
Ch 14-The Traveler

Once again Morning finally came, as I was still sleeping I started to feel a nudge on my shoulder as I heard somebody calling my name. Fluttering my eyes open, I saw the sight of a white floating monster in front of me. making me get a heart attack until I remembered what happened the other day. good thing I didn't yell though because I really really wanted to.

As I got up groggily while wiping my eyes I said "Good morning Rika, *Yawn*~"

"Good Morning Meliodas~," Rika said in her eerie voice

As I looked at her I suddenly remembered something.

"Hey Rika can you turn into your old form" I asked in Curiosity

Without saying anything Rika was enveloped in black smoke until it dispersed and she turned into a little girl in a blue dress, along with her long brown hair and eyes.

"Is this fine" Rika asked as her voice finally sounded normal in her human form. although people still can't see her since she is a spirit...I think. I'm not sure if Curses count as spirits. But it's fine if I have her hang around me like this.

"Yup it's good," I said with a thumbs up "Stay in this form unless you need to protect me or we start a fight Ok," I said to her.

"Okay," Rika said with an emotionless face

As I looked at her I suddenly picked her up and put her over my shoulders. it's fine since nobody can see her and she's light. maybe except for other spirits and exorcists.

As I put her on my shoulders I could've sworn I saw a small smile adorn her face but before I could see more of it her stoic face returned.


As I changed into a new change of clothes I walked down the stairs with Rika on my shoulder. finally reaching the entrance hall of the hotel. I could find A blond Traveler along with his trusty side dish paimon.

"Hey don't eat that it's mine!!!" Paimon said as she started stuffing her mouth with food

"Hey stop stuffing your mouth leave some for me," Ather said as he was devouring the chicken leg.

As I chuckled to myself I sneaked behind him and said "My it seems your quite hungry~, especially after I knocked you out yesterday~"

As soon as those words left my mouth Ather flinched hard before turning his head around like a machine before saying. "He he hello there," he said in an awkward chuckle as he looked like he was experiencing some sort of PTSD that I somehow caused.

"Hey it's ugly ice guy," Paimon said as she had finally decided on a mean nickname for me.

looking at her I gained an evil grin on my face. I reached out my hand to her food and it suddenly disappeared. of course, I just put it in my inventory but for them, it looked like it disappeared in thin air.

"Heyyy!!! my food! Where did it go What did you do to it!!" Paimon said in an angry tone

"Hmm, what are you talking about, what food?" I said as I was playing dumb.

"You know what I mean, My food what did you do to it!!" she said as she started to stomp her foot midair.

"I don't know what you're talking about, in fact, I never saw you eating in the first place, What food?, what did I touch? I don't remember doing anything and it's not like you have any proof since it's not like it's here anymore" I said to the little fairy as her mouth hung wide open along with Athers in disbelief at my shamelessness,

"But perhaps if someone said my name correctly then all the food that disappeared would reappear," I said with a 'smile'

"Hehe wow Mr. Handsome ice guy I didn't see you here today wanna eat with us," the fairy said without a single ounce of shame while rubbing the back of her head Awkwardly.

Nodding in approval I took out the food from my storage as the fairy started to eat again without trouble. On the other side, Ather could only smile wryly and go back to eating his food.

"Ather!!, Meliodas!! you there" Said an energetic voice from the entrance of the hotel. As I looked over I could see Amber looking for us.

"Over here," I said as I waved my hand in the air. As she looked at us she smiled brightly and ran all the way to us.

"Good morning Meliodas did you sleep well," Amber asked.

"Yup I slept well and I feel better than ever," I said as I smiled.

A grin appeared on my face as I hugged her and said "And how did you sleep do you feel well?"

"W-What B-Baka, Dummy, stupid don't hug me so suddenly," Amber said as she became flustered at the sudden hug. On the other side, Ather almost choked on his food looking at the scene in front of him.

Amber told him that he had met another new traveler besides him yesterday and knew that I was the person that she was talking about, but to be this intimate so soon really shocked him. Even after traveling to many places with his sister, his relationships with others did not progress this easily and to this point also.

"Aw so you don't like it I'm just worried if you slept well," I said with a smile obviously knowing she would just give in.

