
Genshin Impact: Theatre System

Rumours have been spreading about a strange theatre in Liyue Harbor, run by a young man just as strange and mysterious as the shop itself. However, business does not seem to function within, but in the space outside of its abode. People say that you can watch stories, all varying in content and originality. Some last for over an hour, perhaps even two. Some are said to last no longer than even three minutes. However, no matter how long, the feelings they felt while viewing the shop's content would forever stay in their minds.

ScarletOzone · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

The Shimada Dragon Brothers

"What is that?"

"It looks strange..."

"Is it that young man's doing?"

At the current time, the citizens that were passing through the main street all stopped whatever they were doing and were now looking on in confusion as what looked to be massive icy-blue coloured screens that were hovering above the main area.

It was positioned in a way that allowed for clear viewing, and from what they could tell, these screens were due to the young man standing just in front of them. This young man was obviously Kyuren, who was using his hands and was adjusting the screens.

It was weird to watch from the side-lines, it looked as if he was just grabbing and pinching the air in front of him like some idiot. So, if it weren't for that fact that the screens were moving and adjusting in response to his actions, they would have thought he had gone insane.

To simplify what was going on right now, Kyuren was setting up the holographic screen that would be playing the mini movie. He had chosen this position specifically because the movie would be visible from all eight angles.

Not one, not four, but eight.

He had produced a total eight viewing screens, which he was able to do thanks to the system's power. He had chosen to do eight because he wanted anyone from anywhere in the area to be able to see, let it be from the cardinal or ordinal directions.

What he was a bit surprised by was the sheer number of people who were attracted thanks to his actions, there were probably almost a hundred people gathered in this open area. Some were just standing, some were looking out from buildings, and some were seated on stairs or on the connecting walkways between the buildings.

Kyuren wasn't complaining though, he was getting more viewers before it even started.

Compared to the world he once knew and its cities, Liyue Harbor would be considered a very small city. Its population was probably no more than five to six thousand people, which was obviously much more than in the game, but that was the game, and this was real life.

Of course, there were most likely many more people who lived elsewhere within Liyue, just that Liyue Harbor was probably the most populated out of the cities. Considering the nature of this world, a lot of people probably have died out in the wilderness to monsters.

"Alright, that looks good." Kyuren muttered to himself as he took a few steps back and circled around the eight hovering screens. He didn't place them too high, just high enough for the people to see from anywhere in this area clearly. "Now's probably a better time than any to start."

"You there, halt your actions immediately!"

'...Or not.' With a small frown of annoyance, Kyuren turned his head over towards where the voices were coming from. When he did, he saw two male soldiers running towards him. 'Oh, it's the Millelith. I haven't broken any laws by doing this, so I should be fine.'

"Young man, explain what it is you are doing here? Whatever... this is." One of the soldiers spoke while craning his head to look up at the holographic screens. "It's causing a disturbance here in the main street, some of the citizens have reported to us your suspicious behaviour."

'Suspicious behaviour? The fuck you mean this is- okay, yeah. This scene is pretty damn sus.' Kyuren voiced inwardly as he heard the statement. A guy waving his hands controlling massive blue rectangles is pretty suspicious. "I assure you, I'm not up to any trouble. Just advertising business."

"Business?" The other soldier rose an eyebrow upon hearing this. It wasn't unusual, Liyue was one of, if not, the biggest nation when it came to business considering the number merchants and all that. "What kind of business exactly?"

"It's hard to explain. You'll better understand if you see it in person, and once again, I assure you that it's nothing bad."

"...Very well. However, we will be keeping an eye on you." The first soldier replied with a frown. Seeing how Kyuren had manipulated the screens, they instantly thought that he must hold a considerable amount of supernatural power. To no surprise, they were cautious. "If you try anything, I assume you know the consequences."

"Of course."

With that, Kyuren watched calmly as the two soldiers made their way back towards the surroundings crowd. Kyuren continued looking, watching as they stood tall on the side-lines just in case, he tried anything. There were a number of other Millelith soldiers standing on different sides as well.

