
Genshin Impact: Ultimate System

Warning: this is wish fulfillment, MC will be shameless enough to copy anime moves since yours truly is the most uncreative being in the whole multiverse Synopsis: Well shit, it seems I died but luckily enough god pitied me and sent my sorry ass to another world with the anime system.

Shonpufi · Games
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80 Chs

Interlude 3-Mitsuri Pendragon

"Order up!" I yelled out as i finished cooking up an order.

Yup right now I'm working at Wanmin Restaurant in Liyue with Uncle Mao and Xiangling.

When i first came here i splited ways with Asuna since we both had different thing to do here.

While she went and applied for an office job, I immediately entered the restaurant and asked to join as an apprentice!

That is when I met both Xiangling and Uncle Mao.

Uncle Mao was the first to say that cooking is a passion and a dedication and that he doesn't accept brats who will quit on the first day.

so the only reasonable thing I could do in the situation was...


Of course, I won after a very intense cooking battle but I managed to push through in the end!

Even Uncle Mao was impressed that I won against Xiangling since she suppose to be a 'Cooking prodigy'

but something that I learned from Dad was that nobody is the best at something because there will always be bigger fish in the sea, In the end, all we can do is train and become better because perfection is just a road block in your abilities since you can't grow any more from there.

Im guessing that this was also a reason why dad sent me here since i also had a road block in my cooking. No matter what, i just couldn't get the same taste and glow that dads food had.

I asked him what I was missing and he said that I was missing a singular and most important ingredient.


When I first heard it I was absolutely dumbfounded at his words.

If emotion was an ingredient that could make such a Dish then nobody would starve in the world.

But he told me that I'm cooking just because I'm cooking. And that I'm cooking with my hands and not my soul.

I was absolutely confused at what he meant by that but I guess that's the reason I'm here.

"Mitsuri you there!" yelled a familiar voice

"Oh it's Asuna, Uncle mao can you take over for a bit while I say hello!" I asked the cooking uncle

"Sure kid just make sure you hurry it up, those order wait for no one" he said as he was expertly cooking In the kitchen .

Nodding my head I unidid my apron and walked out of the kitchen.

As I did I was greeted with the sigh of tables filled with customer happily eating the food me and Uncle mao cooked.

Looking at the entrance I saw Asuna waiting for me.

"Asuna!" I said as I ran to her and hugged her

"H-hey make sure not to snap me in half, I'm not like dad who can take your monstrous hugs" she told me with nervousness leaving her voice.


"Sure, Sure. Anyways did you come by to eat or just to hang out since my shift is almost over." I asked with a Giggle

"Nope it's neither... well maybe il take you up on the first one but besides the point I'm here to tell you something" Asuna said as her voice became serious.

"It must be something important then, let me guess you became a Yuheng"

Hearing my words her face turned into one of shock.

"You know what a Yuheng is?!" She asked with her face full with shock

"mou~ I know Im not as smart as you or Violet, but I'm still up to date with the stuff in Liyue" I said as I puffed up my checks in 'Anger'.

Hearing my words Asuna snapped out of her daze and apologized. "It's not that I don't think that your not smart it's just... that there's almost nothing besides food related stuff In Your brain"

"W-what! Of course not-" before I could finish my words I realized that she is right.

... maybe I should go out more often.

"But your not the only one ya know. Your basically married to your job" I argued back.

Hearing my words Asuna recoiled back as if she had been shot with an arrow through her heart.

Looking back at me her eyes filled with resentment.

"Y-you, y-you" Asuna kept stuttering as she tried to make a comeback to me.

"*Sigh* looks like to both of us need to have a life out of work, want to hang out after this. I saw some cute clothes back on a store" I offered

Hearing my words she thought about it for a bit and nodded in agreement.

"Mitsuri!" Called out a cheerfull voice behind me.

Looking towards the voices direction I saw Xiangling who was taking order, running towards me.

"Hey Xiangling watcha need!" I asked

"Oh it's just that a customer wanted to say thanks to you for the meal that you made. He's quite the regular around here and quite a distinguished person here in Liyue" she explained.

"Really I'm glad hehehe" I said with a grin on my face.

"What's his name" asked Asuna.

