
Get stronger in the multiverse

This is my first novel and English isn’t my main language so I am really sorry if it’s hard to read. ——————————————————— this is story about Mc travel though the multiverse to get stronger and of course get harem. Mc wil have starter pack and the system will help mc when mc go to the world that have super power like give mana or something.But the main function will be travel through the anime verse. first word : high school of the dead second world : demon slayer third world : Mairimashita! Iruma-kun fourth world : Naruto

Over_Sleep · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 27 Competition and New world

( Alice height is 178 cm

Amelie height is 190 cm

Our mc is about 190.5 cm like gojo )

"Here's you school bag Shiki-Sama" Opera-San said and hand my bag time.

"Thank you so much. Opera-San" I said while put my back in my inventory.

Then Gramps driving me at school with carriage.

My days in this world passed like this.

Join classes.

Play with Alice and Clara.

Spend time with Amelie.

Practice magics with gramps.

Spar with Opera-San.

'Hah such a comfortable times.

I also participated in 'Cannon Ball Execution'

Well like original I and Alice is on the opposite side.

Well I just waited until there only me and Alice. Then I used ribera to wiped him out and successfull ranked up to rank 4 'Daleth' (He's control his power so Alic didn't hurt much. well I mean Raphael.)

And about divisions. I declined Amelie offer to join student council and create new club with Clara and Alice.

And then time passed and the divisions competition begin.

I decide to make Sakura tree at that day and now we create fire works by using the book I brings from high school of the dead world.

The division's competition come. We have many visitors. I also invited Amelie to come. I have to say her red face is very cute.

We chat a little and watch fire works together then she goes back to work.

The villains plan to destroy the festival but Gramps come and help everyone.

When I see this I think Gramps is really powerful.

At last we win the competition and I ranked up to rank 5 'HE'

After that sometimes passed And I decided to go to one of my favorite world.

'Raphael I want to go to Naruto world'

'Timeline I want to go is when Naruto about to enter school. And I want to be the same age as him'

[Okay, host 3…2…1.. Good luck host]

When I open my eyes I am in the house but didn't saw anyone.

[Download and Transfer identity to the host]

'So, I am an orphan.This is also my parents house. My parents both are commoner ninja. My mother and father is chunin'

I think and go to looks at the scrolls that my parents in this world keep it.


'Basics of Charkra'

'Transformation Jutsu'

'Shadow clone Jutsu'

'Body Flicker Jutsu '

'Substitution Jutsu'

'Tree Climbing Practice'

'Water Surface Walking Practice'

'Lightning Release : Lightning Ball'

'Wind Release: Gale Plam'

'Wind Release : Great Breakthrough'

So It's all basic jutsu and the elemental jutsu is all c-rank huh"

'It's seem like one of my parents has lightning affinity and other has wind affinity'

'But what about me'

[Because your magic powers awaken by me. You have all affinities, Host]

'That great,I also didn't need to use hand seal with Raphael helped but it will be too strange for others.

After that I read all of my parents scrolls and notes then Raphael analysis it and now I complete master them.

'Now It's time for open gift pack' I think.

'Raphael open my gift pack'