"Alright, let's do this."


A few moments prior, two certain individuals could be seen walking through the streets of Liyue Harbor towards the main street area. They were both female and appeared no older than twenty, the first having purple hair tied into twin-tails that were topped with buns that looked very similar to that of cat ears.

The second had pale blue hair that seemed to curve into a long ponytail, though it didn't seem to be tied using anything. The most eye-catching feature were the pair of horns present on her head, both which were black and had numerous red markings running along them.

Both females also wore rather eye-catching outfits, and from a single glance, you could tell were rather well made, speaking volumes of their most likely high status. Both outfits were intricate in design and were certainly unique amongst the clothing that the people around them wore.

"What exactly is the situation, Lady Keqing?"

The blue-haired female asked with a curious tone in her voice. While she and Keqing didn't always get along due to their personal opinions regarding a certain Archon of theirs, anything like that didn't come into effect when dealing with business issues.

"The Millelith have reported some suspicious behaviour in the main area. Whatever it is, it's apparently been causing some disturbances with the citizens." Keqing answered simply as they continued walking. "Hm? A greater disturbance than I initially thought it seems..."

Both Keqing and Ganyu, the blue haired female, stopped as they noticed the large crowd of people who were gathered at the main area. Due to how many people there were, it was obviously hard for either of them to properly see what was going on.

"Ganyu, do you see that?"

"I do... something floating in the sky?" Ganyu voiced in a confused tone as she also noticed what looked to be rectangular blue shapes hovering above the main square. "Those objects are most likely the cause for this. Shall we investigate it, Lady Keqing?"

"Of course, let's go."

As the two approached the gathering crowd, the people noticed their presence and instinctively made a path for them to pass through out of respect. Because of this, both Keqing and Ganyu had no trouble reaching the front where they could now see everything clearly.

"That individual there seems to be the cause of these strange objects." Ganyu voiced upon noticing Kyuren, who was still standing at the centre, seemingly configuring with a smaller blue holographic screen in front of him. "What exactly is he doing?"

"Can't say..." Keqing narrowed her eyes slightly. "We should interrogate him; we don't know what it is he's trying to-."

Before Keqing could finish whatever it was she was going to say, the sound of a powerful flute suddenly sounded in their ears. This immediately caught everyone's attention as they snapped their eyes up towards the holographic screens, which to their surprise, was now displaying two words.

『Overwatch - Dragons』

"Overwatch?" Ganyu tilted her head in confusion. "Such calming music..."

As soon as she said this, the music immediately began to pick up as the screen soon faded to show a beautiful piece of art depicting a mountainous landscape with various buildings in the distance. From the looks of it, the screen was continuously panning to show more that was hidden off to the side.

To everyone's surprise, a deep male voice began to speak.

『My family tells of an ancient legend about two great dragon brothers』

『The Dragon of the North Wind, and the Dragon of the South Wind』

『Together they upheld balance and harmony in the heavens』

The listeners all watched with full attention as they saw two large dragons suddenly shown within the art, one emerald green and the other a royal blue. Just the appearance of these two dragons made the watchers look at them in awe, even more so after hearing the narrator's words.

Soon enough, the art faded away before the screen transitioned to show a vast city standing under the darkened sky. More focused was the large oriental castle that stood amongst numerous other buildings of similar architecture.

"What an incredible city!" Keqing couldn't help but mutter in awe as she saw the buildings that seemed to extend into the endless horizon, she saw no end to them. "The architecture is similar to that of Liyue..."

"Also Inazuma it seems..." Ganyu added as she could overhear a few of the people in the crowd shouting. She was aware that a number of individuals who have managed to escape Inazuma resided here in the harbor. "Perhaps that individual is from Inazuma?"

"It's possible..."

As the screen continued to shift, they all noticed a few objects around the streets that they were unfamiliar with. They ignored those things for now though as their attention was immediately grabbed by the sudden appearance of a male who had landed onto the pavement.

