
Getting Krumped in DC with Edgy Space Magic

Deep within the vacuum of space, hidden in the heart of a collapsing star, the last of the Old Ones lurks, nursing a festering wound. Knowing that his death is imminent, he curses the gods that banished him. With the last of his power, he calls forth a soul from the void to carry about his vengeance in exchange for the soul's wildest wishes. ~~~ This is a DC AU with the possibility of new worlds in the far future. To give credit where credit is due, this book is heavily inspired by The Average DC Experience. The update schedule will be on average 2-3 chapters a week, mainly on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

YoungMasterLemon16 · Anime & Comics
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Current Status (May Contain Spoilers)

[Void-Walker System]

Name: Damien Cross

Race: Half-Moon Blood



Physique: 20

Mind: 18

Energy: 10



[Void Control: Lv. 1]

[The power to manipulate energies originating from the void, a space outside of the known universe. The energy is highly volatile and dangerous, known to eat any practitioners who attempt to harness it from the inside out.]

[Transformation: Lv. 1]

[The user of this skill has the power to manipulate their body in inhuman ways and to temporarily change parts of their body on a genetic level. The user does not need knowledge of genetics to activate this ability, only to picture what the transformation will look like and it's functions.]



[Mad Scientist: Lv. 1]

[Your brain has changed on a fundamental level, giving you near superhuman levels of mental efficacy. It has become nearly impossible for you to forget something and understanding concepts requires almost zero effort with the proper resources. As a side effect of absorbing this perk from a deranged individual, a passive effect has been applied. Any device or compound becomes increasingly easy to create depending on how nonsensical or ridiculous the idea is.]

[Survivalist: Lv. 1]

[This perks allows it's user to overcome the basic necessities of one's body at the cost of void energy. Currently, the skill only allows the user to no longer feel thirsty.]



[Devour: Lv. 1]

[A passive ability which activates upon killing an enemy with void energy. Devour will steal a portion of the enemy's soul and turn it into stat points for the user. Stat points will reduce as the user absorbs the souls of the same enemy type or the user devours the souls of weaker beings. On devouring an elite enemy, the user is given a choice of assimilating one of their skills.]

This is more for me than you guys, but I figured I should let y'all see it too. I also changed the title to something less cringy and more my speed.

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