
Genshin Impact: The Keyblade Chosen One In Teyvat

An adult teenager who comes to Teyvat Plains from another world after his life ends... makes him shocked that ending up in Teyvat's world or another world is not enough. The biggest surprise for him was that in his hand was a very familiar key, a very large key... and he knew the key name that he hold is a keyblade... he...he ended up becoming his favorite game character in another world!?

alam_Tya · Video Games
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


Tenka lay on the bed staring at the ceiling of the roof. Last night he had seen countless stars under the sky and now he could see nothing.

Thinking about everything that happened today, made him realize he had tiring days, whether it was today or the day before. maybe with Sora's super body, he doesn't feel it, but his mind is a different matter.

Pallad left after helping him get a room at the inn. he was very grateful for everything pallad did for him, even though they had just met, he helped him and even gave him money. He really appreciates what pallad did for him.

after being left by pallad, it was still far from night, then he went around the city of mondstadt. it could be said he was quite happy with the scene of the city, he could see a lot of new things.

Not only does the city look beautiful, but the people who live there are also quite friendly. well, he had to admit the girls in this town were pretty.

It's not that he's not used to seeing beautiful women... it's just that every beautiful woman who approaches him just wants to be close because of the status of his parents.

He's not that desperate to get a girl so he doesn't have to think about it.

The first thing he had to do was earn some money, he remembered while walking around near the gate, there is a woman named Catherine called out to him, and then ended up him joining the Adventures Guild.

There should be a test to join the Adventure guild, but he could do it tomorrow. There was no need to rush, he could take an easy request for money.

Then he also met miss Hertha, if he's not mistaken miss Hertha is local security...hmmm knight of favounius? From what Miss Hertha described, he can take local requests and assist the favounius knight in helping the citizens of Mondstadt. And of course, there will be prizes such as money that can be obtained.

Then, and then...

He remembered that when he came to the "good hunters", he met beautiful women, like supermodels... seriously. His mouth gaped in astonishment at the woman's beauty.

She was his type… indeed, it reminded him of his mother. Not from the physical, but from her firm and neat appearance, her expression and eyes are also very much like her mother's.

It was the trait of a woman of high honor... it made him...

It made him really want to meet his mother...?

Tenka : (Mother...)

Tenka grinned: If I'm not mistaken her name is Eula huh...



Sara: welcome to good hunters! do you have anything to order?

Tenka : Ah...I'm new in Mondstadt so I still don't know local food, hmm I welcome any recommendations.

Sara: foreigner yes? Did you come as a tourist? thank you for coming to good hunters, here we sell food, food ingredients, and even food recipes. And you also need to know that our place is very popular.

Tenka: Is that so?

Sara: My name is Sara, I work as a waitress here, I hope you enjoy your time in mondstadt even though mondstadt has been going through a lot lately.

Tenka: thanks Sara, my name is tenka, right now I haven't decided what to do. maybe I'll stay in mondstadt or maybe travel to see the world.

Sara: let's not rush okay

Tenka: By the way, I only have 1000 mora, is this enough? I just registered at the adventure guild so I didn't have time to take quests.

Sara: then how about the chicken skewer mushroom? Even though it's simple, it's quite delicious.

Tenka: I'll take that then.

Sara: Ah! I forgot, at this hour I usually need to deliver sandwiches to glory.

Tenka: glory? So what?

Sara: you don't understand tenka, glory can't see... I mean she is blind, and she usually sits near the windmill.

Tenka: then it's fine I'll wait...

"Sara I want to order!"

"Sara sticky honey roast for me"

"Sara order please..."

Sara: Eh!?

Tenka looks back : (Woah...since when did people queue this much behind me...)

Sara: w-w...w what should I do...

Tenka: Sara let me help you, is glory food ready, I will deliver it for you. She's near the windmill, right? don't worry, I swear I won't eat the food.

Sara : Thank you tenka! you're a savior... usually I ask for help from travelers or the adventure guild. Here I trust this box of food to you, please give it to glory.

Tenka: ok I will deliver it.


It didn't take long for tenka to find glory, this girl was a bit conspicuous not in appearance, but more in how people saw her. a girl with a blindfold sitting alone without anyone accompanying her, and just sitting quietly, who knows what this girl is thinking?