Of course, it was Hanzo!

"Oh, what a handsome man!"


"A bow-wielder?" Keqing muttered. Unlike the woman in the crowd who were fawning over Hanzo's rather handsome appearance, she was more interested when she noticed the quiver resting on the man's back. "He seems to be sneaking around, what for though?"

They all watched as Hanzo began running through the empty streets, making sure to keep as silent as possible as he traversed. They were taken back though when the screen suddenly revealed a figure spying on him from the higher rooftops.

"Wait, everyone saw that, right?"

"Yeah, it was a strange person!"

"Person? Are you sure? They didn't look human..."

Thye weren't able to decipher anything as the screen quickly switched to Hanzo swiftly scaling the walls. The screen then switched back to the familiar art-style scenes where the two dragons were now shown forming a circle with their serpentine bodies.

『But the two brothers argued over who could better rule their land』

『Their quarrel turned to rage, and their violent struggle darkened the skies』

『Until the Dragon of the South Wind struck down his brother, who fell to earth... shattering the land』

The audience all widened their eyes, with a few giving shocked gasps, as the screen showed the blue dragon smashing his brother into what looked to be a village, one that was now burning in a large violent flame.

The screen then switched back to Hanzo, who had now entered into the main body of the complex. They all watched as he began fighting against the enemies inside, swiftly taking them down with precise and mastered movements.

They were all impressed by his fighting capabilities, it was obvious that he outmatched these fancy-dressed individuals as he defeated them in one or two shots each. It wasn't just Hanzo's combat that impressed them, his incredible show of marksmanship amazed them to no end.

"Did he curve his shot?!"

Indeed, Hanzo was very much capable of curving the arrows he shot.

『The Dragon of the South Wind had triumphed, but as time passed... he realised his solitude』

『The sweetness of victory turned to the ash』

No one knew how to respond to that, the dragon had killed his brother from what they understood, so it was obvious the dragon would feel remorse for what he had done. They didn't know why he did it or what the circumstances were, but they couldn't help but feel bad for him.

"This is... rather sad." Ganyu frowned slightly as he eyes drooped down upon seeing the down casted form of the blue dragon. "He seemed to have realised his actions and is now regretting his choices. What could have incited such rage between them?"

Keqing wasn't able to provide an answer, she wanted one as well.

The screen then shifted back to Hanzo who was now seen swiftly running into a large gateway, and once he did, a familiar figure emerged on the rooftops. This caused a number of the audience members to shout as they immediately thought back to that one person from the beginning that they saw.

The screen then showed Hanzo walking towards a large scroll at the end of the large room, along with a sword shrine of sorts placed beneath at its base. As Hanzo approached, his steps became slower and slower as he stared silently at the beautiful blade resting on the shrine.

『For years the bereft dragon's grief threw the world into discord, and he knew only bitterness and sorrow』

『One day... a stranger called up to the dragon and asked 'Oh, Dragon Lord. Why are you so distraught?'』

『The dragon told him 'Seeking power... I killed my brother, but without him, I am lost.'』

『The stranger replied 'You have inflicted wounds upon yourself, but now you must heal. Walk the earth on two feet as I do. Find value in humility, then you will find peace.'』

As the narrator finished those words, the screen switched back to Hanzo who was placing down various objects while kneeling in front of the shrine. However, those previous words really seemed to put some form of revelation into the audience.

"Wait, walk on two feet?"

"You don't think...!"

"This man...is he the dragon?" Ganyu seemed to also come to realisation of what the people around them were thinking. Keqing held her chin in contemplation as she pondered over this. "If he is, is he perhaps paying respects to his fallen brother here at this shrine?"

Kyuren could hear all of them, and he merely smiled as he sat quietly on the ground while matching with them. From what he knew, Hanzo and Genji were not dragons, it was simply used as an analogy. Perhaps the dragons did exist in the past, it is said that both of them could control the dragons considering they were both Shimadas.

