
Genshin Impact: The Theatre Of Memories

From one world to the other, a young male originating from the United States of America finds himself forcefully transported to the world of Teyvat after his death with one goal in mind, and one goal only. To provide these uncultured swines with the entertainment that they have all been missing out on. He'll show them the great world of anime, movies, games and more! With a trusty and reliable system by his side, the people of this world won't know what hit them. Not the citizens! Not the Adepti! Not the Archons! Maybe not even the freaking Hilichurls! "What is the meaning of Avengers?" "Isn't this a game, how am I inside it?!" "Th-This story... I can't believe I'm crying!" And it all starts here in the great nation of Liyue.

CrueltyAmasses · Anime & Comics
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A Theatre Of Memories

A bunch of uncultured motherfuckers!

That was what Colt thought about the people in this world, and he didn't mean it in the sense of insulting them, more like he was pitying them more than anything. This world may have gods, magic-like abilities and more, but it was missing the glories of the modern world.

They didn't have things like TVs from what he knew, they didn't have any of the basic modern technology that Colt was so familiar with. But to him, they most importantly didn't have the grand wonders that was modern entertainment.

Anyways, just in case you haven't figured it out from the cover photo, Colt was a young man who had recently turned seventeen. He had slightly pale skin along with a lean yet athletic build, he had smooth black hair along with a pair of royal-blue eyes.

When he arrived in this world, Colt had made sure to research the few things he could about this world's entertainment, and to put it bluntly, it was poor. True, they had some decent forms of entertainment, but no anime, no movies, no modern music, no good novels or manga.

Well, maybe they had good novels, though all the novels he had seen thus far were all related to the Archons that reside over the nations, or based on things that are already existing in the world. None of the stories had a burst of originality, none at all. He read on novel, and the next novels just seemed like altered versions of the previous ones.

Enough venting though, Colt could currently be seen standing outside of a decently large building, and from the looks of it, he was inspecting what looked to be a large yet thin screen that was attached to the front of the building high up.

This building was the place that the system had provided for him to start up his new business, a business that he will use to spread better entertainment across this world. Also for himself, being a modern person, he had his own needs as well.

Anyway, the building itself was a basic tall rectangular shape with corners that were diagonal bends instead of sharp corners. The material of the building appeared to be made of a pure white material, excluding the screen as well as the door, the door being an automatic glass door.

Overall, the building really stood out amongst the wooden buildings around it, especially considering its size as well that seemed to cast a shadow onto the street that it was located on. Colt could hear people questioning where the building had come from, but he didn't care as he made sure to check if the screen was clean.

This front screen was going to be displaying trailers after all, so having it clean was important.

"Alright, everything looks good." Colt nodded as he made his way inside of the building, the doors opening automatically as soon as he got close. When he got inside, Colt looked around and nodded his head in satisfaction. "Legit looks like a cinema, but I ain't complaining."

The building looked even bigger than it did on the outside, the floors being completely covered in a soft red carpet, along with having golden railings to make up the queue line towards what Colt could tell was the snack machines. Since he didn't have employees, the food and drinks were provided by machines.

The process was very simple, all the people needed to do was line up and when it was their turn, they could insert their money into the machine and the machine will dispense the desired food item out for the person. It was like a fast food machine you used if you didn't want to make an order at the counter.

"Let's see here..."


『Current Quest - Theatre Maintenance』


● Check that the theatre room is clean and ready [✔]

● Clean the front screen of the building [✔]

● Test that the food machines are fully functional [?]


● Random Movie [Movie + Trailer]


Colt had already checked the theatre, so that objective was completed, and he had also just finished taking care of the trailer screen. At the current stage, the building only had one theatre room which could fit around one-hundred and fifty people.

From what the system had told him, the building would definitely have expansions at some point in the future, he just had to make do with what he had right now. It wasn't too bad though, over a hundred seats isn't bad at all.

"Alright, final task is checking the food machines. Easy enough." Colt smiled as he walked his way over towards the machines. If anything, this last objective was more of a reward than it is a task. It was basically asking him to get himself something to eat and drink.

Walking up to the machines, Colt looked at the current options and saw that the options weren't too many at the moment. The drinks included coke, pepsi and sprite. The food items only consisted of popcorn and chocolate, so the options were pretty limited.

"Popcorn and a large coke, basic." Colt snapped his fingers as a few coins dropped down into his hand, which he dropped into the money collector as the machine sucked it up. He literally just paid himself, but he needed to test the machine out. He had been given money by the system to start off with, the total being 450,000 Mora. "Prices aren't bad either."


『Theatre Food Menu』


● Popcorn - [Cost: Small/Medium/Large - 400/750/1000]

● Chocolate Bar - [Cost: 450]


● Soft Drink - [Type: Coke/Pepsi/Sprite] [Cost: Regular/Large - 500/650]


If Colt was being honest, the prices for the food you get from the cinema were honestly outrageous. The food items typically became three or more times more expensive than what you could buy them for outside the cinema, but he didn't really have a say in this as the system decided the prices.

