
Genshin Impact: Ultimate System

Warning: this is wish fulfillment, MC will be shameless enough to copy anime moves since yours truly is the most uncreative being in the whole multiverse Synopsis: Well shit, it seems I died but luckily enough god pitied me and sent my sorry ass to another world with the anime system.

Shonpufi · Games
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80 Chs

Ch 16-What Are You Talking About?

Absolute darkness was all i could see, an ever-endless expanse of it seemed like it would never end.

in the middle of that sea was me but I couldn't move my body at all, It was a suffocating feeling not being able to control your own body in this lonely silence. What felt like seconds, turned, into munites, hours, days. And in that lonely expanse was only me.

As I was contemplating how incredibly lonely I it in here a bright light shined upon the distance. hope, that was what I felt at that moment but although it was within my vision it was just far out of my reach as couldn't even move my body. But I did have to worry as that light expanded and expanded as if some sort of supernova had exploded in this expanse of darkness. as it enveloped everything in its light.

"*Gasp*" Waking up I inhaled deeply as I opened my eyes but asi did I was blinded by the sunshine flowing through window forcing me to close them back up.

many thoughts started to rush through my head 'Were am I?, What happened?, is everyone okay?'

Realizing that my thoughts were useless I tried to move my body but I wasn't able to, it seemed like the strain of using [Mark of The Dragon Sin of Wrath] took quite a toll on my body.

trying to open my eyes once again I was greeted by the sunshine but this time I kept them open to get used to it. I was in a room that had walls made of limestone carved to be smooth and the floor was made of clear floor tiles made of polished stone.

As I was still trying to figure out what was happening, the door opened and I was greeted by the sight of a little girl who had greyish-blonde hair, and blue eyes and wore a nun outfit with a hydro vision on it.

'Barbara huh, I'm guessing I'm in Barbatos Cathedral' melodies thought in realization.

Barbara seeing that I was awake said "Oh dear Barbatos you awake!!!"

She ran outside leaving me alone, dam Shouldn't she check if I was all alright first or something?. as I was still looking around I managed to move my head a bit to look down on my body only to be greeted by Rika hugging my body while sarig at me intensely without a single emotion on her face in her human form.

Although I was startled by her sudden appearance I understood that she was just worried about me so using [King Crimson] I made it moved my hand towards her head and said "Thanks for taking care of me" I said with a smile while [King Crimson] was making a petting motion with my hand

She just nodded her head and went back to hugging me without me being able to take her off me. Sighing in defeat, I waited for a while until the door was busted open by Amber, and Lisa, followed in by Aether, Paimon, and Jean.

"MEL/MELIODAS are you ok!!" they both rushed in shouting in worry.

"Please keep it down my head hurts" I said as I felt a sharp pain in my head.

They both quieted down and I said " But thanks anyway, it's nice knowing somebody is worried about you" I said with a smile. during the time I have been here, nobody was really worried about me or asked if I was okay, even when I was with my daughters since I was the since who always asked so it felt nice that somebody asked me.

looking at smiles in a daze they finally broke out of their stupor and had a smile on their faces.

As I was about to take some [Mid-tier recovery potion] out of my inventory and tell them to feed it to me.

Amber and Lisa said at the same time

"I Brought you some food since I thought you would be hungry~"

"I Brought some dinner for you knowing that you like food a lot"

Looking at each other with a threatening gaze I decided to not drink the recovery potions yet and said "I can't move my body right now and my body hurts so I can't eat myself Could you both feed me the food since I still want to try it" I asked them

"Of course/Anything for you~" Both Lisa and Aber said as they sat down next to me and started unpacking the food happily.

Aether and Paimon were Dumbfounded once again seeing how fast I defused the situation wondering if he should ask me some tips.

Jean on the other hand was looking at me with a serious face.

"I didn't know you were a dragon Meliodas, You even have a tattoo of it on your shoulder," Said Jean as I stiffened and the others widened their eyes in surprise, wondering how she knew, I looked over to Aether looking away from me with an "innocent" face.

'Damit Aether!, he probably just told her what happened without bad intentions but I'm still gonna blast him again later' I thought inwardly making Ather shudder not knowing that he would get sent flying halfway across the lake later.

"Huh what are you saying about Jean I don't know what you'r talking about?" I said as if didn't know what she was talking about.

It's not like I don't trust Jean since I know her personality well from the game, but what's to say about the people around her? if some spy from Snezhnaya were to hear that I could use the powers of a dragon from Jean accidentaly. I'm sure that one of the harbingers or even the tsaritsa might take an interest in me which is something I'm not ready to face yet. at least not until i have the power to level a whole city in one attack.

might sound absurd but from lore the top of the Fatui Harbringers have power equal to the archons so if one comes for me id rather take them out on the spot, well maybe except Childe since he's just a battle maniac unless he really tries something.

Jean looked at me silently until she sighed and said "*Sigh* Alrigth don't tell me"

As jean dropped the topic both girls started to feed to some food as Paimon looked at me with jealousy

"Ehe you wouldn't mind sharing with Paimon would you" Paimon shalessly asked with drool flowing out of her mouth.

"Nope I'm not giving you anything, this is my hard earned food" i say in a serious tone making the fairy pout.

"Anyways how long have i been out for" I asked

"just a whole day" Jean said

Eh really?, from the girls reaction i would've believed them if they said that i passed out for a whole week.