『Hanzo: You are not the first assassin sent to kill me...』

This immediately made everyone silent.

『Hanzo: ...and you will not be the last』

Everyone watched as the screen then showed what looked to be a humanoid figure crouching above the ceiling, though their appearance confused them all. The figure seemed to be covered in a strange armour, one with glowing green lights and a sharp visor.

This was none other than Genji himself!

Genji then dropped down, landing with both grace and utter silence. Hanzo hadn't moved from his position, and Genji slowly began to stand up straight from his bent position, allowing the audience to get a better look at his armour.

They had to admit, he was pretty damn cool looking.

『Genji: You are bold to come to Shimada Castle, the den of your enemies』

『Hanzo: This was one my home...』

Hanzo narrowed his eyes before picking up the bow he had laid down to rest, quickly pulling out an arrow from his quicker and aiming it towards Genji, who in response didn't flinch and merely stood there as Hanzo did all this.

『Hanzo: Did your masters not tell you who I was?!』

Genji easily twisted his body, effectively dodging the arrow that flew past him.

『Genji: I know who you are, Hanzo』

Hanzo then fired another arrow, which Genji avoided by bending down to the right.

『Genji: I know you come here every year, on the same day』

Hearing this, Hanzo gave a small growl before firing another arrow, this time curving it as Genji swiftly dodged the right behind the Japanese paper wall. Which was obviously not enough to protect him from the arrows that Hanzo fired through, though he did crouch and easily avoided them.

『Genji: You risk so much to honour someone you murdered!』

Genji then threw three shuriken towards Hanzo, who in response quickly deflected as they went flying and stuck deep into the wall behind him. Seeing the two battle, the audience was both invested into the fight and also what they were talking about, unable to take their eyes away.

『Hanzo: You know nothing of what happened!』

Firing another shot, Genji decided to block it using his sword, though the force behind the arrow sent him flying through a lamp structure, sending him falling down into the lower hallway. The attack didn't hurt him though as Genji quickly began dashing again, Hanzo was also hot on his tail as he fired another arrow.

"Did that arrow just split?! How are they bouncing off the walls?!"

"Not only that, that armoured person is really good!"

True to the words of these people, Hanzo's arrow had split into multiple shots that were constantly bouncing off the walls of the hallway. Genji, being the master swordsman he was, slashed any that would have come in contact with him.

Genji then did a big jump back up to the top, where he then sheathed the small sword he had back into the sheath that was strapped onto his lower back. Genji stared at Hanzo for a second before dashing up the stairs towards the balcony with incredible speed, a trail of green energy following behind him as he did so.

Hanzo quickly went after him, his bow at the ready as his eyes scanned around with a focused gaze. Hanzo began looking around for any sign of Genji, the audience doing the same, though to no avail as Genji was nowhere to be found.

He did speak though...

『Genji: I know you tell yourself that your brother disobeyed the clan...』

Hanzo then fired a shot, but only for the arrow to be embedded into the wooden foundations of the building. Slowly, Hanzo noticed the presence of Genji standing a few meters behind him. He didn't immediately act though as Genji spoke once again.

『Genji: ...that it was your duty』

『Hanzo: It was my duty... and my burden!』

Hanzo turned and fired another shot, which Genji deflected with his sword as the arrow then stuck itself into the ground next to him. Hanzo then pulled back another arrow before narrowing his eyes and glaring towards Genji.

『Hanzo: That does not mean I do not honour him!』

The next thing Genji did made everyone go into a state of astonished silence, he slashed towards the flying arrow. Slicing it perfectly in half as both halves, as hard as it is to believe, still had enough force to stick themselves into the wall behind Genji.


Hanzo stared at the display in silence before his faced twisted into one of rage, and to everyone's surprise, he actually charged towards Genji. They all watched in amazement as both of them began fighting in close quarters, Hanzo using his bow as his melee weapon.

