
Genshin Impact: The Admiral of Fontaine

House Proudmoore, a noble house that served the Hydro Archon Egeria for hundreds of years, was blessed by the power of the sun and guarded Fontaine for generations. However, everything changed 500 years ago when Egeria was replaced by the new Hydro Archon, Focalors. For five centuries, House Proudmoore refused to serve their new Archon, believing she was a usurper and a false god who had taken the true Hydro Archon's place. This stance remained unchanged until Tempest Proudmoore rose to become its Duke. NO HAREM FURINA IS THE SOLE LOVE INTEREST Genshin Impact does not belong to me it belongs to Hoyoverse and the ff thumbnail is Ai generated. I just created this ff cuz I can't stand to see Furina crying on that trial, also this is my first fanfiction and probably the only one I would write so leave some suggestions for the story and don't be afraid to remind me if I make mistakes. Also, Prologue to chapter 5, might have a few grammar mistakes, since I still haven't started using grammarly from there.

Dummydumdum1 · Video Games
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Chapter 7: Court of Fontaine II City and Melusines

(Chapter 7 Court of Fontaine II)

After boarding a ship from Stormwind Harbor, they sailed towards Romaritime Harbor, the gateway to the Court of Fontaine, Tempest stood alone at the bow, the wind gently blowing in his face as he admired the vast ocean.

As the sun began to rise, signaling the coming of noon, and casting a golden glow over the water, the silhouette of Romaritime Harbor appeared on the horizon, the tall building rose majestically from the water's edge, signaling their arrival, and the harbor bustled with life, the sounds of merchants and sailors growing louder as they approached.

"Young Master, it's time."

A man with silver hair, dressed in the uniform of the Knights of the Golden Hand and roughly the same age as Tempest, approached him and gently reminded him.

"Right, lead me to my Father's group, knight?"

"Just call me Rohan, Young Master."

The silver-haired knight named Rohan said bowing.

"Very well, Rohan, lead the way."

Rohan simply nodded, gesturing for Tempest to follow him to his Father's group, after a short walk, Tempest saw his Father deep in conversation with Commander Pierre, Mengsk, noticing his presence, turned to him

"Are we taking an aquabus, Father?"

Tempest asked his Father with a stoic tone.

"Yes, though I prefer not to be near with those creatures called... Melusines... My knights will follow us from behind."

Not only was his Father an insolent man in Tempest's eyes, but he was also a xenophobic person...

"Let's go, I don't want to keep my guests waiting..."

The ship deployed its anchor, and the gangplank was lowered, Mengsk was the first to disembark, his presence commanding attention, he was followed closely by his son, Tempest, and the knights of the Golden Hand, their armor gleaming in the sunlight as they stepped onto the bustling docks of Romaritime Harbor.

"What are they doing here?"

"There's bound to be trouble where they go..."

"The Duke and his son are both here along with their knights..."


The whispers of the crowd were filled with both curiosity and distaste, but his father paid them no mind, his face bore a smile, a blend of pride and apathy, as he walked confidently through the crowd.

"How low we have gotten..."

Tempest muttered under his breath, his words only audible to himself, after a short walk, they reached the elevator, inside, it was just Pierre, Mengsk, and Tempest. Only the three of them entered the elevator.

"Your Grace, I have ordered the ship to take the long route to the capital, so we don't have to return here to Romaritime Harbor when we return to Stormwind, they should arrive by nighttime."

Pierre said to Mengsk.

"Very good, I'd rather take the long route back home than listen to those creatures chatter all day."

Once again his Father insulted the Melusines, Tempest took a deep breath before speaking.

"Permission to speak Father?"

"What is it?"

Mengsk turned to look at him.

"Can I go explore the city for a while? Penance wanted me to buy something for her."

Mengsk raised an eyebrow at his request before shortly replying.

"You can, just be back by evening, I want you to be at my side when we meet the false God."

Mengsk tells his son, agreeing to his request.

"Thank you, Father."

"Hmph, don't be late."

His Father said to him.

"Do you need a knight as an escort, Young Master?"

Pierre asked Tempest.

"I can protect myself, Commander, I appreciate though."

"As you wish, Young Master."

