
Genus Ad Divinitatem

So painful were those moments When the earth shook and the seas rose How cheerful life could stand still As though everything was killed All the happiness gone once for all That seemed to me a painful fall Everything I knew wiped away All I could hear was the deafening silence All I could feel was emptiness As if everything was shrouded in darkness All I could hear was my sister crying in madness Adapted from Farah Sherazi's Destruction, Death and Decay.

Yamaguchi03 · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Chapter 15: The Divides

It was late at night before Raziel woke up. He had no idea what the time and death was. He got up from the bed and looked around his new room. He guessed he won't be staying here for a long time since they were going to the capital. He had never been to the capital before. Nicaorh as a country was only created after the disaster so the capital was a new one. It was named Babylon.

He walked across the room to the bathroom which also contained a toilet with it. There was a towel lying over the door to the bathroom. He removed his sea stained clothes and threw them into a waste bin. He stood under the shower and opened it. He started to wash himself up. He wanted to just stay under the shower and himself away from the world but hunger pangs hit him hard.

He left the bathroom and wondered what he was going to wear. He noticed the wardrobe and tried it open. It was filled with different clothes. He picked up a boxer shorts, a polo shirt, a baggy jeans and closed the wardrobe. He wore the clothes and left the bedroom.

Raziel met Betty lying on a sofa in the sitting room watching the TV. He walked up to her, "What are you doing?"

Betty continued watching the TV, "What does it look like I'm doing? The Vice-Admiral doesn't care what we do as long as we don't enter his room. I only need to place his food at the set time at the door of his room."

Raziel was surprised. Every person he had come across fears Vice-Admiral Rowland. This maid doesn't appear to be scared of him, "I am hungry, do you have anything that I can eat?"

"Go to the dining table and serve yourself." Betty said.

Raziel walked to the dining room to see two flasks on the dining table. He picked a plate from the dining table and opened one of the flasks on the table. It was filled with hot slices of yam. He emptied the flask into his plate. He opened the other flask and saw that it was filled with fried eggs with two fist sized pieces of meat. He turned the contents of the flask over into his plate. He picked up his plate and carried a jar of water along to sit on a sofa in the sitting room. He started to eat.

Betty looked at him, "Superhumans need to eat to survive like any other animal and you can obtain energy by eating foods filled with high nutrients. Since the release of Mojo after the disaster, it's not only humans and animals that benefited. Even plants have become more nutritious."

Raziel was confused, "What is Mojo?"

Betty said with a look of understanding, "You were on the sea so you probably couldn't watch the news." She sat upright on the sofa, "The three world government have come to an agreement to have a common name for the Electromagnetic energy released into earth after the disaster."

She paused for a dramatic effect, "They call it Mojo." She was disappointed to see her pause did not have the desired outcome.

Raziel asked with a blank face, "Why Mojo? It sounds very dumb."

Betty gave a snappy remark, "I don't know. Maybe you should ask them."

The room was silent for a while with only the sound of Raziel munching on his food filling the air. Betty could not bear the silence, "You know, there are other things the three government agreed on."

Raziel reluctantly parted from the piece of meat in his mouth, "Really? What are those?" It was better for him to be friends with someone who cooks a great meal like this and she seems to know a lot too.

Betty appeared to be excited to have someone to talk to, "They agreed their ten levels of power with each three level being a great divide. The first divide being level 1 to 3. The second divide is from level 4 to 6 and those in this divide will be called Beta superhumans. The third divide is level 7 to 9 and people in this divide are to be called Alpha. The last level is level 10 and it is the level of a god. They have no name for it yet. They also chose not to name the first divide because they felt it wasn't worth it. Transition to a higher divide leads to a qualitative transformation of your power."

Raziel looked at her and asked, "Are you a superhuman?"

Betty was amused, "Do you think an ordinary maid could work for Vice-Admiral Rowland."

Raziel was temporarily disgusted by her but he quickly hid it. She must have also taken a potion made of superhumans but it's not like she knows it. Still he couldn't help but be repulsed. He mentally reminded himself that at some point he would refine a superhuman's head to advance because he promised himself to do anything to survive. As the thought flashed through his head, he felt an uncontrollable urge to vomit. He ran to his room and vomited in the toilet.

Betty wondered if it was her food that upset his stomach. Maybe he was allergic to some ingredients she had put in the food. She threw the thought into the back of her head and continued watching the TV.