"Oh his name is Zhongli, he said that Mitsuris food reminded him of a close relative of his. I didn't even know he had relatives." Said Xiangling with a smile

"Zhongli huh" (Asuna)

"You know him Asua?" (Mitsuri)

"Not personally but I have heard about him. Zhongli, consultant of Wanghsheng Funeral Parlor, and Liyue's walking encyclopedia." (Asuna)

"Walking... Encyclopedia?" (Mitsuri)

"Yup he's known for knowing a lot of things whether it be about plants, rocks, or general history. He knows it all hence the name 'Walking encyclopedia'" (Asuna)

"Eh really? He sounds interesting" I said with excitement.

Turning around facing Xiangling I said "lead the way!"

Nodding to my words she lead us to a table at the back of the restaurant we're a handsome man with brown hair, and wore a cool looking brown suit was sitting.

As he had his eyes close with an empty plate in front of him. His eyes suddenly opened and directed his gaze towards us.

"Hey Mr. Zhongli, I brought her like you asked"

"I see, I dont believe I have introduced my self. My name is Zhongli, the director of Wanghsheng Funeral Parlor." He said as he introduced himself.

"Nice to meetcha my name is Mitsuri~" I said as I introduced myself with a smile

*Smile* (Zhongli)

"Whoa! I dont think I've ever seen Mr. Zhongli smile like that" said Xiangling with an amazed tone.

"Eh, really?" I asked with surprise.

"*Chuckle* my apologies it's just that you remind me of an old acquaintance of mine" he said with a nostalgic smile.

"Really who?" I asked with curiosity.

"Nobody important, just a bubbly pink elf" (Zhongli)

'I dont think an elf would be a nobody, aren't they suppose to be extinct or something like most Adepti?' I though internally.

"Anyways I just wanted to thank you for the food... the taste reminded me of the cooking of a close relative of mine, he always said that when you cook, you have to cook with the heart and not with your hand's. Your cooking tasted close to what he cooked it's just that something. Was missing" he said with a Sad smile.

"Eh, really? my dad said the same thing" I said with surprise.

Who knew that there was somebody else that talked super cryptic when it came to food.

"... may I know your father's name perhaps?" He asked as he looked at me wide eyed.

" yea sure, his name is Meliodas Pendragon and the person who tought me how to cook!" I said with a Proud smile.

Hearing my words all he gained was one of the gentlest smiles I have ever seen. The first of course was my dad's

"I see" he said as he stood up.

Looking over to Asua he asked.

"And my I know your name young lady" (Asuna)

"It's Asuna Pendragon" (Asuna)

"Oh yeah, And my full name is Mitsuri Pendragon~"

"*Chuckle* heh hahahahaha!* hearing our introductions Zhongli started to laugh heavily to the point that he he had to hold his stomach.

Looking to my side even Xiangling looked frozen probably at the fact that he showed some other type of emotion besides his current stoic personality.

As he calmed down he calmed down he looked at Xiangling and said "Ms. Xiangling could you leave us for a moment"

"Of course Mr. Zhongli" Xiangling said as she went back to taking orders

Seeing that she was gone he snapped his fingers and a blue dome covered us making everything outside it looks like it slowed down.

I obviously panicked along with Asua so I activated my Geo vision and created a pair of earth gauntlets while Asi/una unsheathed her [Lambent Light].

"No need to be alarmed you two, i just wanted to talk with you two In private" (Zhongli)

"Allow me to introduce myself once again. Many call me by the name of Zhongli but you two may call me by my true name.."

Saying those two words a sudden ocean of Geo elemental energy flower out of him as his body started to change.

Two yellow horns started to sprout out of his head as a brown tail and golden eyes turned to that of a lizard.

"My true name is Rex Lapis Pendragon, son of Meliodas Pendragon and the elder brother of the two of you"

"Adepti?" I asked curiously.

"W-what!" (Asua)

Looking back at Asuna I became worried at her big reaction.

"Is something wrong sis." (Mitsuri)

"Of course there is something wrong!, he isnt just any Rex Lapis, he is THE rex lapis" Asuna screamed out.

"Um and what's wrong with that?"

"You dont understand do you, the Geo Archon is know by the name Morax but that's just a title, his real name is Rex Lapis!!!"

"Eh?, oh... Ohhhhhhh!" I said In Realization.

Looking back at the ancient dragon In Front of us I could only smile awkwardly and say "Nice to metcha brother"

"No need to force yourself to call me that. I understand that we are nothing but mere stranger though we share the same father" he said in a Gentle voice as if trying to calm down both our nervousness.

