
Chapter Twenty

Su Xia got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, she saw her eyes were red. After washing up, she opened the door and exclaimed, "Oh!" as she saw Xia Tian standing outside.

Xia Tian stared straight at Su Xia. She turned her head, but Xia Tian continued to stare.

Annoyed, Su Xia said, "Can't you make a sound when you stand there? You scared me." She pushed Xia Tian aside and walked towards the bedroom.

Xia Tian followed her into the bedroom. Su Xia turned around and shouted, "Didn't you go to the bathroom? Why are you following me? Get out!" She pointed to the bathroom door.

Ignoring Su Xia's words, Xia Tian lifted his hand and pointed at Su Xia's swollen eyes, his gaze fixed on them.

Su Xia touched her eyes and said, "It's nothing, just didn't sleep well last night. Don't bother me, go out."

Xia Tian turned and left.

Su Xia sighed, closed the door, and lay down on the bed. Just as she lay down, there was a knock on the door.

Su Xia got up slowly to open the door, squinting. She said, "What's the matter now? Let me sleep a bit longer, okay?"

After hearing Su Xia, Xia Tian quickly handed her the notebook. Su Xia stepped back, squinting to read. It said, "I heard you crying last night for a long time. Why were you crying?"

"I'm fine, just miss my dad," Su Xia paused and added, "Do you have something else?"

Xia Tian nodded quickly and wrote, "You haven't eaten yet. Eat first and then sleep."

"I don't want to eat now, I just want to sleep," Su Xia said, and then she closed the door with a bang.

Xia Tian hesitated whether to ask again, but the door suddenly opened. Su Xia said solemnly, "Don't knock on my door again! I'll beat you!" She raised her fist and gestured towards Xia Tian.

Xia Tian nodded quickly and stepped back.

Su Xia glared at him, then closed the door firmly.

Feeling aggrieved, Xia Tian sat at the dining table and put the notebook on the table, with the page showing: "I made a sandwich."

He picked up a sandwich he had made earlier from a TV show, took a bite, nodded in approval, thinking the taste was okay, but the fried egg was too tender. He made a mental note to fry it longer next time.

After finishing his own sandwich and cleaning up the dishes, he noticed that the sandwich he had made for Su Xia, which had been left on the table, had also cooled down. He picked up the plate and put it in the refrigerator.

Looking around, he started to clean up the house.

Su Xia emerged from the bedroom, already nearly noon. She saw the sofa in the living room neatly arranged, and everything on the TV cabinet and coffee table, as well as the floor, was spotless and tidy. Su Xia wondered if she was hallucinating and called out, "Xia Tian."

There was no answer. She heard some noise from the bathroom, so she walked over. The door wasn't tightly closed, and through the crack, she saw Xia Tian washing clothes in the sink. Su Xia pushed open the door and walked in.

Hearing the sound, Xia Tian turned around and saw Su Xia. He immediately smiled at her and then continued washing clothes.

Su Xia looked at him and then at the washing machine behind her. She asked, "Isn't there a washing machine?"

Xia Tian didn't turn around, just shook his head.

"You don't want to use it? Handwashing is so tiring," Su Xia said.

Xia Tian shook his head again.

Suspiciously, Su Xia looked at his back and said, "Don't tell me you don't know how to use it?"

This time, Xia Tian didn't shake his head, but nodded.

"No way!" Su Xia looked surprised and said, "I really can't imagine what you were like before you lost your memory."

Su Xia picked up the clothes and turned around, saying, "Come, I'll teach you."

She told him which buttons to press, how much clothes to put in, and how much detergent to use.

When Xia Tian picked up the last piece of clothing from the clothes rack, Su Xia immediately snatched it away and hid it behind her, blushing and saying, "I can wash this one myself."

Xia Tian finally saw that Su Xia had snatched a light purple bra. His face instantly turned red.

"Could you please step out for a moment?" Su Xia said shyly.

Embarrassed, Xia Tian walked out of the bathroom.

Soon after, Su Xia came out, looking natural as if her shyness had disappeared.

Su Xia sat on the sofa, playing with her phone. She heard Xia Tian's footsteps and said seriously, "I'll pay you for your work! The house is very clean. I'll pay you monthly, so keep track of it yourself."

Xia Tian sat down next to Su Xia with a plate of sandwiches and placed it in front of her.

Su Xia was even more surprised and said, "Did you make this?" Xia Tian nodded firmly.

After finishing the sandwich, Su Xia praised Xia Tian.