Tenka: (This is a fantasy world right? I hope she isn't some mysterious character hiding her powers, and boom gojou satoru a female fantasy world version appears...at least that's how I imagined it).

Tenka: (or maybe mystic eyes?....whoa seriously this is not fate, I hope this has nothing to do with the nasuverse).

Tenka: excuse me are you glory?

glory: hm? yes, I am glory...who are you? do you need something from me?

Tenka: my name is tenka and I'm new in mondstadt, Sara asked me to help deliver this lunch box to you.

Glory: thank you, you don't know how grateful I am for your help.

said glory while taking the lunch box from tenka

Tenka: n-no... it's not a big deal... hmmm why are you sitting here alone, don't you feel lonely.

glory was slightly surprised, but she then smiled at tenka gently.

glory: No, I don't feel lonely... precisely because I'm sitting here because I feel comfortable, just because I can't see doesn't stop me from enjoying the blessings of the world.

Tenka was silent, he observed Glory deeply. Thinking about it, he felt like an asshole making jokes about Glory. It's not funny at all, it's not a good thing to make fun of other people's disabilities.

Glory: I hope that by me sitting here I won't disturb anyone else.

tenka: No! you're not disturbing anybody

Glory smile: thank you, can you feel it... the wind, thanks to our archon barbatos. We can feel the comfort of this gentle breeze, Thats why i am sitting here. Makes me grateful to be born in mondstadt.

tenka: isn't it hard... can't see? sorry if my question went too far.

Glory was again getting surprised, this is not the first time she has been asked this kind of question. Even though she couldn't see tenka, at least she could feel tenka character.

Glory felt absolutely no condescension, or mocking, from tenka's question. So she answered.

Glory: Of course it's hard, I can't see anything but dark. I can't see my friends, relatives, family, or loved ones. I don't even understand the concept of color, because from the beginning my world was black.

Glory: but I have to accept it, mondstadt is a safe and peaceful area. The land of teyvat is a dangerous plain, I'm sure a lot of people have worse than me. Compared to them I'm lucky. I even have a lot of friends, barbara, amber, Fischl, and people from favounius knight, they are good people. And...

Glory: I have Godwin...ah! Godwin is my fiance. Before you ask where is he. Now that he's on an expedition with Grand Master Varka, I'm sure he's seen a lot of new places now. By the way, even though he's far away he never forgets to send me letters, sometimes one of my friends named Aether and Paimon who are travelers often deliver letters to me.

Tenka: I see... Glory!

Glory: Eh? whats wrong tenka?

Tenka: I'm sorry to make a joke about you...

Glory: you are a very good person, tenka...thanks for being honest with me.

Tenka: no-no...I am happy, so... does that mean we are a friend?

Glory: Sure, now we are a friend

Tenka: then I have to go, sorry to bother you

Glory: no I'm happy myself, almost all of my friends are busy.

Tenka: (Magic is, by definition, "the art of producing the desired effect or result via incantation or various other techniques that assure human control of supernatural agencies or the forces of nature")

Tenka: (magic in Kingdom Hearts, if I'm not mistaken, also uses the concept of magic from Final Fantasy. Each series of Final Fantasy has different laws and miracles.)

Tenka: (though that doesn't mean it's impossible for me to not be able to use concept magic from each of the different laws. games and reality are different things. What I'm experiencing is real and not trivial like games or fiction, so I have to respect people in this world)

Tenka: (It might be bad to make Glory as the object of testing my magical abilities, but... if it ends with healing her eyes I guess there's nothing to lose. Also, the concept of Kingdom Hearts isn't tied to just Final Fantasy, it's also tied to Disney).

Tenka smiled: (Which means the magic I can do is wider than I thought, at least it was just a theory before I actually did it).

Tenka: Before I go, glory, if there's a way to heal your eyes... what do you think.

Glory: Tenka what do you mean?

Tenka: never mind, I'm happy... don't you know that I also have a history of illness. (although I can't say what happened to me can be declared cured).

Glory: Tenka are you also sick too?

Tenka: Yes, but miracles happen... so don't be surprised if miracles happen to you too.

Glory: Ten-...

Tenka: see you later

Tenka said while walking back to the good hunter


When tenka returned to good hunter he could see good hunter was not as busy as before, he thought about good hunter being popular it didn't seem like mere words.

