
Genshin Impact: The Eight Archon

Li Luo an ordinary man spends his time reading novel but there's something that separates him from the rest he's an flat earther believer. One day he was walking on the street when suddenly he heard the sound of a truck before he could even react the truck was already in front of him, hitting him hard. Li Luo wakes up and find himself in the world of Teyvat and finds that he is transported 7,000 years before canon with him having unique powers. ------time passed After Li Luo participated in the Archon War and win with the help of Morax he become the Eight Archon. He's the only Archon who had no land to rule so he traveled to the seven nations meeting all kinds of people. Since he had no land to govern the Heavenly Principle lock him up in Celestia for thousands of years. After time passed he is finally free, will he guide the traveler or bring destruction to all? (This is a translation guys but i change a lot of premises so it will not be the same as the original i changed things such as place, characters and the plot so i guess you can say this is not totally a translation and instead i created a book different from the original) (I just posted this book because of the author badge) Schedule: 1 chapter a day

Absolute_Qlipoth · Video Games
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38 Chs

Chapter 21: Snowy Mountain

After Joseph finished speaking, his vision went dark and he passed out.

His physical strength reached the limit.

"No, it's not Barbatos, it's Axis. Forget it, you don't even know."

The person who came was naturally not the Anemo Archon Barbatos, but Li Luo who followed the voice.

That guy Barbatos is still busy with Dvalin's business, so he has no time to come to Snow Mountain.

A bright golden light rose from Li Luo's pupils.

The falling rock that was pressing on Joseph immediately floated up and shifted to the side.

Li Luo squatted down to help Joseph up, observed carefully, and found that Joseph had not died yet.

But if he was left here like this, he would really die before long.

Anyway, he is also a believer of that guy Barbatos, so let's help him to the end.



With a heavy blow from Xiangling, he knocked over the big chubby slime.

The rice cracker tacitly continued to make up for the slime.

Soon, this slime was killed by Xiangling.

"Good job, rice cracker, as expected of my partner, our dinner is also settled."

Xiangling can't wait to make iced slime and taste it.

Yula on the other side also finished off the group of slimes, and put the epee on her back again: "You're pretty good at it, since you've caught the slimes, let's go."

From the beginning to the end, she was worried about Li Luo who was waiting for them on the mountainside.

And she didn't expect Xiangling to be so skilled.

Didn't you say that you are a chef? Where is there such a good chef in martial arts, is it really a suspicious person?

Due to the attack of Stormterror , the current Mondstadt can be said to be highly nervous, and entered a state of alert.

Any suspicious persons must be brought back to Mondstadt for identification.

"Okay, crispy rice."

Xiangling's kung fu is good, but her strength is much weaker.

Every time there is a matter of moving food, it is the crispy rice.

To be honest, she also couldn't figure out why Guoba were so strong. Although he looked small, they were surprisingly strong.

Thinking back to the first time he caught a rock lizard, Guoba lifted the heavy rock lizard up with both hands.


The casserole lifted the slime skillfully.

They returned to the halfway up the mountain again, but Li Luo's figure had long since disappeared.

"Eh? Where's Mr. Li Luo?"

Xiangling looked around curiously, but did not see Li Luo's shadow.

"Damn guy, I told him to stay here, why does he like to run around, I will remember this grudge!"

A trace of anxiety appeared on Eula's face.

"It's okay, Sister Eula, Mr. Li Luo's strength is really strong, such a big geovishap hatchling, Mr. Li Luo knocked the geovishap hatchling to the ground with just one move."

Compared to Eula's concern, Xiangling was not so nervous.

Mr. Li Luo's strength is obvious to all.

Those who can travel to the Seven Nations are definitely stronger than the two of them combined.

"No matter how powerful you are, accidents are easy to happen in such a complex terrain like snow mountains."

Eula shook her head.

Even if it is me, I will never go to the snow mountain under heavy snow.

So as not to cause trouble to everyone in the Knights of Favonius.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

At this moment, a familiar figure appeared in the wind and snow in the distance.

It was Li Luo.

"Look, I said that Mr. Li Luo is fine, he is strong, there is no need to worry, sister Eula."

Xiangling said complacently.

At least so far, Li Luo has given her the impression that it is unfathomable.

"Who...who said she was worried about that bastard, I'm just worried that I won't be able to avenge myself."

Eula would never admit that she was worried about Li Luo.

"Don't worry, Eula, until you take revenge, nothing will happen to me."

Li Luo said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.


This vengeful knight is still as arrogant as in the game.

"It's good that you know. I never cared about you as an enemy. Well, the slime has been caught. We must go down the mountain first. It is very dangerous to spend the night in the snow mountain."

Eula put away her guilty expression and turned serious.

The snow-capped mountains at night are several times more dangerous than during the day.

Even if she was alone, she would not dare to spend the night in the snow-capped mountains, unless she had a companion or a stronghold to rest.

"I see, let's go down the mountain."

Seeing Eula being so serious, Xiangling also put away her playful thoughts.

On the way down the mountain.

"By the way, sister Eula, did you come to the snow mountain just to take a bath?"

Xiangling asked.

"No, taking a bath is only one of the reasons. The most important reason is that I received a mission. Joseph's father disappeared in the snow mountain for nearly two days."

"This dangerous task is a headache for adventurers, so I happened to be free, so I promised Joseph to go up the mountain to have a look. After a day of searching, I was a little tired, so I found a pool. I never expected to meet you."

Eula explained.

If she just came to the snow mountain to take a bath, then she would not take a bath in the snow pond near Mingyun Village.

"Although I don't know who that Joseph is, I hope Rex Lapis can bless his father safe and sound."

Xiangling said sincerely.

"I hope so. It's getting late now, so I can only look for it tomorrow."

In fact, Eula can't guarantee that she will be free tomorrow.

There are many things about the Knights of Favonius. This kind of disappearance case of going to the snow mountain to find people is better for adventurers.


In case you didn't know rice cracker is meant to be Guoba

Readers because the author is stupid , there are probably a lot of typos in the code, I hope everyone can understand that the author is losing his braincells.