"I-I see, if that the case then can you reserve out a private room for the three of us Mitsuri" asked Asuna.

"Yeah Sure" I answered back.

By the time we agreed Rex had already retracted his dragon feautures and dissolved the barrier he made, returning us all back to the middle of the restaurant we were at before.

"Follow me upstairs... I'm sure you have as much questions about Dad as we do" I said earning a nod from our out of nowhere god of a brother.

*Door Open*




Looking back at the noice that was made I was surprised by the person who made the ruckus.

"Violet?" Both me and Asuna exclaimed I surprise.

"Mitsuri, Asuna I'm glad I found you. I have super important news about dad... I found out who he is" she said with a crazed Smile as if she had discovered some great and ancient secret... though I guess it might it be far from it at this point.

"Um well actually we were about to discuss that right now" (Asuna)

"Eh Really?" Asked violet In Surprise.

"Well just follow us for now" (Asuna)

"Alright let's go, and by the way who is he?" She asked as he pointed towards Rex Lapis

"He's our brother!" I said with a cheerfull voice.

"B-brother!?" She said In Confusion.

"It's a long story so just follow us". (Asuna)


10 minutes latter-

"So we have a Brother" (Violet)

"Yup" (Mitsuri)

"And he's the Geo Archon" (Violet)

"You got it" (Asuna)

"You know I wouldn't have believed you at all if Rex hadn't shown me his dragon form" (Violet)

Earlier Asuna and Mitsuri had already explained the situation at hand to Violet.

But she didn't believe them at all so Rex Lapis showed his dragon form to her, making her almost faint.

Though the whole time Rex was just smiling warmly and had a nostalgic face all the time.

"*Sigh* anyways I think we should start exchanging dad information. We're interested in Dad's past as much as your curious as what he has been doing in the time he's been gone" (Violet)

Hearing her words, rex's eyebrow raised. "you know?"

"Not much I met this lady in the Akademia named Merlin and from what I managed to squeeze from her, I deduced that dad is from before the Archon war and caught during the Archon war. She also said that he disappeared or something like that so I'm sure your curious at what he's been up to" said Violet with a impressive deduction.

"Impressive that you were able to find out that much with such little information... but I have to ask, did you meet a flying orb named Merlin, or a short haired woman named Merlin." Asked Rex

"Flying. Sphere?. I didn't neet the ball but the person, why did you ask?" Asked Violet

"Because we have two Merlins in our group, one is a flying robotic ball and the other one is the one you met" said Rex.

"I see, I have a question then. Were you in some sort of group in the past. She mentioned something about it" (Violet)

"Yes, well it was more of a mercenary group name than an official name"

"Mercenary? You were in a mercenary group?" Said Asuna with surprise.

"Yes, father used to travel a lot with us back in the day and since the adventurers guild didn't excist yet, he when tto the best next thing Wich was becoming a mercenary." Aswered Rex making us all look dumbfounded.

"To think that the Geo Archon used to be a mercenary *Sigh* anyways what was the groups name" Asked Asuna with curiosity.

"We were called the Tarrot Card Party."

"Tarrot... card party" I said I am incredulous tone.

Seeing our confused faces he reached I to his coat taking out some sort of card. It had an old bearded man sitting on a throne, and on the bottom part of the card said 'The Emperor's

"The card that I was given by father was 'The Emperor'"

"Wow so your the emperor card, so what was Dad's" Asked Asuna with anticipation.

Hearing our question, a sly grin appeared on his face "the card that father chose was 'the fool'

Pin drop silence filled the room as we heard him say those words

"The fool? Out of all cards he chose the fool" said Asuna with a disbelieving tone.

"*Chuckle* yes he did, but don't judge a card by its name, all of our groups members were chosen by him and were given a card that were compatible with their meaning"

"Meaning?" (Mitsuri)

"Yes!, meaning. Each of the cards represent something or someone. The fool represents new beginings signifying the adventures and people he met when he started his journey." Explained Rex Lapis

"Oh I see" said Asuna with realization.

"If that's the case than there should be 22 members right" I asked.

"Indeed but I cannot reveal the identity of a few, at least until father comes by and talks with you about himself" he said gaining a nod from us.

"Now then let's begin with a bit of my story"