

Amelia Rosi is a very ambitious and talented girl. By meeting a wealthy businessman, the door to her dreams opens for her. But will she be brave enough to get out of her comfort zone? **** - Good morning, Miss Rosi - he muttered and passed me by accidentally nudging me. This gentle blow was enough for me to stagger and fall down from my squat to my knees. I closed my eyes at the mere thought of how pathetic it must have looked when I landed with the cloth straight under his feet. - You don't have to worry about that - he said, looking down at me with a ferocious smile. Only when I lifted my head and on the way noticed that the button in his pants was unfastened, and the shirt was being buttoned, I understood what he meant. I leaned back as if I was burned, rolling my eyes in the process. - It was inappropriate - I pointed out to him. ****

Ania_Madejska · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter 4

I dropped my bag on the ground and started spreading the red blanket out on the thick green grass. I sighed loudly as I stretched my legs and looked around at the perfect blue sky. The August heat does not subside, giving me a lot of joy. I love coming here to the park and lounging under the old willow tree which has been my favorite spot for the good three years. From here I can watch people walking along the alleys of the park, children playing, chasing each other with balls and toys, and above all, it is so quiet here that I feel like I am completely out of the way, not almost the center of a crowded city. Maybe it is the longing for true nature, which I had to deal with every day in my hometown, that attracts me here in every free moment. Family orchards were the only place I found it difficult to part with when I left for high school. From spring to autumn I spent literally days there, sketching and painting my pictures.

Remembering this, I pulled a thick notebook and a set of pencils from my purse. I leaned my back against the tree and bent my legs to put my sketchbook on them. I bit down on the tip of the pencil, pondering for a moment what I wanted to draw. Without wasting much time, I pressed the stylus gently against a perfectly white sheet of paper and made a few strokes on it. What I wanted to be there came out of my hand with remarkable ease. Every feature, every detail, and the right shadow reproduced the reality almost perfectly. I get lost in it from the moment I feel in control of the stylus. It's addictive.

- Who is this handsome guy?

- Oh my god - I gasped in horror, quickly closing my notebook with a loud click.

- Come on, show me, I already saw it - a dark-haired man wanted to take the sketchbook from my hand, but nimbly I hid it behind me.

- If you scare me so much again, I swear I'll strangle you, Anthony - I growled through clenched teeth and leaned my head against the tree trunk, trying to calm my racing heart.

- Relax, it's just me. I knew I'd find you here - He laughed and sat down next to me.

Anthony is my only high school friend with whom I keep in touch so far. He is a calm and ambitious boy who is always there to help. I'm glad we're still friends, but I'm sick of him when he does such terrible things to me!

- So you were looking for me?

- You haven't answered the phone in two hours, and when I was at your place I kissed the door handle. I hope you didn't play like that over the weekend, that you spent it until Wednesday at someone's house - He nudged me with his shoulder.

- Indeed - I muttered, looking at my phone screen. - Sorry, but I needed to relax for a while, and I forgot to turn on the sound when I left work - I sighed, tossing the phone back into my purse.

- Tell me what's going on - he said without even asking if anything was wrong. He just knew it.

I glanced at him from the side and watched his close-cropped hair in silence.

- I guess, it's about that boy you were drawing before I came.

- It's everything okay - I nodded and stretched my legs.

- Got it, you don't want to talk about it - He shrugged and made another attempt to capture my sketchbook.

I let go, and a moment later he looked through it with great concentration. He turned the pages one by one, scanning each of my drawings with his eyes.

- I don't think I'll ever get over the fact that such a talent is wasted - he sighed, running his finger over dried paint on one of the small landscapes.

- You don't even realize how many such undiscovered and wasted talents there are in the world - I shrugged, laying my head flat on the blanket. I pulled my sunglasses over my nose as single rays piercing through the thick branches of the tree smashed my eyes.

- I don't care about others. Who like who, but you deserve some publicity. After all, things like this ... it looks alive. You shouldn't give up your intention to go to college.

I laughed softly under my breath, looking at him.

- I have not quit my studies. It just goes on and on.

- Cash? - He looked at me questioningly.

- Cash.

- And he? Who were you drawing? - he asked, going to the page I had just begun sketching.

- This? Nobody important. '

- You wouldn't have drawn his portrait then - he broke off a blade of grass and threw it at me.

I don't know why I started drawing Mr. Davis. Hell, I even started talking about him officially in my head, because there is no other way. He's so bloody tense and bloated for his age that I'm surprised his mother was still able to preach to him.

Nevertheless, he is intriguing and this is probably the reason why he took one of the pages of my sketchbook. His conversation with his mother about the fact that I would be a good candidate, I have no idea for what does not leave my head at all. I do not even delude myself that it was about something that would be related to working in the company. Although, maybe a cleaning lady also quit there?

- What's so funny? - I frowned and rose to a sitting position.

- You're in love.

- I've got enough to worry about!- I rolled my eyes, falling back on the blanket again. - This guy is my boss and I drew him because he was the only one that came to mind. If you like, you can draw a mustache or whatever for him there, because nothing compares to his serious expression in reality - I muttered.

- Such a young boss?

- Age says twenty-two and behavior forty-six. Although no, my dad can laugh sometimes.

- Relax, catch your breath - he laughed at my words. - It can't be as bad as you say.

- I would like Anthony - I muttered softly, reaching for my phone. - Shit, I have to go now, because I should be in the supermarket soon - I jumped to my feet and quickly grabbed my bag.

