
Genshin Impact: The Admiral of Fontaine

House Proudmoore, the noble house that served the Hydro Archon Egeria for hundreds of years, blessed by the power of the sun they were the guardians of Fontaine for generations, But everything changed 500 years ago... When she was replaced by the new Hydro Archon Focalors, for 500 years, House Proudmoore refused to serve their new Archon, believing she was nothing but a usurper and a false god that took the real Hydro Archon's place... until Tempest Proudmoore came and becomes it's Duke. NO HAREM FURINA IS THE SOLE LOVE INTEREST Genshin Impact does not belong to me it belongs to Hoyoverse and the ff thumbnail is Ai generated. I just created this ff cuz I can't stand to see Furina crying on that trial, also this is my first fanfiction and probably the only one I would write so leave some suggestions for the stories and don't be afraid to remind me if I make mistakes.

Dummydumdum1 · Video Games
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11 Chs

Chapter 3: Visions are but Delusions

(Chapter 3 Visions are but Delusions)

Visions... These extraordinary gifts, bestowed by the Gods of Celestia, are granted to individuals who harbor particularly powerful desires and ambitions, It is commonly believed that those who bear Visions possess the potential to ascend to Celestia themselves, eventually attaining the status of Gods. However, in the eyes of Tempest, this grand narrative takes on a more cynical tone. He sees the granting of Visions not as an honor or a blessing of the Gods, but rather as a gesture of pity from the Gods, to Tempest, receiving a Vision is a silent acknowledgment from the Gods of Celestia that one lacks the inherent strength or capability to achieve their aspirations independently, without divine intervention...

Tempest sat back down on the couch and gazed upon the gift, Crucabena gave to him.

"Delusion.... Just what is the main difference about it from Visions?"

Tempest muttered to himself as he took out the Delusion from the small box, holding it with his two fingers, the Pyro Delusion had the Fatui symbol on its crystal.

"The Fatui wield these small pendants to freely manipulate one of the seven elements and use it quite effectively in combat, but, what sets it apart from Visions? perhaps, a drawback in using it?"

Tempest put the the Pyro Delusion in his palms trying to crush it with his bare hand.


Tempest grumbled in frustration at his failed attempt to crush the Delusion.

"Interesting... It is quite durable, Oh Gods..."

As Tempest attempted to crush the Delusion, one of its sharp ends pierced Tempest's fingers, resulting in his finger bleeding.

"Damn it... Hm? What the?"

Tempest muttered as he witnessed the Pyro Delusion glow faintly for a few seconds after making contact with his blood, shortly the faint light disappeared.

"Strange... I hope I didn't do something wrong with it, perhaps, Teacher has some answers."

Tempest put back the Pyro Delusion in the small box, he then looked around his father's office.

"It's been a long time since I'm all alone in his office."

He stood from the couch, putting the small box that contained the Pyro Delusion in his pocket, he gazed at the office door for a while, hoping his father would not just barge in.

"I still have a few time left..."

He muttered as he walked to his father's work table, On his table was a small figure of Egeria, a quill, a picture of himself standing outside the Proudmoore mansion, and many scattered papers.

"Tsk, Egocentric bastard..."

Tempest muttered to himself while looking at the picture, he picked up the few scattered papers and read some of them.

"Trades with Liyue, wine imports from Mondstadt, Tobacco from Sumeru, and many unimportant reports, this man is just wasting the Proudmoore's treasury to satisfy his own addiction."

Tempest put the papers back in their original places.


He looked at the calendar, it was four months ahead of the current month now, and there was also a knife stabbed on the 28th day.

"That is the date of his name day, is he already planning for it? it is still quite far ahead... Strange."

Tempest scours his father's office quietly, searching for any clues that might threaten his place as Duke of House Proudmoore, but no, Tempest couldn't find anything useful, the drawers in his work table only contained cigarettes and spare quills.

"The only place left is..."

Tempest looked beneath his father's table and there was a small safe below it, requiring a key to open it.

"And of course, it's locked... Hm."

Tempest grumbled in disappointment as he tried to open the safe.

"Most likely, that's where he keeps his important documents... The marriage approval paper for Penance is probably inside it as well... Damn it... Is the key somewhere around here?"

