
Who is Mentari?

Fic stepped into the Finance Director's room. He could see Rafael who was focused on his laptop.

Hearing footsteps, Rafael turned his head. He immediately stood up when he saw Fic coming.

"Fico. Why are you here? I can come to your room, so you don't have to bother This."

Fic didn't answer. He pulled out another chair and sat opposite Rafael. For a moment he stared at Rafael. Actually, this Fic's cousin's name is Mahendra Adreno. But he had a childhood nickname from his late grandmother, Rafael.

"How? Are you having trouble?"

"Of course not. Hum... Have you checked my work today?" Fic just nodded.

"Is there a mistake?" Rafael asked again and sat back down.

"Not so far. But I don't know what the future holds. So you better be careful if you want to work here longer."

Rafael nodded, he knew that Fic was not someone who easily trusted anyone. Moreover, Rafael really knows how their family relationship has not been good for a long time. But Rafael's current presence actually means good things. Rafael wants to make their broken family relationship harmonious again.

Although initially he did not agree with his father's wishes, who forced him to join the Galaxy Group Company. Rafael then agreed without paying attention to his father's real plan. His only wish is to restore good relations between his family and Fic...

"Rafael. There's something I want to ask." The fic then stops. Fic thought this would be ridiculous. He shouldn't ask about Rafael and Erina's past relationship. Meanwhile, Rafael himself was quite surprised by Fic's call just now. Fic doesn't usually call him that

little nickname.

"You called me Rafael?" Then

Rafael chuckled. He looks happy.

"What do you want to ask? Just ask. I'll answer."

"Just forget it." Standing fic.

"Just do a good job. That's all." Fic

then left Rafael's room. In the afternoon, Erina returned home. He hasn't seen Fic yet. Then asked Melan. Melan said that Fic hadn't come home yet.

Erina just took a breath, asked Melan to just get out and leave her alone.

Then Erina went to take a shower. Just as he finished showering, Fic entered the room.

"You're home?" Erina turned and

ask. Fic just smiled faintly and nodded. Fic took off his shoes, he glanced at Erina's face

who looked gloomy, Erina's hair still looked wet and dripping with water. Then after cleaning yourself Fic

approached Erina who was sitting on the edge of the bed. Erina looks gloomy while holding a towel.

"Why have you gone to work? You're still not well."

Erina looked up. Fic's question sounded like he was concerned about her.

"It's okay. I've recovered. I have a lot of work to finish today."

Fic just nodded. "This morning, sorry. I was in a hurry. And I thought you didn't want to work yet. So I didn't wait for you to wake up."

"Nothing." Erina just answered that.

"Your hair is still wet." Fic took the towel from Erina's hand and stroked her hair.

"You'll get sick again at this rate. I'll help you dry it."

"I can do my own fic." Erina is interesting

his body to move further away. But Fic held Erina's hand.

"It doesn't matter." Fic continued his work gently stroking his hair Erina with a towel. Erina just looked down, letting Fic dry her hair.

"Fic, can I ask you something?" Erina while glancing at Fic. Fic nodded his head.

"Who is Mentari?"

Hearing questions from Erina, Fic Stopped his hand. Fic took a deep breath.

"This has been completed." Fic stand and put towel in place.

"Have you eaten? If not, I'll tell Melan to prepare it." "I've already eaten." Erina quickly answered.

"Okay. Then, go to sleep. I have work to finish. I'll go to my study first." Fic stepped out.

Erina was just silent. It seems that Fic is very sensitive when Erina mentions Mentari's name. Is my question so presumptuous?

Erina just wants to know who Mentari is. This doesn't mean you want to interfere in Fic's personal affairs. Isn't she his wife now? What's wrong if she wants to know who Mentari is, the name her husband mentioned in his sleep? Erina lay down on the bed.

His thoughts drifted.

Sun. Erina was really curious. But he felt guilty because he had been presumptuous in asking Fic about that.

Then he turned his thoughts to his father who was currently in a coma in the hospital.

Fic is in his office which is not far from Kamanya. Fic doesn't do anything other than sit staring at the photo of a little girl in his hand.

Fic's heart is so restless. That was enough for him happy with Erina's presence. But lately, every time he sees Erina, Fic is reminded of Mentari. Every time he is near Erina, he continues to be haunted by guilt.

Moreover, Erina's question was, what should she explain to Erina about Mentari. Mentari is not his lover. But it's his fiancé. His fiancé already has none . Then Erina will be sad if she finds out Fic's reason for marrying her. Because Fic feels that Erina is similar to Mentari. There is excessive fear in Fic's heart. Afraid Erina would leave him if she knew the reason. This fic.

"I'm sorry. One day I will tell Erina about who

yourself. Don't be sad, Mentari. I think Erina is a good girl like you. You can definitely see, his eyes and smile are exactly the same as yours." Until midnight, the new Fic returned to room. Looking at Erina who was asleep in her usual hugging blanket position.

Fic approached to adjust the blanket. He looked at Erina's face quite well old.

The longer he stared at Erina, the more it made Fic remember Mentari. Fic then decided to just go sleep on the sofa.

In the morning, Erina woke up first. He saw Fic sleeping on the sofa. Erina was stunned for a moment.

'He got really angry at me just because I asked who Mentari was.'

Mentari must be a very important person to Fic, to the point where Fic really is offended when he asked who

Mentari. Erina thought so.

Erina glanced at her cell phone which was ringing. He quickly moved away and answered the call from his boss. Then after finishing answering the call, Erina was in a hurry to go shower and get ready for the Television Station. He turned to Fic who was standing looking at him.

"Fic. I have to leave early in the morning. Today I am going to city B for an interview."

Fic was quite surprised to hear that. "To city B? It's quite far from here."

"Yeah. But it can't be helped. This is my job. So we'll probably stay there." Erina finished speaking and immediately grabbed Fic's hand and kissed him.

"I'm leaving, okay? About my question last night, I'm sorry. If you mind, I won't ask again."

"I'll take you. You can have breakfast first while you wait for me to finish showering." Fic held Erina's wrist.

"No need. I'm in a hurry." Erina withdrew her hand.

"Then let the driver take you."

"No need for fics. I'm used to it alone. So don't worry."

Hearing Erina's speech, Fic's heart felt sliced.

'Are you used to being alone? But isn't it?

now you shouldn't be alone anymore? I'm Erina. But I'm useless.’

"Fic." Erina called Fic who was silent.

"Ah yes. Alright. Be careful. When you get there, please give me news."

Erina nodded and stepped forward. "Erina."

Erina stopped her steps and turned around.

"If anything happens, you can tell me immediately. Don't hesitate."

"Yes. Thank you."

"And, I'm sorry if I can't tell you about Who Mentari is."

Erina smiled. "It's okay. I'm the one apologizing. I shouldn't have been so impudent about interfering in your personal affairs."

"Not like that, but,"

"Ah, okay. I'll be late. I'm leaving, okay?" Erina stepped out like.

At a glance, Fic can capture Erina's anxious face. Fic really feels guilty. Fic snorted alone, only able to stare at Erina's lost back door.