- I'll give you a ride.


- You look bad, Amelia - Eliza looked at me from under her long lashes as I barely picked up the water bucket.

- It's okay - I smiled gently and summoned the last of my strength to carry the bucket to the second floor.

I feel hopeless. Almost until two in the morning, I was sitting in the supermarket and laying out the goods, because it would give me a bonus. I don't remember the last time I was jumping on the shelves so much, but at this point, I can feel the result perfectly in my back and arms, which I don't have the strength to lift up. If all this was not enough, when I got home, it turned out that a pipe under the sink had broken and I had to call a plumber, otherwise I'd flood my neighbors. All in all, I went to bed at 6:30 and got up half an hour later to come here.

- Good morning - I nodded gently to Davison as he left his bedroom, and without even bothering to smile, I crouched down by the bucket and dipped a light cloth in the water. The sooner I finish, the sooner I get home to eat.

- Good morning, Miss Rosi - he muttered and passed me by accidentally nudging me.

This gentle blow was enough for me to stagger and fall down from my squat to my knees. I closed my eyes at the mere thought of how pathetic it must have looked when I landed with the cloth straight under his feet.

- You don't have to worry about that - he said, looking down at me with a ferocious smile.

Only when I lifted my head and on the way noticed that the button in his pants was unfastened, and the shirt was being buttoned, I understood what he meant. I leaned back as if I was burned, rolling my eyes in the process.

- It was inappropriate - I pointed out to him.

- You, Amelio, landed on your lap in front of me - he started buttoning up more buttons on his shirt.

- I don't remember us starting to call each other by name, Mr. Davison - I used his words.

- Fair point, Miss Rosi - he nodded and buttoned his pants, finally deciding to stay with his shirt tucked out.

I returned to the bucket, hoping he would go on doing what he was going to do, but he was still standing in the same spot, glancing at me now and then.

- I would also advise you to eat a wholesome breakfast before such physical exertion, otherwise, you will not last long with us - he said, simultaneously tying his tie.

- I don't want to be rude, but it was you who caused me to fall and didn't even say a silent sorry.

- You must be prepared for many situations in this house. First of all, you need to be more careful.

- Thank you for your valuable advice - I shot him a fake smile.

It is enough for the wife not to be close to him and he already considers it as permission to throw at his or her employees, in various ways.

- Hello, Eliza.

I breathed a sigh of relief when the woman was on the floor next to the brunet, freeing me from his net. However, I did not miss the sight of how he pulls the blonde to him and sticks to her lips regardless of my presence. I turned my back on them, pretending I didn't care and made another attempt in a row to do my job.

- Amelia, we would like to talk to you - I heard the woman's voice when she was already released by the brunet.

She heard my conversation with Davison and wants to fire me.

I took off my rubber gloves and followed her towards the living room, praying in my soul that my script would not come true. Not even a practice week had passed when I could screw up.

- Sit down - she gestured to the couch.

I followed her instructions and waited in silence for her to speak.

- We don't want to keep you in suspense any longer, Amelia. We know that you care a lot about this job, and the fact that you have no idea if you will prove yourself stresses you a lot, so I am pleased to announce that we are accepting you permanently - she said, smiling gently at me.

I parted my lips gently in delight, looking at her, then at the brunet, who by the way did not look as happy as the blonde. Without thinking, I jumped up from my seat and started hugging the woman as if she had just announced to me that I would be the president of their company.

- Thank you and I promise you that I will not disappoint you - I said and transferred my joy to the man I hugged briefly.

Shit, he smells sexy.

- Without unnecessary intimacy, Miss Rosi.

He brought me to the ground as his arms tightened at my touch. I quickly increased the distance between our bodies, muttering a soft apology under my breath.

I have this job!

The energy that I was missing ten minutes ago has returned to its place giving me a decent kick in the ass.

- I should be back to work by now - I said, unable to contain a smile.

Has anyone ever enjoyed the thought of cleaning floors and sorting their laundry as I did? Perhaps only I am so happy because with every second I feel closer to a new continent that I have never known and a new life.

- One more moment. Now we need to clarify a few rules - the man's voice stopped me in my place.

Oh, so there are some.

- It's time for me, you, my darling, take care of it - the blonde rose from the chair, and kissing the brunette briefly on the cheek, she headed for the exit.

- You already know that I do not tolerate lateness. The second, also important point - he pointed out, crossing his arms over his chest - Every conversation that takes place in this house stays between us, okay?

Did he feel stupid for his earlier text?

I nodded my head, never taking my eyes off him.

- When my parents come, you don't argue with them, that's not what you're here for - he said, walking around the table.

- And when will they ask me something?

- Then say you have to go back to work, simple - he shrugged, sitting down on the couch.

- That's all? - I asked as there was an awkward silence between us.

- I wasn't kidding about these breakfasts, Miss Rosi. If you don't eat properly, you can forget about working here. I don't want to hire someone who wants to destroy my young organism on my own - his low voice echoed through the living room.

- I eat breakfast, just today ... I had a rough night - I sighed, resigning from the detailed explanation.

- Do you have a partner? - On the face of the brunet automatically appeared a feisty smile.

- This is not important information - I said, knowing full well how he had interpreted my earlier answer.

Brunet got up from the couch and went to the large window. He rested his hands on the windowsill and looked silently for a moment at the yard.

- That is all? Can I go back to my job?

I took his lack of reply as permission and took small steps towards the stairs. He weird but bloody intriguing guy.