
Genshin Impact: Ultimate System

Warning: this is wish fulfillment, MC will be shameless enough to copy anime moves since yours truly is the most uncreative being in the whole multiverse Synopsis: Well shit, it seems I died but luckily enough god pitied me and sent my sorry ass to another world with the anime system.

Shonpufi · Games
Not enough ratings
80 Chs

Ch 36-Captain

the sun had fallen as it finally became midnight. that didn't keep the people from going outside though, as the streets were filled with stalls, and people enjoying themselves from the luxuries that the city had to offer.

As all these people were outside in the streets ignorant of what was happening around them. deep underground under a certain building held many people of many backgrounds.

but one thing that's certain is that they weren't good people at all.

"Hm wonder when the auction will start, I'm starting to get impatient," said a woman who was wearing a mask along with luxurious Quipao and jewelry.

"Just wait a moment madam, it will start shortly" reassured a servant who was giving her a glass of wine.

But shortly after the servant spoke, a sound of hand clapping came from the main stage as all the people inside the auction directed their attention towards the person.

Not much different from everybody else, he also wore expensive clothes, and trinkets along with a gold mask. "Now ladies and gentlemen it is my utmost honor to be presenting the items for our auction tonight. As I'm sure you all know the rules, the items will always go to the one who bids the most!" said the man gaining a cheer from the audience.

"Now let's begin with our first item-"

As time went on the man sold many items ranging from magical items to mystical animals. As the end of the auction was near the light within the auction house dimmed and multiple spotlights shone down on the man on the stage as if a great circus performance was about to take place.

"Now then dear guest, the final item for the night is quite... peculiar, but I am sure that it will garner great interest among you all." looking behind him, he gestured behind the curtains to bring whatever they had on the other side.

Two men started to drag in a cage that had a black veil on top of it to conceal whatever was inside.

As the two finally made it to the center stage, they both left the cage and went back behind the curtains as the Auctioneer spoke once again.

"Ladies and gentlemen allow me to introduce you to the immortal human!" exclaimed the man as he tore the veil from the cage revealing a bone-skinny man, with long blue hair that was dirty, he also had red eyes though the shine in them had long disappeared as the man had completely given up on life.

"Allow me to give you a little context on our little specimen here or at least what we were able to get out from him, The boy here is an escapee of an Adepti that was researching immortality, The Adepti experimented on many humans and they all failed until he came along. that same day he was given immortality from the experiment was the same day he managed to escape only to be caught by some mercenaries and later sold here" he explained earning a gasp of surprise from the audience.

"Then prove it to us, show us he's immortal!" exclaimed a fat man earning approval from the crowd.

"Yeah show us!"

"Kill him!"

"Let's see if his immortality is true or not!"

"Alright, alright calm down everyone!" he said as he snapped his fingers.

soon many guards came to the stage surrounding the cage completely. they unsheated their swords and spears stabbing them into the man.

"AHHHHGH-UAGH!!!" screamed the man in pain as he was stabbed multiple times in his body. even with his dull lifeless eyes, tears started to fall from them as he let himself be killed.

After a while the guards retreated their weapons only to be greeted with the amazing sight of his wounds healing at abnormal speeds, it only took a few seconds for his malnourished body to look as if he had never been stabbed in the first place.

The people in the crowd seeing this were amazed at the sight of his wounds healing immediately, earning greedy glares from everybody in the room. some wondered if they could obtain immortality themselves if they managed to obtain him, perhaps his blood was the answer, or his brain?.

Many thoughts started to go through their heads that even satan would feel disgusted and disappointed at the people in the room if he knew what they were thinking and planning.

"Now then the bid price will start at-" Before he could finish his words an explosion happened on the roof of the room creating a huge hole leading outside.

A man in black medieval Armor fell down from the hole, slowly descending to the stage as if he was the angel of death that was ready to dictate and kill any of their lives at any given moment.

As he reached the stage, every single soldier in the room had already surrounded him.

"Surender now or face the consequences," Said one of the guards.

The Armored man hearing this merely scoffed at their threat and reached out to his side, drawing out a beautiful blue sword that was adorned with a rose at its hilt.

Seeing the Armored man's actions, the guards already knew that he wasn't going to do what he was told to they got closer to attack.

Instead of defending or attacking, the armored man stabbed the sword into the ground as he muttered the words of their death. "[Enhance Armament]"

As soon as he said those words, a magical blue circle appeared below him generating a field of ice that spread vines made of cold hard ice, encasing every single living being within ice besides himself and the man in the cage.