Tenka cheerfully: Sara! is my food ready.

Sara: Ah Tenka you're back! you go long enough... is it difficult to find glory.

Tenka: No, I just talked to Glory, and ended up being friends

Sara: Really? then I am glad.

Tenka didn't notice because he was in a hurry to get his food. But when he looked again, Sara was serving other people.

"geez, wouldn't it be nice to just cut the queue... don't you learn some manners".

Tenka looked to the side and he saw a woman...

Tenka: Wha...(Haaaaaaaah!!!!)

His mouth was wide open, his jaw dropped, and his body froze in place. He saw a very beautiful woman, absolutely beautiful, and her appearance already make the girl in this city feel like a side character.

It's Eula one of the favounius knight captains

Eula is an elegant woman with a pale complexion and multicolored heterochromatic eyes that fade from dark purple to pale yellow. She has choppy, unevenly cut light blue hair. Above her bangs, Eula wears a black headband and a four-pointed silver, white, and blue hairpin to her left.

Eula with cold tone: Satisfied with what you see~ ...pervert

Tenka: wha...wha what? oh! forgive me!

Tenka lowered his head subconsciously, his face flushed, and didn't dare to stand up.

Tenka: My name is tenka, I'm new to Mondstadt...I-I'm sorry again if you'll excuse me.

Tenka then took off running, trying to get as far away from the good hunter's location as possible, without realizing he had forgotten his food. It's not like he's a loser, then again he's born into a high-status family. Even though he was sick he received higher education in terms of manners, especially in terms of treating women.

Being a gentleman is the main teaching that his father and brother instilled in him. But this is a foreign feeling for him, he met many beautiful women and many who approached him. But never been this bad let alone embarrassed.

Tenka: Damn it! I forgot my food...

In the end, sadly he came back because he had not eaten. the inn only provided dinner and breakfast, so these were the only foods he could eat now. Moreover, he did not want to waste the money given by Pallad.

Eula: Ara…see what I said, he's coming back so stop scowling at me, Sara.

Said Eula who was leaning on the order table in front of Sara, with one hand supporting her chin.

Sara: stop eula, you have to understand men's feelings... I don't want my customers to run away anymore.

like a comedy scene, tenka puts on a gloomy face that looks comical.

Tenka: (Whatever I don't care anymore sigh~) Sara my food...

Sara smiled wryly: this is your food Tenka, please don't run anymore Eula is always like that...

Tenka: This... isn't it a lot more than it should be?

Sara: reward for helping me, okay

Tenka smiled brightly: wow thanks...

Sara: (he's so cute)

Eula: hmm~... surprising

Tenka: Eeek!!!...

Turning slowly towards eula, tenka tried to start another conversation with eula... this time tenka was able to act calmly.

Eula: hey by the way why are you running?

Tenka didn't know what to answer, he felt his face getting hot and could feel the sweat on his hands.

Tenka looks down: ugh...t-that's b-because you're so p-p-pretty (it's over, I'm pathetic)

tenka resignedly said it, crying comically in her heart.

Eula's pupils widened upon hearing that she was beautiful and kinda... Not that she wasn't aware of the attractiveness of her looks. On the contrary, she knows that she is beautiful.

Eula realized that a slight tingling feeling invaded her body...

Sara: (wow...so brave, isn't this a confession...a confession in front of a store, totally unexpected).

Standing straight up facing the tenka, Eula folded her arms and closed her eyes.

Tenka: .....

Eula: Sigh~... thanks for the compliment, I realize I'm pretty... but you don't have to run like that, that's rude.

Tenka: ok...sorry, may I go...

Eula: You may go

Enough…Tenka had enough, he was tired and wanted to rest, so he walked to the inn and go away from the shop slowly. he doesn't want to think about anything else and intends to go straight home.

Eula: Wait!

Tenka didn't turn around and just stopped, he already felt embarrassed enough, and today he felt tired.

Eula: Sara told me you... hmm, Tenka right? well basically since you're new here I hope you don't cause trouble. or I'll bury you in dragonspine myself.

Eula: also My name is Eula Lawrence, I'm one of the captains in the favounius knights. So remember if you don't want me to throw you into the icy lake at dragonspine.

Tenka turned to face eula and Sara.

