
Get home safe

1# book hopefully

JaMarion_Turney · Fantasy
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18 Chs

No more safe part #13

Dear reader,

I am writing to you in a state of desperation and fear. My name is Maria Sanchez, a mother from New York, and I am seeking your help in finding my missing son.

My heart is heavy and my mind is racing with worry and anxiety. You see, my son, Carlos, was kidnapped yesterday from our home in California. He was a bright and kind boy, just 17 years old, with his whole life ahead of him. And now, he is gone without a trace.

It was just a regular day for us, or so I thought. Carlos had just returned from school and was in his room, probably playing video games. I was in the kitchen, preparing dinner, when I heard the doorbell ring. I went to answer it, thinking it was a delivery or a neighbor. But to my horror, I saw two masked men standing outside, holding Carlos at gunpoint.

They barged into our home, pushing me to the ground, and grabbed Carlos. I screamed for help, but no one came. They ransacked our house, taking anything of value and then, they left with my son. I called the police immediately, but it has been 9 hours since then and there is still no sign of my son.

As I sat in the police station, waiting for any news about my son, I heard a familiar name being mentioned – Alejandro Ramirez. He was a private investigator, known for his expertise in kidnapping cases. I remembered reading an article about him in the newspaper, where he had solved a similar case and reunited a mother with her daughter.

With a glimmer of hope, I decided to reach out to him for help. But before I could, I received a message on my phone from an unknown number. It read, "No more Safe. My son is from California, and he won't answer. Help us." I knew it was from Carlos. I tried calling the number back, but it was disconnected. My heart sank. My son was in danger and there was no way for me to reach him.

But then, a few minutes later, I received another message, "I heard Alejandro Ramirez's story, and I really need help. My son has been missing for 9 hours. Help before they kill him." It was clear to me that someone was watching us, someone who knew about Alejandro and could help us. I immediately searched for Alejandro's contact information and called him.

To my relief, he answered; and I explained everything to him. He agreed to take on the case and asked me to meet him at his office the next morning. Without any hesitation, I left the police station and drove to his office.

Alejandro was a tall and serious-looking man, with piercing blue eyes. He listened intently to my story and asked me to give him all the details I could remember. I told him about the masked men, their accents, and the messages from my son. But what caught his attention was the mention of the name "No more Safe".

He asked me if I had any idea who could be behind this. I told him that my husband had received some threats from a man named Javier Martinez, a local gang leader. We had reported it to the police, but nothing had come of it. Alejandro made a mental note of it and told me that he would look into it.

Alejandro started his investigation immediately and assured me that he would do everything in his power to find my son. He arranged for me to stay in a nearby hotel and said he would update me with any news. I was grateful for his help and felt a sense of hope that I hadn't felt in a long time.

Days went by, and there was still no progress in finding my son. Alejandro was constantly in touch with me, providing updates and assuring me that he was doing everything he could. I couldn't thank him enough for his dedication and commitment to finding my son.

And then, one day, I received a call from Alejandro. He told me that he had located my son and that he was safe. Tears of joy streamed down my face as I rushed to the location he had given me.

When I reached the address, I saw Carlos sitting on a park bench, looking tired but safe. I ran towards him and hugged him tightly. He told me that he had managed to escape from the kidnappers and had been hiding ever since. He was able to send me those messages because he had taken one of their phones. I couldn't believe that my son was back in my arms, thanks to Alejandro.

I later found out that the mastermind behind the kidnapping was indeed Javier Martinez. He had heard about my husband's plans to testify against him and wanted to send a message by taking our son. But with Alejandro's clever and swift actions, he was able to track down the kidnappers and bring them to justice.

I will forever be grateful to Alejandro for his help in finding my son. He truly is a hero in my eyes, and I will always remember his bravery and determination in solving this case. My son is now back home, safe and sound – and I will never take his safety for granted again.

In a world where danger lurks at every corner, we can never be too safe. But one thing is for sure, with people like Alejandro Ramirez out there, willing to help and protect, there is always hope.


Maria Sanchez.