
Getting A System In A Modern World

[WSA 2024 Entry] Please Support. _________ Silas, as a normal hot-blooded youth with big dreams and huge ambition, wanted to see the world, experience what it has to offer while living his dream life. But when has life ever gone according to plan? when has it ever been fair to anyone? Silas was hit with a reality check after graduating, if school was hard, society is harder. For two years he worked but nothing seems to be working out. He gave up on his dreams and ambition and his determination waned. After a long day at work one day, he looked up at the ceiling and made a wish, a wish he never knew will come true and change his life forever. He got a system, one that seems to be an all-rounder and it has his dream feature. [Ding!] [You spent $1199. You received 10x rebate of expenses made. You earned $11,990. The money has been sent to host bank account] "My dream life is no longer out of reach!" ________ This is my first book and English is not my main, I will apologize for any possible error. ________ Disclaimer: 'Getting A System In A Modern World' is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This book may reference real companies and organizations, but these references are for narrative purposes only and are not intended to depict actual conduct or involvement of these entities. The use of these names and references is not meant to harm, defame, or discredit these companies or organizations. ________ Thank you for reading :)

Daoist_Godfiend · Sci-fi
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69 Chs

Learning New Skills

Silas finished his food and went to his room to take his bath, in preparation to learn the new skills.


In his room

"System, initiate the skill transfer," Silas said as he lay on his bed.

[Skill Transfer Initiated.]

Silas was at a loss when he saw the system message. He remembered the system saying that he will fall unconscious during the skill learning process, but he feels nothing and is very much awake.

'Did it make a mista-,' Silas said to himself but stopped midway, as a very sharp piercing pain coursed through his head, making him open his eyes wide.

'Arrrghhh!… F*ck!… it said fall unconscious not experience this type of pain!,' Silas screams internally. He felt a sharp piercing pain in his head like a thousand knives, and daggers stabbing and cutting through his brain.

The pain continued to increase and Silas had to bite down on his duvet so that he wouldn't scream out, as he didn't want to cause a scene.

Silas was unable to last another second as he passed out from the immense searing pain.


[Sill Transfer Completed.]


An unknown amount of time passed before Silas finally woke up. He opened his eyes and tried to get up from the bed, but he was feeling too disoriented and tired to do so.

He was finally able to get himself together after a few seconds. He pushed himself out of bed and slowly walked towards the bathroom to take his bath.

His body and bed were drenched in his sweat when he woke up and it was already starting to give off an odor, something he doesn't like.

After taking his bath, he brushed his teeth and came out of the bathroom, took out the bedspread and duvet that were soaking wet from his sweat.

After he was done with that, he decided to check his progress and see if he completed the mission.

"Status screen."


[You spent $68. You received a 10x rebate of expenses made. You earned $680. The money has been sent to your bank account]

[Mission completed. Reward has been sent to your account.]

[Name: Silas Kurt]


[System Level: 2]

[Level Daily Reward And Perk: Daily reward of amount between $100-$200. 10x rebate on all expenses made by the host. $100-$200 reward for every mission completed when the host is at said level.]

[Level Up Requirement(s): Worth $10,000,000 (Cash/Asset).]


[Strength: 5]

[Agility: 3]

[Stamina: 5]

[Intelligence: 3⇒5]

[Charisma: 3⇒4]

[Stats Point(s): 0(+)]


[Skill(s): [Problem-Solving(Level 1)], [Memory Mastery(Level 1)], [Mental Balance(Level 1)]

Skill Point(s): 0(+)]


[System Point(s): 0(+)]

'Yes!... It worked… and It also increased my stats. My Intelligence and Charisma went up… Not bad," Silas said to himself in satisfaction when he saw he was able to complete the mission, and the increase in some of his stats.

'Now, I just have to meet the system's level up requirement so that I can increase its level,' He thought to himself.

"I guess it's time for another round of shopping….. spending…," He said and walked to his closet to get himself some clothes.

When Silas got to the closet, he saw that the clothes that he asked the lady at the clothing store to deliver for him had already been delivered, and had been arranged neatly.

"Kim….," He said with a smile. He randomly selected some clothes that he thinks looks good on him and wore them. After wearing his clothes, he picked up his phone and went downstairs.

When he got downstairs, he saw Kim setting up the dining table for breakfast.

"Good morning," He greeted and took his seat.

"Good morning, Silas. You slept very early yesterday, I came to call for dinner but you were deep asleep," Kim said as she continued what she was doing.

"Yeah… I was burned out completely yesterday."

"I thought as much…," Kim said as she finished setting up the table, and went to call Alex to come down for breakfast.

After Alex came down, the three of them sat down and started eating.

"Alex…. Do you want to go shopping with me? I'll buy you anything you want," Silas asked Alex as he ate his food.

"Mm-hmm," Alex nodded and continued eating his food.

"Okay. We will go after you finish eating, okay?."


Kim, who was seated across from them, was surprised to hear what Silas said. She understood the family's condition more than Alex and she knows how hard things are for them, so she found it hard to understand what Silas is saying.

No, it's not that she does not understand but she doesn't know how and where Silas got the confidence to say what he just said. She couldn't help but become suspicious.

'Where did he get the money from? Did he get himself involved in any shady stuff or did he win a lottery ticket? No… it must be because he won a lottery ticket. But how much did he win? Or is it related to the message he said he was expecting?'

Kim quickly dismissed the thoughts of Silas doing shady things and attributed the source of the money to him winning a lottery ticket.

Though she and Silas did not have much interactions, just like Alex, she understands his character as he was properly raised up by his father. Even though the current behavior of his father is not what one would expect of a father, he was the best one could ask for during his good days.

Kim had questions but she didn't want to ask them as it might make Silas feel like she's intruding on his privacy, and this might ruin the little progress they've made.

While Kim was burning her brain cells over his new behavior, Silas was busy eating his food.


Few minutes later, Silas and Alex were done eating their food and were ready to leave.

Before leaving, Silas asked him if there's anything he would like him to get her but she said she doesn't want anything.

Silas took Alex and left after that. When they got outside, an Uber was already waiting.

Silas called for it while they were still eating as he wanted it to take him to the condo so that he can pick up his car.

Silas and Alex got into the car, and the driver drove off after Silas gave him the address.


In the condo's garage, Silas opened the door of the Corvette and got in with Alex, before starting the car and driving off to the biggest mall in Oakland city.