Pierre bowed his head in response to Tempest, shortly, the elevator opened, and an aquabus was awaiting them, Mengsk was the first one to leave the elevator, followed closely by Tempest and Pierre.

"You, Let's move it already."

Mengsk asked a Melusine who was in charge of the aquabus, his towering height compared to the small creature was a bit intimidating.

"Eep! O-Oh, right! It's time to go already, isn't it?"

"Yes, now move it... Creature."

The poor Melusine jolted in response to Mengsk's words.

"R-Right! E-Everyone all aboard please!"

Tempest simply sighed, bobbing his head in disappointment, the three shortly climbed into the aquabus, and shortly, it started moving.

"I'll usually introduce myself during when the aquabus is waiting for its passengers, but guess there's no harm doing it now! I'm Aeval, and I'm in charge of introducing the Clementine Line!"

The Melusine named Aeval, made her introduction flawlessly, with Tempest listening intently.

"Be quiet. I'm trying to enjoy the view here and your loud mouth is making it harder."

Before Mengsk, decided to interfere, she basically told the Melusine to shut up.

"I-I'm s-sorry! Mister..."

The poor Melusine's ears drooped down, her words stuttered, and she became awkwardly quiet for the entire trip, fiddling with her tiny hands and keeping her head down, staring at the floor.

Tempest gritted his teeth in response, he wanted the hear the whole tour guide that she probably worked hard memorizing,

The whole aquabus tour was just, eerily silent, only the waves of the aquatrail could be heard.

"Cigarette, your Grace?"


Pierre passed a cigarette to Mengsk, which he accepted.

"M-Mister! I must r-remind you that's not all-"

"I told you to be quiet."

Mengsk shot a threatening glare at Aeval the Melsuine, she jolted in response.

"Eep! Mmm...."

Aeval gripped her uniform tightly, tears slowly forming in her eyes, Tempest wanted to say something, but he couldn't afford to offend his Father when he had just given him permission, he might change his mind if his mouth opened, so he stayed quiet even though he wanted to stand for the poor Melusine.

The aquabus finally reached the end of the Clementine line, the silence during the trip was hard to ignore...

"T-Thank you for r-riding the aquabus with m-me as your t-tour guide, we hope to s-see you n-nexttime..."

Aeval said in stutters as she got out first in the aquabus then bowed her head as a gesture of thanks.

Mengsk and Pierre got up from their seats and disembarked the aquabus, not even acknowledging Aeval's gesture.

"Tsk... Insolent bastards... Mm?"

Tempest got up from his seat, noticing a small cog in the floor supposedly used for machines, he picked it up and examined it.


He put the small cog in his pocket.

"Tempest! Get your ass over here else I'll leave you behind!"

His Father shouted at him, while he was waiting at the doorsteps of the elevator with Pierre.


He disembarked on the aquabus, glancing at Aeval for a second who still bowing, he felt the need to say sorry.



His Father once again shouted his name, he sighed and walked towards his Father.

"Don't talk to those things..."

Mengsk flicked Tempest's forehead with his fingers, with a disappointed face.

"My apologies... Father."

Tempest kept his stoic face, not even fazed when his Father flicked his forehead.

The three then entered the elevator that would lead to the Waterway Hub.

"Here, I expect that is enough on whatever you want to buy for your sister."

His Father gave him a pouch that was filled with Mora.

"Come to the Hotel Debord when you finish, I have rented the whole place, be back by evening or else."

His Father shot him a glare, already thinking if it was a good decision to let his son wander around.

"I will, and thank you for this, Father."

"Are you sure you don't need an escort, Young Master? The Knights will be here shortly."

Pierre asked Tempest once again.

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me."

"Very well then."

Pierre replied to him.

The elevator finally opened and as usual, Mengsk was the first one to get out.

"Don't make me regret my decision son, don't be late."

"Yes, Father."

Tempest split up from Mengsk and Pierre, off to explore the city on his own.

"Are you should be letting your son explore without an escort, Your Grace?"

Pierre asked Mengsk.

"Let him enjoy the moment for now, as in the coming months a new dawn and a new ruler will rise in Fontaine, haha, the false Archon will finally fall beneath my feet on that day..."










Meanwhile, Tempest was staring at the rotating structure at the Vasari Passage, for thirty minutes straight...


