
Get stronger in the multiverse

This is my first novel and English isn’t my main language so I am really sorry if it’s hard to read. ——————————————————— this is story about Mc travel though the multiverse to get stronger and of course get harem. Mc wil have starter pack and the system will help mc when mc go to the world that have super power like give mana or something.But the main function will be travel through the anime verse. first word : high school of the dead second world : demon slayer third world : Mairimashita! Iruma-kun fourth world : Naruto

Over_Sleep · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 40 Training Students

-Moegi side-

"Well first let's go to a place that has water" I said.

"Yes Shiki NiiChan" Moegi replied.

Then we walk to the river in the forest.

"To train water release, let's you manipulate water through chakra first let's just create some wave and then try to shaping the water" I said.

"Yes, Shiki NiiChan!!" Moegi said loudly.

-Konohamaru side-

"You already seen rasengan right?" I asked.

"Yes, It's so cool and powerful" Konohamaru said with a smile.

"Rasengan is an A Rank jutsu that doesn't need hand seals. And If you want to master it you need to completed 3 steps" I explained and place the bag full of water balloons on ther floor.

"Why are you bring so much water balloons Shiki NiiChan" Konohamaru asked.

"It's the first step that you need to complete.First step is rotation.Use your chakra to pop this balloons by spinning your chakra.If you understand then go and train" I said.

"Yes,sir!!" Konohamaru responded.

-Hanabi side-

"Let us improved your eight trigrams thirty-two palms to sixty-four palm first and then I will help you train revolving heaven" I said.

"Yes,Shiki Nii" Hanabi said.

" First let's spar then" I said.

(Although Hanabi maybe not as talent as Neji,She is also genius. And with data from Neji and the analysis ability from Raphael. Mc can easily find a way to improve Hanabi technique)


"Why I need to catch the cat? It's so boring." Konohamaru complained.

"Don't complain too much. I also don't want to do it either" Hanabi said.

"Ma ma,take it easy both of you" Moegi said.

"Well It's a thing that you need to endure if you want to become a great ninja or Hokage, I also did this before" I said.

"Lets go to eat barbecue, my treat.Think of it as a celebration of completing your first mission"

"Yatta, Shiki NiiChan is the best" Konohamaru shouted excitedly.

"Thank you so much, Shiki NiiChan" Moegi said.

"Thanks" Hanabi said.

When we arrived at barbecue restaurant, we saw Hinata and friends.

"Hinata NeeChan!!" Hanabi called.

"Hanabi! Why are you here?" Hinata asked with a kind smile.

"Well Shiki Nii bring us to congulations our first mission" Hanabi said while pointed at my groups.

"" Hello Hinata NeeChan "" Konohamaru and Moegi said.

"Hello Hinata why don't you come and eat together with us?" I asked.

"Sorry but I need to go on mission so very sorry" Hinata said with red face.

"It's okay, Let's go together next time then" I said.

"Ok, Shiki Kun , Everyone bye bye " Hinata said and then walk away.

"Well let's go and eat" I said.

-One month later-

"All of you already made progress so I will give you a little present" I said.

"Whoa what it is?" Konohamaru said.

"Well you is a little special, this" I said while handed a free ramen coupon to Konohamaru.

"W..why" Konohamaru shocked.

"Let's talk about you two then. I will bring you to the summoning island to form a contract" I said.

"WOW" Moegi said.

"Is it okay? Shiki Nii" Hanabi asked.

"I already got permission from master so it's okay" I said.

"My second beast contract also came from this island so Are you ready?" I asked.

"" Yes "" Moegi and Hanabi replied.

"Why only me?" Konohamaru still shocked and look at a free ramen coupon.