
Chapter Eighteen

Su Xia walked into the residential area, carrying bags of groceries, passing by the security booth.

The security guard, an elderly man, called out to Su Xia. In a gentle tone, he said, "Xiao Xia, off work?"

"Yeah, Uncle Li. Have you had tea?"

"Yes, Xiao Xia, it's been a while since I've seen you. Here, your mom sent this for you," he said, handing Su Xia a thermos. "Your mom came when you weren't home. She asked me to keep an eye out for you and give it to you when I saw you."

"Thank you, Uncle Li. I'll have tea with you another day."

"Sure, go back quickly."

Su Xia bid farewell to Uncle Li and walked, pondering why there was someone at home but no one had knocked on the door. The more she thought about it, the more puzzled she became, and she quickened her pace.

"Deng deng," a series of footsteps echoed in the corridor. Su Xia arrived at the door, first putting down the bags in her hands, then taking out the keys from her pocket to open the door. As soon as the door opened, Xia Tian was standing at the doorway like a wall, which really startled Su Xia, causing her to scream, "Ah!" and cover her chest. She said, "What are you doing standing here? You scared me. Move aside!" She pushed Xia Tian and went inside after taking off her shoes.

Xia Tian followed behind, carrying the bags into the house.

As soon as she closed the door, she heard a sound from the living room, "Oh!" Xia Tian hurried over.

Su Xia had a surprised expression as she looked at a "castle" style LEGO toy. Excitedly, she turned to Xia Tian and asked, "Did you make this?"

Xia Tian put the things in the kitchen and walked out, nodding to Su Xia.

"How did you do it? I haven't been able to assemble it since I bought it. I couldn't find the instructions, so I gave up."

Su Xia excitedly circled around the "castle" LEGO toy. She said, "I can't believe it. You can do it even without instructions!"

Xia Tian just kept smiling at Su Xia, his eyes filled with tenderness.

Then Xia Tian seemed to remember something and handed Su Xia the notebook he used to write in every time.

Su Xia then shifted her gaze to the notebook and took it, reading what was written: "At 5:45, a middle-aged woman came. I saw her through the peephole. She claimed to be your mother. I wasn't sure, so I didn't open the door or say anything. In the end, she knocked a few times and left."

"No wonder!" Su Xia threw the notebook onto the sofa and continued looking at the "castle" LEGO toy, muttering, "Tomorrow, I'll buy a transparent box for my 'castle' and put it inside! I'll put it in the most prominent place," she said, pointing to the shelf on the TV wall.

Xia Tian didn't quite understand, so he wanted to take the notebook, but Su Xia stood up and said, "Let's go, let's eat first, and we can admire it later." She walked towards the kitchen.

Su Xia sat at the dining table and instructed Xia Tian, "Take a plate and pour out the dumplings from the thermos."

Xia Tian brought two plates of dumplings.

"Eat up. My mom made them, and they're delicious."

Xia Tian looked up at Su Xia.

"Eat! I know what you're going to say. The person who came this afternoon was my mom," Su Xia paused and added, "She doesn't live here. She has her own home."

Suddenly, Su Xia seemed to lose her appetite. She put down her chopsticks, stood up, and said to Xia Tian, "You eat. I'm tired. I'm going to bed. Finish everything, don't leave anything!"

Without giving Xia Tian a chance to reply, she turned and walked away. Suddenly, she turned back and said, "Remember to take out the things from the bag and put them in the fridge."

As she passed by the sofa, she picked up her laptop and walked into the bedroom.

Sitting on the bed, leaning against the headboard, a warm tear fell on her hand. She stopped typing on the keyboard, raised her hand to wipe away the tears on her face, and turned to look at the dark sky, where a few dim stars hung, appearing lonely and sad.

Su Xia's choked voice sounded, "Dad, are you okay where you are? I miss you. And... she came again today. I won't forgive her."

Seven years ago, Su Xia had just come back from school and was about to use her key to open the door.

"Deng deng," the neighbor, Auntie Li, ran over and grabbed Su Xia, saying loudly, "Xiao Xia, hurry! Go to the hospital. Your father is in critical condition."