
Genus Ad Divinitatem

So painful were those moments When the earth shook and the seas rose How cheerful life could stand still As though everything was killed All the happiness gone once for all That seemed to me a painful fall Everything I knew wiped away All I could hear was the deafening silence All I could feel was emptiness As if everything was shrouded in darkness All I could hear was my sister crying in madness Adapted from Farah Sherazi's Destruction, Death and Decay.

Yamaguchi03 · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Chapter 5: Trouble Escaping(2)

Commander Carol standing atop the destroyer ship looking through her binoculars said to Vice-Admiral Rowland behind her, "It looks like Jack, your archnemesis, should I take him on or will you?" Vice-Admiral answered with a sneer, "It's not like you can beat him, he was strong enough to escape from me the two times that we've met but I'm not letting him escape this time, I want you to capture the other two people on his boat alive."

Vice-Admiral Rowland spoke with a booming and loud voice, "I've been tracking you all over since you escaped from me last time dirty vampire but fret not, because today is your doomsday."

Vice Admiral Rowland clapped his hands and said, "Thunder bolt." A very loud and booming sound directly hit Jack's boat capable of destroying their eardrums making them lose their sense of hearing and balance.

Prior to the "thunder bolt" attack, Jack had warned everyone on the boat to protect themselves with their powers and they should board the destroyer ship to attack the Vice Admiral because their boat cannot withstand a battle at their level. Jack ran with a super speed that can't be seen with the ordinary eyes while carrying Charlotte, boarded the destroyer ship and swung Charlotte towards the Vice-Admiral. Most naval officers on the boat was at least a level one superhuman of the lesser pathways. Jack ran through all three of them on the deck reducing them to pile of flesh and blood. Jack was so fast no one the ship could react on time, he then summoned chains which were darker than the night to tie up the Vice-Admiral. Charlotte still in mid-air gathered her cosmic powers and formed a lightening spear. She launched the lightening spear at the Vice-Admiral at the precise moment he was tied up by the dark chains. The lightening spear hit the Vice-Admiral with the power of a shotgun blast at point blank range. Jack smiled at the Vice-Admiral and said, "Looks like your time is up, Rowland." Suddenly, Jack had a dangerous premonition and screamed at Charlotte, "RUN." The lightening spear hit the Vice-Admiral only for them to realise it was an illusion. Of course, Commander Carol is a superhuman of the illusory pathway and she always accompany Vice-Admiral Rowland, how could they forget about her?

Vice-Admiral Rowland hiding less than ten meters away from Charlotte looked dead at Charlotte and said, "Lightening fury." Twenty one lightening bolts each with a power of Glock 19 struck Charlotte. She perished right in mid air before she hit the ground. Riding on the powerful momentum he has gathered from killing a level 2 cosmic superhuman, the Vice-Admiral proceeded to summon a lightening storm to wipe out Jack who had transformed into fourteen bats trying to escape. The lightening storm incapable of distinguishing enemies and friends struck the naval officers attempting to participate in the battle killing them in the process. The lightening storm wiped out all the bats. The Vice-Admiral looked up to the sky with a satisfied grin on his mouth and said, "Looks like I'm the strongest this world has to offer."

Jack's not dead

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