As Tempest continued his search in his Father's office, he heard footsteps outside the door, he immediately ceased his search and returned back on the sofa, he took out the small box containing the Pyro Delusion and held it, pretending to stare at it.

The door opened and the person who entered was none other than his Father, Mengsk Proudmoore.

"What did you two about?"

His Father asked his son, immediately going straight to the point.

"Nothing of importance, Father, Lady Crucabena merely wished to see me."

Tempest replied to his father.

"I won't ask twice."

Mengsk Proudmoore looked at his son straight in the eyes, warning him.

"She wanted me to join the Fatui, Father."

Tempest replied to him, with no emotion present on his tone and face, his Father walked close to him.

"Hm, and what's this?"

His Father grabbed the small box containing the Delusion on his son's hand without his permission.

"A gift from Lady Crucabena, Father."

Tempest said to him, as his Father opened the small box, raising an eyebrow upon seeing what it held.

"A Delusion? Hmph, quite a gift, do you know how to use it?"

His Father asked him, to which Tempest replied simply.

"No, Father."

"Good, keep it that way."

His Father closed the small box and tossed it at his son, which Tempest catched flawlessly, then putting it back in his pocket, his Father walked to his worktable and sat on his chair, Before asking.

"So, Did you accept her offer?"

"No, Father."

His Father did not even look at him, as Tempest answered his question, the moment he sat down on his chair he immediately grabbed a quill and started working on some papers.


His question sounded simple, but he obviously wanted a good reason why.

" It Sounded like a hassle, I honestly didn't want to work with people I barely know of, and considering their shady background, I didn't want any part of it"

Tempest replied to his Father, nonchalantly.

"Hmph, Is that so? Any questions from her that lingered in that brain of yours?"

Mengsk asked him, not even glancing at him for a moment, as he was busy with papers on the table.

"She told me I had the potential to become the 11th Harbinger."

Finally, his Father glanced at him for a short moment, before returning to work on the papers, the question clearly got a reaction from him.

"Ha, I beg to differ, get out of my office."

His Father waved his hand dismissively at him as if shooing away an annoying insect.

Tempest didn't even bow his head in respect for his father.

"As you wish... Father..."

Tempest got up from his seat on the couch and walked to the door, as he held the knob he turned around at his father.

"About Penance... Father."

Tempest asked his Father, hoping he would change his mind regarding the forced marriage of his sister.

"We've already talked about this, Tempest, and I don't like repeating myself twice, you should be proud of your sister, as her marriage would provide us many precious resources from Snezhnaya, securing the future of our family."

Tempest clenched his teeth, under his emotionless face, as he made his exit.

"Ignorant son of a... Damn it..."

Tempest's eye twitched as his father gave him the same answer, the same answer over and over again when he asked about his sister's forced marriage.

Tempest made his way back to the training ground where his Teacher and sister were waiting.

"I'm starting to regret declining her offer..."

Tempest muttered under his breath if he did accept that offer Crucabena gave to him, he would most likely become a tool for the Fatui, but the words from the Knave lingered on his mind, 'If you also wish to replace your father, you only need to say yes, Young Lord', the opportunity to finally get rid of that man, he passed on.

Tempest arrived at the training ground, he saw both his Teacher and sister, Constantine was observing Penance while she used her Hydro Vision to control the movements of the Hydro golem she conjured with her Vision.

"Am I interrupting?"

Tempest said to them as he was leaning on a wall.


Penance immediately dispelled the Hydro golem and ran towards him.

"A-are you alright? he did not punish you did he?"

Penance asked her brother, concern written all over her face.

"I am alright, he didn't do anything, Penance, I want to speak privately with Teacher real quick..."

Tempest put both his hands on his sister's shoulders as he spoke.

"Ah... Alright."

Penance was a bit disappointed that she wasn't invited to the secret conversation with his brother and Constantine, but she still nodded in understanding.

"I'll check on Mother then."

Penance said with a smile.

"Hm, please do, dear sister."

She nodded again and walked away from the training grounds.

Tempest sees his Teacher moving closer towards him.

"What did you wish to talk about, Young Master?"

He asked Tempest, raising an eyebrow, clearly curious about what he and his Father talked about.

"Tell me everything you know about the Fatui."