
Genshin Impact: The Eight Archon

Li Luo an ordinary man spends his time reading novel but there's something that separates him from the rest he's an flat earther believer. One day he was walking on the street when suddenly he heard the sound of a truck before he could even react the truck was already in front of him, hitting him hard. Li Luo wakes up and find himself in the world of Teyvat and finds that he is transported 7,000 years before canon with him having unique powers. ------time passed After Li Luo participated in the Archon War and win with the help of Morax he become the Eight Archon. He's the only Archon who had no land to rule so he traveled to the seven nations meeting all kinds of people. Since he had no land to govern the Heavenly Principle lock him up in Celestia for thousands of years. After time passed he is finally free, will he guide the traveler or bring destruction to all? (This is a translation guys but i change a lot of premises so it will not be the same as the original i changed things such as place, characters and the plot so i guess you can say this is not totally a translation and instead i created a book different from the original) (I just posted this book because of the author badge) Schedule: 1 chapter a day

Absolute_Qlipoth · Video Games
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38 Chs

Chapter 31: Topics on how to counter Stormterror

Xiangling was extremely embarrassed.

Every time she talks about food, she can't help talking non-stop.

"Xiangling is fine, who is next to Mr. Li Luo?"

Amber looked at Venti with puzzled eyes.

It was another stranger who she never seen before, but judging from most of the other party, she seemed to come from Mondstadt.

"Hello~ My name is Venti, I'm a bard and a friend of Mr. Li Luo~"

When Ventu left the last paragraph, she was deliberately a little heavy.

The above words are not important, the last sentence is Mr. Li Luo's friend.

"So it's Mr. Li Luo's friend, so let's eat together."

After hearing that Amber was Li Luo's friend, her attitude obviously changed a lot.

In the living room———————

Venti reintroduced herself in front of everyone and it was like sitting down.

"Mr. Li Luo, let me introduce you. This is Jean, the acting grand master of our Knights of Favonius."

Seeing that everyone called Li Luo Mr, Kaiya simply called him that too.

Anyway, although this man didn't do anything, he couldn't see through him at all, He was covered with mysterious aura all over his body.

"Hi Li Luo, I'm Jean, the acting grand master of the Knights of Favonius. I heard what they said about you. Thank you and the traveler for driving away Stormterror."

Jean rarely had time to have lunch with everyone.

In the past at this time, she was still working hard in the office, and waited until Barbara brought her food to eat.

"Hi Jean, my name is Li Luo, I'm from Liyue, I'm just a traveler with nothing to do, as for saving Mondstadt and driving away Stormterror, I didn't do anything."

Li Luo shrugged.

"Hee hee~ Li Luo, at least you saved Lumine at a critical moment.

As soon as Paimon heard these words, she happily flew to Li Luo's side and laughed.

"If I remember correctly, it's none of my business to drive away Stormterror, and it's even less of your business, Paimon, you're screaming all the way down the hall, and it has nothing to do with driving Stormterror away, right?"

Li Luo joked.

"Hey! It doesn't matter what you mean! I... I am the traveler's partner!"

Paimon crossed her arms angrily and glanced aside, this nasty guy was always targeting herself.

I... I must give him an ugly nickname!

"Anyway, thank you for your help."

Through Amber's narration, Jean knew that if Li Luo hadn't acted in front of her, the traveler's life might really be in danger.

"You don't have to thank my captain Jean, if you want to thank, you can thank the traveler."

Li Luo took out a pair of chopsticks out of nowhere and tasted the food on the table.

"You!, where did that come from?"

Paimon asked curiously.

"Well~ I have a Dendro Vision, and it's my ability to conjure a pair of wooden chopsticks."

Li Luo lit up the green Vision hanging on his waist, and explained casually.

"Damn guy, don't you just use your Vision to do this kind of thing!

Paimon felt that this was really too extravagant.

"Isn't it okay?"

Li Luo found it interesting to talk to Paimon, especially when the angry Paimon was speechless.

Paimon hate's grew against Li Luo.

Paimon secretly made up her mind that she must give Li Luo a unique super duper bad nickname! ! !

Seeing Paimon so angry, instead of saying a word to Paimon, Lumine covered her mouth and smiled.

Only Xiangling, who was sitting next to Li Luo, was very surprised. She remember that Mr. Li Luo's Vision wasn't geo? When did it become a Dendro.

But when Li Luo winked secretly at her, Xiangling had no choice but to keep these doubts in her stomach.

during meals------

Jean chatted about Stormterror by the way.

Everyone present except Li Luo actively participated in the discussion, oh wait, there was also Venti who was drinking fine wine by Li Luo's side.

It seems that Stormterror doesn't care about his Venti.

As Jean and the others talked, they talked about the Temple of the Four Winds.

Li Luo automatically blocked these topics, even the Seven Archons didn't bother to trouble him, how could he participate in such troublesome things.

If I were the Anemo Archon Barbatos, the first thing I would definitely do would be to pull Stormterror over to beat him up, and then make him accept the purification.

"Why would it be as troublesome as it is now?"

But the most troublesome thing should not be these, but Barbatos next to him, just like himself, pretending that she didn't hear it.

"Oh~ I'm done eating, let's slip away first~"

Hearing Amber mentioned the name of Barbatos, Venti immediately chose to run away.

As soon as the bard Venti left, Jean officially entered the combat topic plan.

By the way Jean also explain the influence of Stormterror on Mondstadt.

If it was the former Knights of Favonius, they would definitely not be afraid of the invasion of Stormterror at all.

But now most of the troops have gone on an expedition, and now the Knights of Favonius guarded by the Four Winds are gone.

"Mr. Li Luo, do you want to help us?"

Lumine looked at Li Luo.

Mr. Li Luo seemed to be deliberately avoiding their topic, and he didn't intend to participate at all.

"Me? Forget it. I'm just an ordinary person with no strength. If I rashly participate in your affairs, I may cause you trouble."

Li Luo decisively rejected Lumine's invitation.

Just kidding, he doesn't do this kind of thing too much, it's still suitable for him to do it, and get an honorary knight title.

When the rest of the people heard that Li Luo claimed to be an ordinary person, the corners of their mouths twitched.

Is the Vision hanging around your waist a decoration?

"Hey~ This cutie doesn't seem to like trouble~"

Lisa, who was sitting opposite Li Luo, propped the table lazily, her emerald green eyes gave Li Luo a teasing look intentionally or unintentionally.

In fact, she has been paying attention to Li Luo all the time. As a genius witch who is rare in the Sumeru Academy for two hundred years, her intuition is very accurate.


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