Tenka smiled: I see, I get it...bye eula, and Sara too

Tenka: Oh!... I forgot, Eula you have a beautiful name.

Eula: Hey!

Tenka then ran away and didn't care without looking back.

Eula smiled: I will never forget this vengeance, so please wait for my vengeance!

(flashback end)


(go back to present)

Tenka: AH!

Tenka immediately woke up from his bed and was in a sitting position on the bed.

Tenka : (whoa!!!! I'm such a disgusting pervert).

While covering his face with both hands, he felt ashamed and conflicted with himself.

Tenka : (No wonder she's mad at me, I'm behaving like a freak! Moreover, I was a foreigner, our first meeting was really bad).

Tenka : (I mean I scanned her entire body from her face, chest, waist and legs... anyone would be grossed out...)

Tenka : (Sigh~ there is no hope... there is no way I have another chance to meet her again, even a chance to talk to her).

Hurt, for some reason he felt a pain in his chest. This is strange, why he felt pain in his heart? feeling shortness of breath Tenka tried to take a deep breath and then let it out slowly.

"PLAK!!!". Tenka slapped his cheeks.

Tenka : Let's stop here, my mind is getting messed up. I'm sure I'm tired, there's no way I like a woman just because I met her once.

Tenka : It must be just I miss my home, I really just miss home. moreover, I experienced many things. So that makes sense, I should be taking a rest because tomorrow there are so many things that I should do.

Back in the sleeping position, tenka again thought deeply about the problem. No family, no relatives, no home, no friends... well maybe he knows some new people but he can't rely on anyone else, especially pallad.

now he is alone in a completely foreign place, with a historical setting foreign to his world...

Tenka : now what should I do...

by thinking of an uncertain future, he began to feel sleepy, slowly his eyes began to close, and then tenka fell asleep.


Ost : Organization XIII Theme

Green plains on a very high peak there is a large rock. On the boulder there is a figure sitting, a blurry and invisible figure, at the same time it is like a mosaic sensor on a broken TV, like a bug in a game, an irregular grid pattern covers the person's shape so that it becomes unclear. Whether it's so that the world doesn't see this figure, or so the world doesn't see it, no one knows.

The night sky with countless stars, it's infinite. But a figure like a bug from a video game looks up at the sky in the stillness of the night. More precisely towards the floating island floating high in the sky… Celestia.

Celestia often called the principle of heaven, is the core of the rules, the rules of the world, the order of the world, and many other titles.

It is said to be a god's place among gods, a place of ancient beings, a place where the sustainers guard the world against outside beings, the foreigner who try to enter the teyvat or beings who challenge the heavens themselves.

*sraaak* *sssrrrrrt* *sssssrrrrrtaakkss*

The bug figure like in the video game that is visible looks up at the sky, no one knows what is on this mysterious figure's mind.

Then a gust of wind blew, and a dark blue portal opened...

Another mysterious figure appears, unknown to the world itself...

the unknown slowly walked towards the video game bug figure and then stopped right behind.

A mysterious figure in an all-black robe stared up at the sky, following where the bug figure was staring. And they both stare at Celestia...

bug figure: dn19d2397shf3jksc


bug figure: 21eqwr0u9scj3290udc

Unknown: is that so...

The black-robed figure's voice was deep and heavy, yet his tone was very gentle.

Unknown: how long has it been since we last met...

Bug figure: 10udascs2q

Unknown: several thousand?

bug figure: 290ewcsnk3rascn

Unknown: I feel sorry for this world...

bug figure: 21duas0hqnsa

Unknown: World of gods isn't that funny

bug figure:...

Unknown: Again a world where the name of a god is belittled, those who do not understand the burden of the names they call gods

Unknown: God is absolute, neither born nor gave birth...gods do not know the concept of death...NOT GOD-

*sssrtttt* *krasssstt* *ccsssrrrrtt*

Unknown: idealist...

*ssssrrrrtt* *craaaakk* *strtssssstt*

bug figure: *W-w-w-We don't judge... we just accept*

The video game bug figure speaks, a voice much heavier than Unknown and sounds more robotic like the voice on a broken record.


bug figure:...

Unknown: Ah-...I forgot to mention, I found something interesting...