He muttered to himself, for the first time in his life, he felt free... Though this moment won't last forever, he can do anything without the prying eyes of his Father.

"Why is the Duke's son here..."

"He's been staring at it for thirty minutes now..."

"I think he's just crazy..."

"Why is he so handsome though?!"

The passing citizens whispered amongst themselves... But Tempest was not bothered by it, his eyes finally got off the rotating structure and he then walked away.

"Need to buy that book for Penance... Why do I feel like I'm being watched..."

Tempest shook off the uneasy feeling thinking it was just his paranoia, for staying at the Proudmoore mansion all his life.

"I have seen that same Clockwork Meka three times now... It's like I'm also a Meka in patrol... I'm walking in circles..."

As this was Tempest's first time actually exploring the city and not sitting in a corner, he was a bit lost... He's been walking for twenty minutes now...

"Excuse me."

Tempest asked a Melusine with pink skin and pink hair, that had the uniform of the Gardes.

"Ah! Yes? May I help you, esteemed citizen? Kiara at your service!"

The Melusine named Kiara said energetically.

Tempest knelt down to her height.

"Miss Kiara, can you please point me to the nearest bookstore please?"

"Ah, It's just right over there, Mister!"

She pointed to a shop that Tempest passed by three times.

"Ah, so it's that one, I've passed it three times already."

Tempest facepalmed himself, as the place he was looking for was right beside him.

"Hehe, you seem new here, Mister! I recommend you go to Café lutece! They have the best pastries Fontaine has to offer!"

Kiara raised both her hands showing her enthusiasm.

"I'll keep that in mind, thank you for pointing me the directions, Miss Kiara."

Tempest got up from the floor.

"No problem, Mister! Enjoy your stay in the Court!"

Kiara waved at Tempest as he walked to the bookstore.

"At least the Melusine don't judge me because of my family's reputation..."

Tempest muttered to himself as he walked inside the bookstore, the bell on the door chimed as Tempest walked in.

"Welcome to Librairie Étoile! Esteemed custom-"

The bookstore manager didn't finish his sentence as he saw the customer walking in was Tempest Proudmoore, he was simply staring at him too paralyzed to move.

"Do you have the Boar Princess Volume 6?"

Tempest asked the store manager, instantly he jolted.

"Ah! Y-Yes sir, would you like to buy o-one?"


Tempest answered the store manager, his stoic and unreadable face was making him uncomfortable.

"C-come to the counter s-sir I'll pack it for y-you."

The store manager speaks in stutters, he is confused and terrified at the same time, the Duke's son simply came to his shop to buy a book.

"H-Here you go sir..."

The store manager gave him the book inside a paper bag.

"Thank you."

Tempest gave him the Mora and exited the shop.


Afterward, Tempest spends his time strolling around the city, admiring its beauty and visiting other shops, however, people are a bit terrified when he approaches the shops, he also eats a croissant and drinks some Fonta at the shop Kiara recommended, the Fonta tasted weird though.... And before he knew it was almost evening... The feeling of being watched was still present in his head.

"I'm certain I'm being watched..."

Tempest muttered to himself.

"Ah! Mister! We meet again!"

"Miss Kiara?"

Tempest saw the Melusine Kiara waving at him, he approached her.

"Are you having fun in the Court, Mister?"

Kiara asked him.

"Mhm, the place you recommended was great, you can just call me, Tempest, by the way, would you like one?"

Tempest grabbed a small plastic box containing a croissant from the paper bag.

"Really?! Ah! But I'm on patrol though..."

"It's rude to decline an offer, Miss Kiara."

Tempest smiled.

"Then, I guess I have to accept, hehe, thank you, Mister Tempest!"

Kiara happily grabbed the small box in Tempest's hand.

"Miss Kiara, can I ask a question?"

"Mm? What is it, Mister Tempest?"

Kiara said while munching down the croissant.

Tempest took out the small cog part he found in the aquabus in his pocket, holding it with his fingers.

"Do you know what this is?"

Kiara's eyes widened as she stopped her munching.

"This is a token! Where did you find this? Mister Tempest?"

Kiara gestured to Tempest to show her the token, which he gave her.

"I found it on the floor of the aquabus, what is it anyway?"

