

"Don't touch me, please. I don't like being touched." "So what, you think you're untouchable?" "I ain't never said it like that, but if you want a reasonable reason, then yea. I'm untouchable!" Dean Park has never been one for physical contact. He hated the thought of being touched by another person. Why you may ask, is because Dean is a Germophobic. Meaning he hated germs and anything disgusting to the extreme. Especially when it came to people, most disease packing creatures exist. To the people that knew Dean personally, they described him as an Untouchable person.

Fujoshi_Queen · Urban
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2 Chs


"Stop, we can't do this. It's gross; I wouldn't say I like it or this, please, Zo!" I plead with the male before me who stares down at me, his gaze filled with greedy intent. I could feel my face becoming warm, and I was disgusted by the sudden aching sensation in my pants.

I'm genuinely disgusting as I allow him to take control once more. My mind and morals are begging for me to stop this atrocious act, but the sound of my heart throbbing makes me continue.

"Hahaha! You're adorable," his deep voice whispers into my ear, sending sharp shivers throughout my body. My face beat red as I turn away, allowing him access to my neck space. Ooh no, I want to moan out as his teeth graze my soft spot. "Liar!" I manage to breathe out, and he chuckles, continuing what he was doing.

How cruel and how disgusting I am.