"W-Well I don't hate it, but take me to dinner first!!" Amber exclaimed with an innocent blush on her face.

this feels easier than it should be if iim being honest. but I'm guessing that it's because media doesn't exist in this world so others can't often see portrayals of love and romance so they become very innocent. Maybe they have romance novels but it's not the same as seeing the real thing.

"Oh? So you're asking me on a date?" I said with a teasing smile

After I said those words Amber became a blushing mess trying to justify her words only making her cuter.

I just patted her head and said "Alright Alright come down, How about we go on a date after the whole storm terror problem is taken care of" I said with a warm smile on my face

"U-Um" she nodded to me with an atomic blush on her face, she was so embarrassed that she couldn't even lift her face up.

"Alright, then it's a date," I said, Although on the outside I looked confident. On the inside, I was screaming in excitement.

In my past life, I had never had a girlfriend and much less been on a date. plus it's a date with Amber one of my favorite characters personality-wise. besides Kundere Eula, and Airhead Ei. Shehe is also up there because of her airhead personality I just like Airheads they are endearing to me is all.

"Alright then let's go and see this Acting Grand Master of yours," I said as Amber nodded and led me, Ather, and Paimon to the Fvonious headquarters. going inside we stopped in front of a wooden door as Amber knocked on it and said "Jean I brought them here"

"Enter" A sweet yet authoritative voice resounded from across the door. The room Itself was like any other office made out of wood and stone. In a corner of the room, there were shelves of books tightly aligned with each other making it look like a small library in the room.

in the room there were two women which were the first one was sitting near the books while reading one in her hand not minding her surroundings, She had beautiful long brown hair, and green eyes and wore a purple witch dress that made something in me act up.

the second person was a Woman with long blond hair tied up into a ponytail, She wore a blue and white uniform signifying that she was part of the knight of felonious, She also had beautiful greyish-blue eyes that shone under the light coming from the tinted window.

As me And Ather walked in the witch cosplayer and the workaholic laid eyes on us, though Lisa went back to reading her book immediately

"Welcome to the city of Mondstat travelers, My name is Jean and I am the Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonious It's a pleasure to meet you," Jean said in a dignified tone along with a gentle smile.

"And this is Lisa our resident librarian," said Jean introducing her

As Jean said that Lisa looked our way again and with a smile she said "Hey there cuties~"

"Hello there My name is Meliodas Pendragon and this is Ather along with Paimon," I said as I introduced myself and the others

Dam she really is pretty Besides having a mature and sexy aura around her, the witch costume does help at all. Hm? that's strange There's this weird faint eerie blue aura surrounding her, especially her vision. wonder what it is?

"Um Ms. Lisa you have this weird aura surrounding you and especially your vision I don't know what it is but I don't think that it's a good thing"

Looking at me in surprise she said "Hmm ~ I don't know what you're talking about I'm not sure what this aura you talking about is" she said in a curious voice.

"Although this might be too much to ask, could you lend me your vision for a bit" I asked as I was curious about what the blue aura was.

Stopping to think for a bit Lisa nodded and gave me her vision almost reluctantly but her curiosity outweighed her worry. Having the vision in my hand I started to inspect it. Although I had never seen this type of energy before, it still feels somewhat familiar.

"Curse," Said Rika who was still on my shoulder.

Although surprised by her, I stared Thinking about her words for a bit. I suddenly realized that the aura was the energy that the curse Lisa had was manifesting. I remember that in the lore Lisa had her lifespan cut in half in exchange for knowledge and power! her missing time was even shown in her constelation representing a sand timer. It looks like because of Rika I can see another type of curse besides the ones from JJK.

I looked towards Rika and asked "Hey Rika can you eat it" The others became confused because to them it looked like I was taking to air.

Rika got off my shoulder and approached the vision on my hand. Putting her hand over it the energy emitting from it started to go towards her until it was completely gone as Rika had eaten the curse.

As that happened Lisa Opened her eyes wide in disbelief, probably already feeling the effects of her lifespan no longer being affected by the curse. small tears started to come from her eyes, Jean noticing this widened her eyes in surprise. Although I don't know know it feels to have your life span cut in half, I can understand that having the fear of dying so soon and missing out on something that life offers can be scary. Seeing that her tears started falling she started to walk towards me until she finally hugged me tightly and said "Thank you Although I don't know what you did...thank you" she said as she started to sob quietly in my embrace.

