
Dragon Prince

Bennett then looked at Luminis. "So is Luminis a Dragon prince"

Dvalin let our a small chuckle. "Yes, in away he is a dragon prince"

Bennett's eyes sparkled with excitement as he turned to Luminis, who was still nestled in Eula's arms, a mixture of pride and confusion written across his young face. "A dragon prince? That's amazing! You must be really strong!"

Luminis blinked, tilting his head slightly. "But I'm just me... I don't feel strong."

Eula knelt down to meet Luminis at eye level, brushing a lock of hair away from his face. "You may not see it yet, but you have great potential, Luminis. Being a prince means more than just strength; it means having the heart to protect others."

Venti grinned, trying to lighten the mood. "And it also means you'll get to eat a lot of good food! Just wait until we throw a feast to celebrate your new title!"

Amber bounced on her heels, her excitement infectious. "Yes! We need to have a big party! Everyone in Mondstadt should know that we have a dragon prince!"

Diluc, still standing slightly off to the side with a knowing smile, shook his head lightly. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Luminis may have a title, but he still has a lot to learn. The real challenge is guiding him as he grows into his role."

Razor nodded, his serious demeanor intact. "Razor agrees. Luminis must learn the ways of the dragons and how to wield his powers."

Aether, feeling a surge of protectiveness over Luminis, added, "And we'll be there to teach him. He won't have to do it alone."

Dvalin, having listened to the enthusiastic chatter, spread his wings slightly, creating a gentle breeze. "Indeed. Luminis will need mentors—those who can teach him the ways of the wind, the earth, and the fire. You all have unique strengths that he can learn from."

Kaeya stepped forward with a playful smirk. "And I happen to be an expert in the art of charm and persuasion. If Luminis ever needs to negotiate with anyone, I'm your man."

Lisa chimed in, her voice teasing. "And I can help with the finer arts of magic! Perhaps a few lessons on elemental manipulation would do him good."

Bennett raised his hand excitedly. "And I can show him how to face adversity with a smile! You know, being a good leader even when things get tough!"

Luminis looked around at everyone, his eyes wide with admiration. "You all want to help me?"

"Of course!" Amber said, grinning widely. "We're a team! And we're all friends!"

Aether felt a warmth spread through him. This was the family he had found in Teyvat—a band of unlikely heroes who would stand by each other no matter the challenge. Luminis was lucky to have them, and so was he.

"Then it's settled," Aether declared, standing tall. "We'll train and prepare Luminis for whatever lies ahead. We'll show him how to be a dragon prince, and together, we'll keep Mondstadt safe."

Eula, pride shining in her eyes, gave Luminis a gentle squeeze. "And we'll make sure you know your worth, little prince."

Dvalin, observing the camaraderie before him, felt a deep sense of reassurance. "You are all strong in your own ways. Together, you will help Luminis grow into his destiny. Remember, it is not the title that makes a prince; it is the heart that beats within."

As the sun began to set over Mondstadt, casting a warm golden glow over the group, Aether took a moment to absorb the scene. Friends, family, and allies all gathered for a common purpose—guiding a young dragon prince into his future.

"Let's get started then," Aether said, glancing back at Luminis. "The first step in your training is to learn about your powers. Are you ready, Luminis?"

With a determined look, Luminis nodded vigorously. "Yes! I want to be strong and help everyone!"

Bennett pumped his fist in the air. "That's the spirit! Let's do this!"

Noelle then spoke a bit confused. "But Aether is a prince as well and is Aether son kinda, Eula is a novel and Luminis is not a dragon prince, and Luminis is already very powerful..."

Everyone can hear Noelle brain crashing, as everyone blind.

Bennett's eyes sparkled with excitement as he turned to Luminis, who was still nestled in Eula's arms, a mixture of pride and confusion written across his young face. "A dragon prince? That's amazing! You must be really strong!"

Luminis blinked, tilting his head slightly. "But I'm just me... I don't feel strong."

Eula knelt down to meet Luminis at eye level, brushing a lock of hair away from his face. "You may not see it yet, but you have great potential, Luminis. Being a prince means more than just strength; it means having the heart to protect others."

Venti grinned, trying to lighten the mood. "And it also means you'll get to eat a lot of good food! Just wait until we throw a feast to celebrate your new title!"

Amber bounced on her heels, her excitement infectious. "Yes! We need to have a big party! Everyone in Mondstadt should know that we have a dragon prince!"

Diluc, still standing slightly off to the side with a knowing smile, shook his head lightly. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Luminis may have a title, but he still has a lot to learn. The real challenge is guiding him as he grows into his role."

Razor nodded, his serious demeanor intact. "Razor agrees. Luminis must learn the ways of the dragons and how to wield his powers."

Aether, feeling a surge of protectiveness over Luminis, added, "And we'll be there to teach him. He won't have to do it alone."

Dvalin, having listened to the enthusiastic chatter, spread his wings slightly, creating a gentle breeze. "Indeed. Luminis will need mentors—those who can teach him the ways of the wind, the earth, and the fire. You all have unique strengths that he can learn from."

Kaeya stepped forward with a playful smirk. "And I happen to be an expert in the art of charm and persuasion. If Luminis ever needs to negotiate with anyone, I'm your man."

Lisa chimed in, her voice teasing. "And I can help with the finer arts of magic! Perhaps a few lessons on elemental manipulation would do him good."

Bennett raised his hand excitedly. "And I can show him how to face adversity with a smile! You know, being a good leader even when things get tough!"

Luminis looked around at everyone, his eyes wide with admiration. "You all want to help me?"

