
Genshin Isekai But We Screwed Up The Plot

"I opened my eyes on that beach, the one I remember having seen before when I started playing, but the memories were gone, coming back only after I was done with main events. Strangely enough, I had some strong hunches that lingered about as warnings. The rest is history. This story... even my wildest dreams couldn't have prepared me."

TQXP · Video Games
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38 Chs

The Darkness Spoke Back

His blade fell, shattering the stone tablet.

Suddenly, Ras snapped out of it, looking at Mark as if he had awoken from a deep sleep.

"Mark, just what the fuck was I doing?"

Mark chuckled, glancing over at the stone pieces.

"You, my friend, were about to lose yourself."

Mark helped him up to his feet, looking over at the small glimmer of light that was flying around. Slowly, it was fading, and Mark could hear a little voice speak with them.

"Thank you for freeing me..." 

The voice faded into nothingness, along with the remnants of light that represented it. Like a dying star, its light finally faded from the world.

Soon, the room began cracking around them. Large cracks formed in the walls and the floor, growing rapidly as the realm began to shatter.

"Well, I'm not sure how we should get out, but either way, this place is going down. No matter what, walk back to where we came from, away from the darkness." said Mark, his voice unwavering as they both began falling into the darkness. Somehow, he could see Ras perfectly, despite there being no light. Nothing remained, not even the rooms they arrived in.

The whispers were gone, and one single voice spoke—something ancient, something older than time itself.

"You dare show your face in here?"

Ras could feel the hair rise on his whole body, each and every fiber of his being shaking. Mark stared off into the darkness, as if he could see where the voice was coming from.

"This sure was unexpected. Still, I shouldn't be amazed that the plot is not the same. We sure screwed up the plot in this genshin isekai, right?"

He played the drum sound in his mind, the one associated with dumb jokes. Still, part of him was afraid, but he didn't yield to that side, no. He clung on to God, shouting into the darkness.

"Show yourself!" 

The voice laughed, the sound of its voice like iron scratching iron, crackling fire echoing into eternity.

"Ever so impatient...humans, truly a wonder of The Creator...lucky you, I can't keep you here any longer... enjoy your reward, ungrateful runts..." 

And so, both Mark and Ras felt their vision blurry as they blacked out.


Ras opened his eyes in the same dark room he had vanished into. Besides him, Mark laid on the floor, flat on his stomach. Somewhat afraid, he nudged Mark a little, to which Mark was quick to leap on his feet and flail a few punches out. To his surprise, Ras felt like he saw which hand Mark would move before he did so.

Mark stopped throwing punches as he saw Ras get up, releasing a heavy breath.

"Phew, this was quite the ride," chuckled Mark, looking over at Ras as they both began making their way out.

"It sure was. I do wonder what reward he spoke about."

Mark nodded, thinking about it as they began ascending.

"I guess we'll figure it out at some point, but I'm not sure exactly when."

A while of silence followed as both tried to sort through their thoughts. Mark kept thinking about their supposed prize, while Ras was focused on trying to remember what he had read on the stone tablet. For some odd reason, he couldn't recall anything related to that.

As Mark peeked out, he saw the setting sun in the distance. He waited for Ras to step out before asking for a hand. Without even saying anything, he prompted Ras to help him carry a large piece of debree, which he calmly threw at the trapdoor, shattering it in the hopes that no one would bother to check.

"Just in case, my dude," said Mark as he smacked his palms together.

"Well, we did finish our job in here, so how about we go back?"

Ras nodded before walking outside, with Mark following closely. As they walked, Mark couldn't shake off the feeling that something was watching them. He turned around, only to notice a shadow standing behind them.

"What the fuck!?" yelled out Mark as he grabbed his sword, cutting through the shadow, only for it to reform.

Ras turned as well, rubbing his eyes before taking another look. He even pinched himself just to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

"You rejected the knowledge... broken the curse you have... I bestow upon you... freedom of mind..." 

Before they knew it, the shadow touched their foreheads, a faint light glimmering before it took its arms away. At first, everything seemed normal before they looked around once more. Around them, everything moved in a certain order, and they could notice things they hadn't before. As the shadow moved, both were sure of one thing: they could see the smallest of movements it made. It tried to punch Mark, who managed to dodge and punch through it before its arm could even extend properly.

