
A normal morning for me

I wake up sweating from my reoccurring nightmare after screaming and crying, It's 2 A.M.

"Great, now I'm gonna be super tired again at school." I say to my self, as I start making coffee. I turn on music, to calm me down after my nightmare, it always helps. I hear my coffee machine ding, and I grab the cup and happily sip the coffee while listening to TOP - Ride. I finish my coffee and decide to draw something draw before getting ready for school at 5 a.m., it's currently 3:30 a.m. I start drawing a chibi version of (insert favorite band here). I look up and see it's almost 7. "Crap, I'm gonna be late." I hurry and grab my green day band t-shirt, a pair of black ripped jeans, And black converse. I quickly style my scene looking hair, and grab my backpack and head out the door.