"They're impressive, both of them are." Keqing narrowed her eyes as she watched the fight continue. She was quite impressed by the display of skill that both combatants had. "Normally bow-users would stay a good distance from their target, but this Hanzo seems to have trained to use his bow as a physical weapon."

Ganyu was also very impressed, she herself was a bow-user after all. "Do these two possess Visions?"

"From what I can tell, no."

The close quarter fight was stopped when Genji landed a powerful push-kick that sent Hanzo flying back and into the wooden railings. The audience all widened their eyes when Genji jumped up and stabbed his sword down towards Hanzo, who didn't look like he had recovered just yet. Some of the audience had to close their eyes, and some even gave small screams.

"Is it over?!"

"No, doesn't look it!"

True to those words, Hanzo had barely managed to raise his bow in time as the sword Genji had pushing down onto him was stopped in its tracks by the frame of his bow. Both fighters struggled to break the stalemate, though it might be harder for Hanzo considering his position.

『Genji: You think you honour your brother Genji with incense offerings? Honour resides in one's actions!』

"So, the other brother's name was Genji." Keqing made note of the detail. Now they knew the names of both the dragons, at least that's what she thought. "Though, how does this assassin know so much? Is it simply his apparent masters told him?"

『Hanzo: You dare...lecture me about honour?! You are not worthy... to say his name!』

With a push of strength, Hanzo broke free from the hold and swung his bow over the neck of Genji. He then flipped the cyborg ninja backwards, resulting in Genji bouncing against the ground a few times while Hanzo quickly rushed to the side before sliding and picking up and arrow from the ground.

It was the very same arrow that Genji had deflected a few moments back.

What happened next was something that was never going to leave their minds, even if they wanted it to. They all watched with widened eyes as the tattoo on Hanzo's arm released a menacing blue fire-like aura that quickly shaped itself into that of a dragon, wrapping itself around Hanzo's arm towards the tip of the bow.

『Hanzo: Ryū ga waga teki wo kurau!』

The audience member's jaws all unlatched as two spiritual blue dragons were fired towards Genji, both of them releasing a menacing and powerful roar as their bodies spiralled against one another. Lightning also danced between them, making them even more devastating.

Genji stood tall though, he didn't budge from his position as he reached for the sword that had remained sheathed on his upper back this whole time. The audience hadn't noticed it due to the other events that had happened, and they couldn't help but wonder why he didn't use it before.

The answer...

『Genji: Ryūjin no ken wo kurae!』

Just like Hanzo, Genji summoned a spiritual emerald green dragon with a few swings of his sword. Using his blade, Genji guided the green spiritual dragon he summoned, and the green dragon seemed to have taken control of both the dragons Hanzo had summoned and was directing them to flying around Genji.

Soon enough, under Genji's guidance, the green dragon roared as both the blue dragons were sent right back towards Hanzo, who had his eyes widened to the absolute limit. Hanzo then gritted his teeth as he could feel his very own dragons eating away at his energy as they flew through him.

As the attack ended and the three dragons dispersed, Hanzo fell down onto his knees as Genji sheathed his sword back into its sheathe. Hanzo merely sat there in defeat, and the audience could only stare in shocked silence at the scene that had just occurred.

They couldn't believe what had just happened, both of these fighters had just summoned forth literally spirits of dragons in front of their very eyes. Even Ganyu and Keqing were stunned in silence, they had not expected such a scene, especially from individuals who seemed to possess no Vision of any kind.

『Hanzo: Only a Shimada can control the dragons... who are you?』

"Shimada?" Ganyu repeated in confusion. "Is that a species, or perhaps a family?"

Genji didn't give him a verbal response, instead bending his knees slightly before dashing forth with blinding speeds. Before the audience could even process what had happened, they could only watch as Hanzo now had his head craned back with Genji beside him holding his sword horizontally across the bow-user's neck.

『Hanzo: Do it then, kill me!』

Silence reigned through the area, no one muttered a single word as they looked at the scene in anticipation. They were nervous, was Genji really about to kill Hanzo right in front of them? A few of the parents were even prepared to cover their children's eyes just in case.

