to town with some difficulty. A whole orc could go for about a silver worth of meat.

Meat in this world seemed pretty common thanks to preservation magic, I think. I needed to do a lot more reading. The orc was heavy, weighing about six hundred pounds. I would definitely not be able to dead lift it. I could however roll it.

I later that night sat inside a tavern which had bought the orc and was now cooking it. It felt good to eat your enemy actually. Only because it was a monster. There were orcs that were a recognized race after some priests had sucked the miasma out of their bodies. They had the same rights as humans, they were apparently fine with their brethren being eaten since was the equivalent of us eating a monkey to them which I knew in more tropical places on earth people would eat them I they got their hands on one.

They had boiled it down into a stew with a few different root vegetables in it. I felt the need to relieve myself after my third beer. It tasted horrible but was fine enough to get pissed on. I weaved my way around the drunk crowd and made my way to a corridor which led to the bathroom. Toilets in this world existed and basically sent your shit to the sewers which had slimes living down there to eat all the shit.

Most buildings only had one and if you needed to pee you would use a bucket. I, however, had someone knocking on the backdoor and not the front like an impolite guest. After flushing and wiping with some toilet paper I had it in my pocket because I wasn't going to use the thick plant like papyrus that they used here.

As I stepped out of the door I was hit by a figure and pushed to the floor. They were pressed against me as they lost all the power in their body.