Bug figure: dasnq291rhascnscacn

Unknown: No... I don't care about this world conflict at all... I just dropped by and bumped into the keys, so my plan change...


Unknown: there's a mystery within a mystery, there's a secret within a secret... but to break out of this stupid circle, I finally found it.

Unknown: I know what I'm doing, I will reach the idealist and meet the idealist myself...

Unknown: this is already become annoying...there is so many way to reach you... but can't deny it's really hard reach it... no matter how many world, many star, many ...to reach you.

Unknown: but...never stop, for me...to get a true start...

Bug figure: *there are always consequences of words... there are always consequences of actions*

Unknown: I don't say I'm a god, even so with you... We are not gods, when I reach the deepest depth of truth, I realize that everything is the same...

Bug figure: S2390sdjs Yasnns30s Sscjsdlfnk30 T20sdscjsxk Esdnkeo Ms29d0sfnsd

Unknown: We are all equal before God...idealist

(Ost END)


Dvalin, one of the protectors or guardians of the four winds in mondstadt.

After the incident from stormterror, a lot happened, but most importantly he managed to connect with his best friend Barbatos. No matter the aches and pains, he was glad his bond with Barbatos had never been lost.

Barbatos didn't mean to ignore him, he just uniquely cared about him. Barbatos wanted the Dvalin to feel freedom, freedom without being bound by anyone or anything.

Dvalin didn't expect he would still be accepted as the four winds after what he did. Even though it was actually the abyss order's fault for controlling him.

His anger at that time was real...

The hopeless feeling he felt was real, but now...now he was sure everything would be fine. mondstadt will be at peace, and with the four winds...everything will be fine.

Dvalin can't wait tomorrow to hear music from barbatos, fly with him and play with him.

Flying over the night sky, dvalin floated towards stormterror which was his territory or resting place... Dvalin feels sleepy even though he is a nocturnal creature.


Being hit by the blast of wind was like being hit by big hammers all over his body, Dvalin fell to the ground.



Dvalin went berserk, his roar so loud it reverberated throughout the surrounding area. The starry weather is slowly turning cloudy...

(OST: Kingdom hearts III seeker xemnas/seeker ansem)

"Ahh~ didn't expect lizards to talk... isn't this cute"

*the crowd laughed*


A figure clad in all black emerged from the ground towards the surface, like a portal from a lumpy shadow.


1 to 3, 3 to 7, 7 to 14... up to hundreds or even thousands... they surrounded Dvalin.

these mysterious figures covering themselves in all black were like a cult surrounding Dvalin...


One of the many mysterious figures walked closer to dvalin's presence.

"Woo~ Calm down lizard... you make me look like the bad guy here....hmm you can call me V".

Said the figure in front of dvalin jokingly.

*crowd laugh*

"I am nothing but 2 days old... kidding! call me rivail"

Rivail: "Hey, someone wants to replace me, I don't have the heart-"


Dvalin slams his hand forward, whoever is hit by that slam will definitely die and their body will be destroyed. But...

A portal appeared in front of Dvalin, and a mysterious figure walked toward Dvalin.

Rivail: "Hey-hey... didn't your master teach you manners, hmm who is it... hmm bartobas... batebatos... ah really stupid, I don't care".

Dvalin… sensed the danger, his instincts as a supreme beast kicked violently. That told Dvalin to escape from this place...

But could he? when he was surrounded by unknown numbers...and if even one of them didn't take him seriously...


Rivail: "Ah~... I'm sure I'll hate myself after this, I hope the result will be worth it".


Dvalin said threatening the people in front of him...

Rivail: "Oh now that you can't use your powers...you're trying to Intimidate me... Oww~ I feel scared".

Rivail: "Okay... I'll get straight to the point...this is just a job"

The figure in front of Dvalin suddenly changed, not the appearance but his previous relaxed demeanor disappeared suddenly. The mysterious figure firmly faced dvalin.

Rivail flat tone: "Dvalin... I must apologize but we will be hunting you tonight, you are free to flee, or fight... but one thing is certain".

Dvalin: "GRRRRR"

Rivail: "ThErE WiLl bE nO HoPe fOr YoU...DvALiN".

Mysterious Crowd: "ThErE WiLl bE nO HoPe fOr YoU...DvALiN".