『Genji: ...No. I will not grant you the death you wish for, you still have a purpose in this life... brother』


"Isn't he just an assassin?!"

This received an immediate reaction from the audience, who were not at all expecting this particular outcome. This whole time, they all believed that the strange cyborg was merely a hired assassin that tasked to kill Hanzo. However, this new revelation made things very complicated.

"So, this person was Genji...?" Even people as intelligent as both Keqing and Ganyu were unable to piece this unexpected turn of events. "That would explain how he could control that dragon at least, they're both one of those Shimada. However, didn't Hanzo kill Genji? Then how..."

『Hanzo: No, no...! My brother is dead!』

Just like the audience, Hanzo was just as disbelieving as them as he quickly got up to his feet with a slight stumble. He turned around and stared at Genji with eyes full of doubt. In response to Hanzo's words, Genji merely reached up towards his head.

The audience all watched as Genji seemed to press something located on the helmet he seemingly wore, which an audible click seemed to resonate as the green visor light Genji had quickly faded away. As Genji reached for the face mask that seemed to detach itself, the audience all gulped nervously as the ninja slowly began lowering the mask.

When the mask was fully lowered, Hanzo's eyes widened considerably. Underneath the mask, they saw a pair of eyes, a sharp pair of eyes that pierced right through them. Even those that had no experience on the battlefield and such could tell, Genji had been through a lot.

『Hanzo: Genji...!』

The scene then switched to show the Dragon of the South Wind resting on the ground with his head lowered in front of the stranger they saw before in the previous iterations, the screen then panning to the left and upwards to show the stranger and another man standing atop of a high peak, looking over the landscape.

『The dragon knelt upon the ground』

『For the first time, he was able to clearly see the world around him... and he became human』

『The stranger revealed himself as his fallen brother. Reunited, the two set out to rebuild what they had once destroyed』


『Hanzo: What have you... become?』

『Genji: I have accepted what I am』

Genji didn't respond immediately, instead placing the mask back into its original position, allowing it to once again click back into place before speaking. The audience weren't sure exactly what Genji was referring to, he just looked like a human wearing armour to them.

Kyuren, on the other hand, was obviously more knowledgeable on the subject. Genji was a cyborg, meaning he had certain parts of his body that were replaced with mechanical replacements. While they gave the ninja many benefits, it took Genji some time to cope and accept what he had become.

『Genji: And I have forgiven you, now you must forgive yourself』

Genji gave Hanzo a small pat on the shoulder before walking towards the edge of the balcony, his now green visor scanned over the city horizon.

『Genji: The world is changing once again, Hanzo. And it's time to pick a side』

Genji glanced back towards his brother before bending his knees and easily leaping several meters off of the balcony and onto the roof of another section within the complex. Hearing this, Hanzo clenched his fists before rushing towards the side.

To everyone's disbelief, Hanzo pulled out the first arrow he had shot upon coming to the balcony. But the reason they were in disbelief was because, despite finding out this ninja was his brother, pulled back the arrow and prepared to fire.

『Hanzo: Real life is not like the story our father told us. You are fool for believing it so!』

『Genji: Perhaps I am fool to think there is still hope for you... but I do』

Genji then slowly turned to face his brother.

『Genji: Think on that, brother』

With a simple hand gesture, Genji seemed to disappear from his position on the roof in the form of a cloud of smoke. However, everyone noticed the strange feather that seemed to drift along the currents of the night winds.

The music began to seriously pick up, sending a strong swell of emotions into the hearts of everyone who was watching. Hanzo, who was stilling aiming his bow, eventually lowered his weapon before clenching the arrow he was going to fire.

With a complicated look on his face, he returned into the shrine which he once again knelt down in front of. The camera remained still for a bit before eventually panning up, revealing a beautiful painting of both the North and South Wind dragons whose bodies were intertwining.

The screen then faded to black...