"I see..., so what *Munch* happened with Stormterror after I *Munch* passed out" i said as i was eating the food the girls were feeding me. Sigh~ i really am suffering from success. My whole body hurts but its worth it since they are feeding me food.

"After you passed out Midair Stormterror went away after you injured him badly on the shoulder, I Cought you and brought you down to have you treated" Aeher said as he recalled what happened.

"Yes Melodas managed to fend him off for now but I've managed to find the reason why Stormterro is stronger than he should be. He is feeding off from lyline distortions, increasing his power they are located on three Tamples that are near modstat city" Lisa said in a serious tone

"Dam Bareley a day and i have to go back outside" i said in a tired tone

"NO! you are staying here until yu are completely healed. Barbara sid that your body would need another 2 day's for you to make recovery!!!" Lisa Said As she was worried about me.

"Its fine Just feed me this" i said as i made a [Mid-Tier Recovery Potion] from my inventory appear on my hand making lisa raise an eyebrow.

"Space Magic?" Lisa Asked

"No its the ring on my finger it allows me to put items inside of it with the space magic it is attributed with" i said as i lied naturally.

"I see that's an interesting artifact you have, mebe it belonged to an old adeptus" Lisa stated

"And whats up with the bottle anyways?" Amber asked.

'its called a [Mid-Tier recovery Potion] just shove it my mouth and il be good as new" i said to Amber

"Oh ok" she said as she grabbed the bottle from my hand and fed it to me. in mere seconds i could already feel my strength back and my body desnt hurt anymore. sitting up straight in my bed, everyone was amazed at how fast I had recovered thanks to my potion.

Getting off the bed I started removing the bandages that I had, though I wasn't hurt much in the fight I was still lightly injured from when I was inside the Twister's harsh winds.

Looking to my side I could see both Lisa, Amber, and even Jean Wiping blood that dripped out of their noses. I knew that they were probably looking at the chiseled muscles I gained from my stats but I didn't mind.

"Oh i didn't know you had such great muscles~" Lisa commented shamelessly

"LISA/LISA!!!" both Jean and Amber yelled at Lisa in embarrassment making me laugh.

"well anyways since your heled now we will wait for tomorrow to go and check the temples so go and rst for today" said in jean as she tried to change the topic.

"Alright see you all latter" i said to Jean and the others.

But before jean left i aid to her "Oh yes and also do enjoy the smutty book that you think are is well hidden under your desk" i said with a grin

"W-What how do you know!!" she said in an embarrassed tone.

"Oh I didn't but now I do," I said with an evil grin, from the way she looked at me when I was topless I could tell at a glance that Jean was a closet pervert so I thought it would be fun to tease her.

"What!" Jean was perplexed at the fact that she was tricked into admitting that she had a smutty novel she read in her very spare time.

I looked at the other's reaction and I saw Lisa and Amber with a grin on their faces and started to tease Jean until she left running from embarrassment. Soon the others left as Lisa and Amber promised to visit me latter.

As soon as they left i looked at the floating screen in front of me.

[Ding! Bahamut progress has gone up

Bahamut Completion rate: 10>28%

Locked Abilities:

-Prime(SS) Mastery(0%)

Description: Embrace the light and Harness the Full power of Bahamut. includes [Dragonification form: Bahamut], and full use of every ability

-Zetta Flare(SSS) Mastery(0%)

A Single Attack consisted of multiple highly condensed Gigaaflare's woven into one blast. Also includes [Aura of Light]: Boost Light based Attacks by 20%

Abilities Unlocked:

-Semi-Prime(A) Mastery(9%)

Partially Transform into Bahamut while Boosting Light Based Powers by 10%. Also includes Ablity [Wings Of Light]: which sprouts out Bahamut wings behind your back. Each attack you manage to dodge increases Base stats by 1 for a duration of time. Flight is also available

-Light Manipulation(S) Mastery(20%)

Manipulation of light What else did you expect

-Ather Manipulation(A) Mastery(20%)

Athens is the land life force and the origin of all magic of FF16. Gives the Ability to Manipulate and emit Ather from one's body.

-Flare Breath(C) Mastery(0%)

A light-based flame that can attack in a wide area but is hard to control

-Impulse(B-) Mastery(0%)

Sends 4 Highly concentrated balls of light that home in on the enemy and attack for a duration of time

-Satelite(C) Mastery(0%)

Balls of Light automatically send beams of light toward enemies within a certain range of the user.

-Wings of Light(S) Mastery(10%)

form taken on after semi-priming and has the ability to boost base stats by 1 for each successfully dodged attack but only temporary

-Mega Flare(A) Mastery(8%)

shoot out countless missiles of light that home in on the enemy. The amount of Mega flares produced depends on the strength and mastery of the User

-Giga Flare (SS) Mastery(12%)

A single condensed blast of light that decimates everything on its path]

it seems like my mastery has gone up by a lot just from one fight, but I'm guessing that it will get harder and harder to raise it as the mastery gets higher.

Changing into a new sets of clothes I walked back to my room in the Goth Hotel. Walking in I reached my room and I layed on my bed there as I rested my eyes.

Opening my eyes again I said "System active Multiverse group chat"

[Of course host]

[Ding! Invites have been set out throughout the universe]