(Ost END)


(one week later)

On a sunny day, as usual, the liyue region which was ruled over directly by the archon of wisdom who promised the Contract, namely morax, was again blessed with sunny days.

Although morax no longer exists, the future of liyue is now determined by humans. Which meant the city where the trading center was located would be as busy as usual.

New day... means new contract, and that's how it goes in liyue.

Ningguang woke up, dressed, ate, and returned to her desk as usual...her lifestyle was truly a form of luxury…but there was nothing but boredom on her face.

Ningguang: (well, hope something interesting happens today)

Ningguang is the Tianquan of the Liyue qixing and owner of the floating Jade Chamber in the skies of Liyue. So it's no wonder her days would be so busy, even a lot of important people who try to gain luck from her willing to spend a lot of mora just to get her attention.

Ningguang is currently in the jade chamber and is working as usual. trading, making agreements, viewing reports, and managing intel.

Don't know when days like this will last for her, but it's a risk she has to accept. Because she ultimately loves Mora, or rather she loves the process of obtaining Mora.

That made her feel a little doubtful whether she would end up getting old without getting married, but it couldn't be helped... even though she received many proposals, everything she look and valued was lacking.

She even met some creepy men who tried to approach her, and that disgusted her to the bone...

Baiwen: Lady Ningguang, Miss Keqing, and Miss Ganyu have arrived.

Ningguang: invite them in, and we'll start our usual brief daily meeting.

Baiwen: Yes lady ningguang.

Ningguang read through files and notes she had not seen and read... not much new, except for fatui.

Ningguang: They've been moving more and more aggressively lately...Sigh~ it seems-...

Baiwen: Lady ningguang!

Ningguang: Baiwen? what's wrong, where's keqing and ganyu... we don't have time to waste.

Baiwen: About that-...


Keqing: Raise liyue security to the highest level, order the qixing army to be alert to enter a state of readiness for war!

Ganyu: Keqing I've heard from the yaksha, that all the adepti are on standby and will be coming to liyue for defense... for cloud retainer, she is headed to mondstadt to observe what's going on.

Ganyu suddenly appeared to tell keqing the news then turned to look at Ningguang.

Ganyu: Lady Ningguang!

Keqing: Tianquan-...forgive me if I order things around like that.

Ningguang: It's fine, I can tell everything is under control...what's wrong?

Ningguang could feel a floating feeling from the jade chamber, which meant that the jade chamber was gaining height from what it should be.

Keqing: See for yourself...

Liyue and Mondstadt are 2 regions that are close to each other, forget about the problem of being led by 2 archons with different histories... Liyue and Mondstadt can be said to have a close and very good relationship.

For teyvat mondstadt known as free territory, is a place of peace.

Even sometimes people said mondstadt is only considered a city and not a country or region itself. So the name City of Freedom is a very suitable name for Mondstadt.


Ningguang couldn't believe what she saw, she probably thought her days were boring... but had her wish for something interesting to happen come true?

Ningguang: It's not funny... If my prayers end up being a disaster for Mondstadt and its people...

(OST: FF XV Encelevenemus)

*Druuuu~* *Drrrrtt~* *Zrrrrtthhh~*

The roar of the sky above the city of Mondstads can be seen from the Jade Chamber. The black cloud was abnormally clumping and spinning as if it was going to suck up what was underneath.

Even the weather itself is starting to affect the liyue area, now in liyue the sky which was previously sunny is starting to get cloudy. People were ordered to stay at home and even told to prepare to evacuate if the worst happened.


A big EXPLOSION occurred

on that day, no one will believe that Mondstadt was destroyed...


A young man stands under a spinning cloudy sky, clutching a weapon tightly shaped like a key with the famous Disney mascot chain attached to it.

The young man who was standing right below the statue of Barbatos looked up, towards the sky where his enemy was... He regretted that he hesitated, he regretted that he was late, but regretted that it would not have solved the problem in front of him.

He wanted to scream in fear, to scream to cry, he wanted to run... but he couldn't, it was not allowed, because for everyone... for himself... steeled his resolve, his face became serious, there was no turning back.

five mysterious figures standing in the sky as if they had a foothold in the air, they all looked down at the young man holding the key.

The stage is ready, the curtain has been opened.... whatever happened has happened.



(ost end)

(Prologue book finished)