"Of course!" Amber said, grinning widely. "We're a team! And we're all friends!"

Aether felt a warmth spread through him. This was the family he had found in Teyvat—a band of unlikely heroes who would stand by each other no matter the challenge. Luminis was lucky to have them, and so was he.

"Then it's settled," Aether declared, standing tall. "We'll train and prepare Luminis for whatever lies ahead. We'll show him how to be a dragon prince, and together, we'll keep Mondstadt safe."

Eula, pride shining in her eyes, gave Luminis a gentle squeeze. "And we'll make sure you know your worth, little prince."

Dvalin, observing the camaraderie before him, felt a deep sense of reassurance. "You are all strong in your own ways. Together, you will help Luminis grow into his destiny. Remember, it is not the title that makes a prince; it is the heart that beats within."

As the sun began to set over Mondstadt, casting a warm golden glow over the group, Aether took a moment to absorb the scene. Friends, family, and allies all gathered for a common purpose—guiding a young dragon prince into his future.

"Let's get started then," Aether said, glancing back at Luminis. "The first step in your training is to learn about your powers. Are you ready, Luminis?"

With a determined look, Luminis nodded vigorously. "Yes! I want to be strong and help everyone!"

Bennett pumped his fist in the air. "That's the spirit! Let's do this!"

And with that, they set off towards Mondstadt, ready to embrace the challenges and adventures that awaited them. The winds whispered promises of a bright future, and together, they would forge a path worthy of legends.

As then a knight came to the tavern clearly panting.

Jean looked at him. "What is wrong"

The Knight looked at Jean. "Acting grand master, Mondstandt is under attacked By the Abyss Order"

No one took a second to wait as they went out, Dilcu stopped jean as he said stay safe, Jean kissed him on the cheek as she left to fight, Dliuc then opened a scarlet door in his dar, as he went and weared a clock and mask, it was time to be the dark knight hero

In the middle of Mondstandt, Hilichurl were shown as then they were turned to ice as it was Kaaye, as then he saw lawachuril, as Kaeya then pulled our Gea Bolge, and started to fight

In the North of Mondstandt, many slime was being lead by an abyss Mage before then it was attacked by multiple arrows and a light as the ones defending this are was Amber and Lisa, Amber then summoned her Barem bunny, as Lisa summond all her light Animals

Lisa then looked at all the monster. "This is going to hurt a little"

Amber then spoke. "Go go baren bunny"

Meanwhile in the east of Mondstandt, there was Noelle, Eula, Luminis, Eula and Noelle claymore moved and cut down the monster, as Luminis looked at all the monster.

Luminis lookee at Hilichurl, lawachuril, slimes and bit more. "I worn allow you to Hurt my city".

The wind and ice picked up on the dragon boy, he took a deep breath before letting out a powerful Ice and wind breath attack, destroyung most of the monster.

Eula looked at her son. "You did great"

Meanwhile in the east of Mondstandt, Bennett was firing all the monster with his sword and Pyro vision, then he was attack as sent Back.

Bennett got up. "My bad luck strikes again"

As then an arrow hit the monster in the head, as lighting crown strike or done.

"Don't worry Bennett, I the Princes of the night Kingdom will protect"

Bennet saw who it was it was girl with yellow hair, She has fair skin and blonde hair that extends to the middle of her back. Her visible eye is light green. Over her left eye, she wears an eyepatch that is almost entirely covered by her bangs.

Fischl styles herself after the titular character of the book Flowers for Princess Fischl.

As then Razer took a few more monster as next to him was another girl, who went to heal Bennett, She has ash blonde hair, gray-blue eyes, and fair skin. A white priest outift as she was using her Hydro Visions

Bennett looked at the girl. "Thanks Barbara"

Barbara looked at him. "Your welcomed"

Meanwhile in the west gate, Jean and Venti were takeing out the Mondstandt there, as then someone join them, as they saw him

Jean looked at. "Sairaorg, your here"

Sairaorg looked at jean. "Yeah and I brought another one of your knight, who knew coming to visit Eula was gonna have"

Jean then saw someone walking up she smirked seeing the who it was, it was male he has light yellow hair, sea blue eyes, holding a sword, with a coat, he was the knight of Favonius Alchemist, this was Albedo, next to him was girl she has a Anemo vision, She has fair skin, amber eyes, and light green hair that is chin-length except for a section at the back of her head that goes down to her hips. She wears a pair of dark brown round spectacles

Albedo looked at her. "Succrose got thing ready"

Succrose nodded. "Y-y-yes Mr Albedo"

Albedo just sighed. "Please stop calling me mister"

Meanwhile in the out skirts of Mondstandt, as the monster tryed to come to the center gate someone stopped them, as a fire phoenix destroyed all of them

One of the knights spoke. "It is the dark knight hero"

Diluc landed and looked at the knight. "The Knight never do the job correctly... Forget it"

He started to attack reg Hilichurl and more as he saw the abyss mage and rushed to it

Meanwhile in the city Aether was figthing, his sword was covered in Anemo

[ Host has crit in attacked, 1 million times crit effect has been stared starts, Attack has been multiple ]

Aether then saw someone, a hodded person with mask, and bit of yellow hair, it looked like a girl, Aether rushed at her as then he was blocked by a sword as he saw the sword his eyes wident

Aether looked at the hoded Figure. "that sword... Where did you get my sister sword, what have you done to her"

As then he was punched away by the girls as she open a portal walking out of it, Aether got up and as he rushed to the portal but then he was attack by an Abyss Herald.

Aether looked at Heral. "Crits system start creating"

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones and enjoy unthle next time