"It is yours. Thank you for freeing us..." 

With that, the shadow was gone, and both of them had more questions than answers.

"Dude..." spoke Mark, his voice lingering about, "this is FUCKING AWESOME!"

He went for a high five, which they nailed in terms of precision.

"How do you even explain this? I just feel like my mind and reflexes are going crazy right now!" exclaimed Ras, moving around a bit as if getting used to his body.

"I don't care, my guy, but this should remain our little secret for now. Until a certain time comes, let's just go with the flow."

Mark stretched his legs a bit before taking off, but this time Ras was quick to notice what he wanted to do. They both ran all the way to Mondstadt, and Ras couldn't help but notice that Mark's breathing was off.

"Are you alright? Your breathing seems off."

Mark nodded, his face slightly red from the effort.

"I'm fine; don't worry."

They ran through the gates, the guards barely able to mutter something. Mark headed straight for the Adventurers' Guild, giving them his map and the other ustensils they handed him. Katheryne checked the map before nodding, handing him his reward.

Mark thanked her, not even checking the bag, running back to Ras, who was sitting on the edge of the fountain.

"Well, shall we head back to the building of the Knights of Favonius?"

Mark looked back at the sky, noticing the moon rising slowly. The streets were rather empty, his eyes looking around with a different intensity. He noticed a man dressed in black move through the dark alleys, and Mark tried to hold back a chuckle.

Ras lazily got up, feeling a bit tired. They both walked to the headquarters, enjoying a light stroll through the newly arrived night. They walked inside, taking a good look at the empty hallway. As they began climbing the stairs, Mark heard someone call out for him.


He turned around, noticing Jean peeking out through her office's door.

"Where have you been all day? We were starting to get worried."

Mark chuckled, handing Ras his claymore, who carried it in his arms.

"Good night, Mark. Make sure to not be too loud with it."

Mark nearly cussed him out as Jean put on a confused face.

"Be loud with what exactly?"

Mark blushed slightly as he frantically shook his head.

"Nothing, nothing; go back in your office."

Jean opened the door, motioning for Mark to go inside, which he did after taking a deep breath.

"So, care to explain where you vanished all day long? Lisa told me about your little adventure to the ruins, but I'm more than sure it wouldn't have taken you both an entire day."

Mark took his usual seat, the one across hers, leaning back as he tried to think up an excuse. Jean slammed her arms against the desk, leaning closer to him, looking into his eyes.

"I know that look. You're thinking of a lie to tell me."

Mark found himself amazed by how easily she read him and couldn't help but glance around, hopeless.

"Well, something happened, and yes, we stood there all day long. Heck," blurted out Mark as he stood up, leaning close as well, their faces just inches apart as he slapped his arms on the desk as well.

"I'm not even telling my mom wherever I'm going. Why would I tell you out of all people?"

Jean looked slightly irritated and was quick to retaliate.

"Because I'm the Acting Grand Master, and you're a part of the Knights of Favonius, that's why."

A smirk crossed his face as he tried to come up with an answer.

"Then I quit."

Jean smirked back, as if prepared for this answer.

"Then I'm afraid I'll have to kick you out."

Mark shrugged, unbothered.

"Fine by me, it's your loss. How else would you see my handsome face around this place?"

Jean blushed a bit, somehow only then noticing how close their faces were. For some reason, Mark felt quite confident, despite this situation being one that would usually have his mind rush around in circles.

"What happened, Jean? Cat got your tongue?"

Mark felt a sudden jolt of confidence build up within as he watched Jean, her face shy as she looked down at the desk. However, Mark was asking himself why she didn't bother to move her face as well.

"Surely, if she's that flustered, she should back down. Why isn't she-" 

His thoughts were quickly dumped into a sudden fire, his mind blazing as he felt Jean's lips press against his. He felt his face heat up as Jean placed her arms around his neck, not letting go.

"What the fuck is going on? Did I fucking die or something?"

So, said I'd finish my day with a chapter. Sorry for not uploading faster, I had to study for a test and stuff (physics go vroom). But yeah, here we are. Do rate the series and let me know what you think. Deus vult and peace out.

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