As I looked around I could see Amber, Jean, Ather, and Kaeya? when did he get here? but anyways they all gave me weird looks as they did not know what was going on. I don't blame them though as Lisa probably didn't tell them about the curse.

[Ding! new title has been earned:

Master of Quantum Rizzics]

Looking at the title I had earned I just ignored it and kept hugging Lisa until she calmed down. Finally stopping her crying she wiped the tears off her face until she looked at me straight into my eyes. Looking at my face she gained a smile and tiptoed as she kissed me.

'The hell!!! I get it I saved you from a short life but we just met a woman but it's not like I mind either way' I said in my mind.


Pov change- Lisa

Today was like any other day, Read books do my duty Read books and do my duty. Although I have nothing against this type of lifestyle I still wish I could do more. Explore the world, Eat exotic food, and meet new people. But sadly I don't have much time left, back in my days in the Akademia I managed to find a book that gave me power and knowledge In exchange for my lifespan. Although it looked like a sweet deal, sadly that wasn't the reality.

As soon as I realized I only had so much time left, I decided to leave the Akademia and do whatever I wanted and live a life carefree. in which I ended up becoming the Resident Librarian in the city of Mondstat. I became surrounded by people whom I could call friends and comrades, but although I had all this I still wished for more. but as I thought of it that type of thinking was the reason I was here in the first place so decided to stop complaining about what I had and appreciate what I had.

One day Storm Terror one of the 4 guardians of Monsdstat Started to Attack the city for unknown reasons. throughout the days it came and caused destruction to our home. Although I am strong I am not strong enough to fight one of the 4 guardians especially since its power is being boosted somehow. Probably by leyline disruptions, we waited and tried to find a way to deal with this problem without working with those disgusting Snezhnaya diplomats offering to kill it.

while I was reading some books in Jean's office, I was surprised to find out that a person who had recently entered Mondstat managed to fend off storm terror and that he had survived to get flown into a few buildings. And that another traveler got in the Fight later on through the end.

they were invited to come earlier but it had seemed that the second traveler had gone unconscious.

The coming day they had both come to Jean's office. the first Traveler had introduced himself as Meliodas Pendragon, his last name makes him seem like he is from nobility if I'm being honest. He had a handsome sculpted face with blue eyes and his hair was also a deep black. next to him was another boy named Ather along with this flying miniature human called Paimon.

Giving them a glance and saying hi, I lost interest in them and went back into my book. what I didn't expect was that the boy Meliodas spoke to me saying that there was some sort of eerie energy surrounding me. Thinking for a second I thought that he could probably notice my condition.

while I was in deep thought he asked me if he could take a look at my vision, though i was skeptical at first I thought it wouldn't hurt to do so and I was also curious about what he would do.

As he took my vision he started going into deep thought until he started talking to his shoulder. though confused I started to feel something inside me. like as if a huge burden had been lifted off my shoulders I realized that it was gone, the curse that i had put upon myself was completely gone.

Realizing that I wouldn't die. tears started forming on my face and not being able to hold back my emotions is started crying as I approached Meliodas and gave him a hug of gratitude. As I felt even more emotional I started to sob quietly in his warm embrace.

I didn't have to die so early anymore, I could travel, I could go on adventures, I could eat new things, and I could live my life as I want it now were the only thoughts that filled my mind.

After a while, I had calmed down, but realizing my situation I couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Collecting all my courage I looked up to find his kind smile and gaze directed towards me.

seeing his gaze I felt something in my heart I had never felt before. Ah..., I understand now is this how it feels to fall in love? just how in those stories I read to Klee in the library in my spare time. A knight in shining armor coming to save the damsel in distress. Before I never even had a single thought about having any kind of romance with anybody, BUt now that my biggest burden is gone I can do what I want and what I want is him.

As I kept looking at him a smile appeared on my face while a confused one adorned his seeing my reaction. And in a second that felt like an eternity, I stood on my toes and kissed him.



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