Kiara examined the token for a bit before shortly speaking.

"These are called 'Tokens' they are very special to us Melusines because we are born with it... Mister Tempest, I will be taking this and bringing it to its owner, she must be worried because she lost it... I hope you won't mind."

Kiara explained the token importance, Tempest immediately thought of Aeval...

"I know the person, Miss Kiara, if it is not too hard on you, can I be the one to return it? I apologize I did not know the purpose of these tokens."

Tempest said Kiara looked at him for a moment and then she smiled.

"Very well, here, I trust you, Mister Tempest!"

"Thank you, Miss Kiara, when does the aquabus close?"

Kiara gave him back the token entrusting him to give it back to its owner.

"It's almost evening, I think they are taking their last ride."

"Thank you!"

Tempest immediately sprinted to the Waterway Hub.

"Ah! Good luck! Mister Tempest! And thank you for the croissant!"

Kiara waved at Tempest as he sprinted away.

"I have to apologize..."

Tempest muttered to himself, as he ran to the Waterway Hub, he got in the elevator to go to the top of the Clementine Line, and shortly the elevator door opened.

"Where is she?"

Tempest looked around the place, she was not here she must be in Romaritime Harbor, Tempest took out his pocket watch.

"Thirty minutes until evening...Damn it! Fuck him!"

He then took a ride on an aquabus, this time it was not operated by a Melusine, his foot was tapping the entire ride, getting impatient as the aquabus was taking too long, finally after what felt like an eternity the aquabus arrived in Romaritime Harbor, Tempest immediately disembarked on the aquabus looking for Aeval.

"Where is she?"

Tempest looked around the place, he then spotted a blueish-white Melusine, no doubt it was Aeval.


Tempest shouted her name while walking towards her, she turned around to see the familiar person.


"I believe I have something that belongs to you..."

Tempest knelt down to her height and reached into his pocket handing over her the token.

"My token!"

she grabbed the token in Tempest's hand and hugged it like a lost dog.

"W-Where did you find it?"

"I found it earlier on the floor in the aquabus, I apologize for not knowing its importance... I should've given it to you the moment I picked it up..."

Aeval gasped then shortly smiled.

"Thank you so much, Mister..."

"And I'm sorry for my Father's horrible behavior earlier, I should've said something, I'm truly sorry."

Aeval waved both her hands signalling it was fine.

"It's alright, I'm used to it, Mister... Thank you really... For giving this back to me..."

Tears started to form in Aeval's eyes but those weren't because of sadness, tears of joy they call them.

"Here, please accept this, as a gift from me."

Tempest took a small box containing a croissant from the paper bag.

"Mm, thank you! Mister! I was just getting hungry, hehe."

Aeval happily accepted the croissant with a smile, Tempest smiled and got up from the floor then looked at aquabus station.

"Last ride huh? Guess I'll be hearing an earful from Father tomorrow..."

The aquabus station was finally closed for today, Aeval noticed Tempest and smiled.

"Just this once! Let's go, Mister!"

Aeval gestured to Tempest to follow her, she climbed the aquabus turning the lever then the aquabus engine roared.

"Are you sure? Won't you get in trouble, Miss Aeval?"

"No worries! Mister! I just have the perfect reason to tell my supervisor!"

Tempest simply smiled and climbed the aquabus, this time he could listen to Aeval's tour guide without his Father interrupting.








The aquabus finally reached its destination.

"Thank you for riding the aquabus with me as your tour guide! We hope to see you next time!"

This time Aeval said with enthusiasm in her voice.

"Thank you, Miss Aeval, it was nice listening to your tour guide."

Tempest smiled and patted her head.

"Hehe! Thank you again! Mister Tempest! Bye bye!"

Aeval waved at Tempest as he disembarked on the aquabus, the aquabus shortly left for Romaritime Harbor, Tempest waved goodbye to her, Tempest's smile then disappeared.

"Show yourself, I know you're here, you've been watching me since noon."

Tempest turned around, and the person revealed herself from the corner, she had short white hair with stripes of black and her eyes looked like a cross, she looked like like the same age as Tempest.

"Tempest Proudmoore, Mother has requested to see you."

Young Arle is here, aka Perure.

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