"[Release Recollection]" said the dark knight man as the ice vines that surrounded the cold coffin of everyone started to bloom roses made of ice emitting the life energy that was sucked out of everyone.

finally, reached out into the side of his armor with his other hand, he drew out a Dark purple sword and raised it into the air.

"[Enhance Armement]" He muttered once again as the sword sucked in all the Adeptal or otherwise known as soul energy into the sword itself.

After he finished he put away the swords back into the scarabs hung to his waist and turned around, looking down on the man who was tarped within the cage.

A smile came to his mouth as he snapped his fingers, making dark energy come out of his that completely destroyed the cage but didn't hurt the man at all.

The man widened his dead-ish eyes in surprise, even though he had given up on life completely, the sight of a man destroying a cage with a mysterious power still made his eyes go wide.

The man could only hope that the Armored figure in front of him could show the mercy of a quick death, just as he did with the rest of the people within the room.

The Armored figure slowly started to walk to the man finally stopping a few feet in front of him.

To His surprise the knight sat in front of him with his legs crossed and reached his hands to his helmet, taking it off and revealing the handsome face of a man with long black hair and eyes.

Next, he reached into the air making his hands disappear for a bit, and soon came back but instead reappeared with two sandwiches in his hands.

The man who smelled the food started to become hungry. Throughout this whole time that he has been enslaved, he hasn't eaten a single decent meal. And smelling the food that the armored man in front of him was eating, made him hungry.


As he started to eat the food silently he finally spoke up "You know food is great, there's is sweet food, sour food, savory food, cold food. But even though all those taste exists, it doesn't match up with the taste of eating with others" he spoke as he offered a sandwich to him.

Seeing the Sandwich in front of him, he hesitated a bit before grabbing it from his hands and taking a bite.


As the food hit his tongue, the flavors immediately exploded in his mouth. the complexity and goodness that flavor provided made his mind explode from the goodness of the sandwich.

Tears started to fall from his eyes as this was the only decent meal he had in a while, no it was the best meal he had in his entire life.

in seconds he gobbled up the sandwich, feeling satisfied and happy that he managed to taste something as great as the sandwich he had just eaten.

"Good right? I cooked that sandwich myself. I could have made something better but I didn't have good ingredients and I was on a timer too." said the armored Man with a smug face.

"... Yes it was good," he said as he was still cautious of the man in front of him.

"Now then let's get to the chasse shall we? I want you to be in my crew!" Exclaimed the Armored man

"Crew?" the blue haired man was absolutely confused.

Crew?, what Crew?

"fufufu~ i can see that your confused so i shall explain!, what do you think makes an Adventure?. Wealth?, Fame?, Power?, nope its none of those!, what a real adventure is having fun trying new things and having many experiences along the way. But wouldn't it be all boring if i was alone i asked myself one day so i decided to recruit people who caught my eye, and you mister are going to join Shishishi~"

still confused, the man could only stare at him werdly.

Notcing his still confused face, the armored man only smiled and stood up.

"*Smile* Just by looking at your i can tell that you want to die right?"

Hearing the question, the blue haired man flinched.

... Death yes that's what he wanted all this time, he's been experimanted on, abused, stabed and so many things more. At one point he wished that he simply hadn't existed to begin with.

Continuing his speech he said "But if you died then you wouldn't be able to eat another one of my sandwiches would you?~"

"Huh?" hearing his words he became even more confused than he already was.

but once he thought about it a but more he realized that he was right!.

the sandwich he ate was the best thing that has happened in his whole life. It would be a pity to not eat it again, and the guy infirnt of him said that it wasnt even the best food he had!.

Seeing the struggling man in front of him the Armored man spoke again

"what im trying to say is that i understand why you want to die, but is it really worth dying when there is so much to explore, so much to eat, so much to do!. that's why joiin me an lets explore together!!!" said the armored man with a huge smile as he stednded his hand.

The blue haired mans eyes went wide when he heard his words... is dying truly worth it? can i rally experine all those things.

'Maybe just maybe' he thought with hope as he looked at the extedednded hand in front of him.

"Can i eat delicious food"

"Of course you can!, and il cook whenever you want."

hearing his words he greeted his teeth and mustered all the strength he had. Reachig out with his weak body he holded the armored mans hand and said "Then il be in your care from now on..."

"Meliodas, my name is Meliodas Pendragon. But you can also call me captain." Meliodas saidas he introduced himself.

"...My name is ban, just ban. And il look forward to traveling with you... Captain" Said Ban as a small smile appeared on hs face.

Under the moonlight that shone down from the hole on the roof. Meliodas had just met the man who would become his best friend and his eternal partner.