That included the prices for the tickets to watch the movies here, and speaking of that. The tickets could be obtained by paying for them upon arrival, like most cinemas. In this building, there is a ticket station at the front of each door to the theatre rooms, singular in this case.

All the visitors needed to do was drop their money into the machine, select the type and number of tickets they wanted to get and that was it. They weren't given physical tickets, but were scanned by the system to make sure that each member going in was truly fitting for the ticket bought for them.

He wasn't sure how the system did it, but the scanner would detect if the person was an adult, child or a senior citizen. If you so happen to buy a ticket that would cost more than you'd usually need to pay, such as if you bought an adult ticket for a child, the machine would automatically refund the needed amount and switch said ticket to a child one.

It was complicated.

There was a limiter though, such as the machine only allowing each individual person to buy one ticket for each specific movie once per day. That meant that people could watch the movie each day, just not multiple times in a single day, that way it allowed other people to have a chance to watch.

While this was how it worked for movies, Colt wasn't certain what system the other forms of entertainment would have. From what he knew, the system wasn't just going to be providing movies, but eventually games as well as different tv series and more. When that time comes, he wasn't even sure if you could consider this a theatre anymore.

Anyway, the prices were as follows:

● Baby - [Age Group - Younger than five] [Cost: Free]

● Children - [Age Group - 5 to 15] [Cost: 850]

● Adult - [Age Group - 16 to 60] [Cost: 1200]

● Senior - [Age Group - 61 and older] [Cost: 800]

The prices here were similar functioning as those in the cinemas back in his old world, the adult tickets were a bit more costly compared to children and those that were much older. Since children any younger than five probably can't really appreciate the movie and/or might be newborns, their tickets were free of charge.

Overall, all the prices currently displayed for all items might not sound like a whole lot in the beginning, with how many people usually visited cinemas frequently, the sheer number of people buying things would easily make him a crazy amount of profit.

"Wow, this tastes awesome!" Colt was pleasantly surprised when he placed a few popcorn pieces into his mouth, it tasted just like normal popcorn, but for some reason, it just felt way better. It was the same for the coke, he couldn't really explain nor understand why. "If only the popcorn and drinks tasted this good back in my old world, then the prices would have been reasonable..."


『Quest Completed - Theatre Maintenance』


● Check that the theatre room is clean and ready [✔]

● Clean the front screen of the building [✔]

● Test that the food machines are fully functional [✔]


● Random Movie [Movie + Trailer]


『Random Movie being selected』




『Movie Selected: Persona 3 - Spring of Birth』

『Movie: Persona 3 - Spring of Birth has been added to the cinema roster』

『Movie Trailer: Persona 3 - Spring of Birth has been added to the trailer roster』

"Holy shit, the first Persona 3 movie?" Colt couldn't help but blink in surprise when he saw the notification appear. He couldn't even remember the last time he saw that movie, it had been a good years honestly. He did remember watching it when he was pretty damn young. "Will it be well received? Well, all I can do is hope."

This movie was set in modern times, and the whole plot behind this first movie and the continuations were going to be a completely new experience for those who choose to watch. Colt was pretty worried about whether or not people here would appreciate a new change.

Not like he had a choice in the matter, he couldn't just ask the system for another movie.

Taking a sip out of his drink, Colt turned his attention towards what looked to be numerous tall rectangular flatscreens cases that were attached to the walls of the room. These displays were obviously to show what movies and such this place had.

The very first one that was closest to the door was unlike the others though, it was now displaying an image with a bunch of information at the bottom of the screen. Walking over, Colt looked at the image on the screen with a small smile on his face.

The image that was being displayed was the cover image of the movie, depicting the protagonist Makoto Yuki with the bringer of death Thanatos behind him. They were both present underneath the glow of the emerald green moon of the Dark Hour.


『Persona 3 - Spring of Birth』

● Recommended Age: 15+

● Synopsis:

At the stroke of midnight, the Dark Hour appears - a secret hour which most are unaware of. Those not trapped in coffins during this time, unfortunate enough to find themselves conscious, are met by dangerous creatures known as Shadows.

A select few, however, possess the potential to wield Persona: a special power used to defeat these beings. This secret group is called SEES, and their mission is to uncover the reason behind the Dark Hour's appearance. Only a short while after transfer student Makoto Yuki begins his residency at Iwatodai Dorm, his Persona awakens after an attack by a strong Shadow.

Now recruited into the ranks of SEES, he begins fighting alongside his comrades, as only they can protect humanity from Shadows and prevent the anomaly that is the Dark Hour.




A/N: Sup you lot, hope you enjoyed the chapter even though it was a bit of an info dump. I thought it'd be pretty interesting to do something like this, so why not. Anyway, just wanted to ask, what do you guy's think the realistic population of Teyvat is? Like how many people realistically live in Liyue Harbor and such.
