
Genshin Impact: Teyvat Group Chat

Pillar of Fortitude: "Didn't we already agree that we'll watch the Story Teaser?" Frostflake Heron: "But me and @Sprout of Rebirth want to watch the character teasers." Traveler: "They're fighting again... How do we deal with this @Vago Mundo." Vago Mundo: "Let them be. They'll sort it out." Traveler: "..." Traveler: "How about you @Hidden Mob?" Hidden Mob: "Can't talk right now, busy running away from the Fatui." Childe: "Ah, comrade! Want me to help you?" Hidden Mob: "Yeah, drown yourself." Childe: "No fun..." Windborne Bard: "@Dark Side of Dawn, you have more wine?" Dark Side of Dawn: "No, and stop asking for some." * * * Welcome to Teyvat Group Chat, a place where you can communicate with people from different regions! We have different features such as Chatting, Watch Parties, Livestreaming, Raid, Quests, and many more! Here are a few reminders for new members: 1. Don't trust everything @Hidden Mob says. (Last time a new member did it, they got covered in Cryo Slime goo) 2. Don't give the self-proclaimed best bard a bottle of wine or else he will not stop asking you for more 3. When @Frostflake Heron and @Pillar of Fortitude are arguing, don't interrupt, or else.

Unusual_Hilichurl · Video Games
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9 Chs

Boba Tea... [1/2]




'...' Laying down on a hospital bed, Asakura stared at the ceiling blankly as the phone in his hand continuously vibrated.

'They sure are lively.'

It was currently the morning and the events that took place earlier had already passed.

Due to the amount of stress and fatigue he accumulated, Asakura fell unconscious. Thankfully, his comrades brought him back to Inazuma City.

As it turns out, another patrolling squad was heading their way, about a few minutes after Asakura killed the Kairagi. As such, they were able to safely get him back.

According to the people he talked to earlier when he woke up, he had been asleep for eighteen hours. The doctors found no other injuries other than extreme fatigue and some torn muscles.


'...Fine, I'll see it.' He clicked his tongue.

He then stood up from his laying position and put on his casual clothing. As it turns out, while he was sleeping, his hair grew much longer, much to the curiosity of those watching over him. But Asakura already knows that it may have something to do with merging with the template cars.

After properly dressing himself and properly fixing his hair, he left the medical ward.

'Let's see what they're talking about.' Asakura thought as he headed for his favorite stall in Inazuma City.

[Blond Traveler: Yes, with that, you should be able to fully understand it sooner or later.]

[Frostflake Heron: I see... Thank you.]

[Sprout: I'm still confised.]

[Blond Traveler: It's okay, you're doing fine. Oh, you got the spelling wrong on that last part.]

[Vago Mundo: [Thumbs up emoji] ]

Looking at their conversation, Asakura mostly understood it instantly. 'So he's teaching them...'

'I've been asleep for a full day, it seems like they're still trying to understand how this works.' He deduced from their previous messages.

Some messages only contained a few letters while some are incoherent words.

He looked around and saw [Vago Mundo] not say anything other than sending some emojis. His profile only showed a single pebble.

A pebble.

A simple pebble.

Looking at Zhongli's profile provided by the system, he couldn't help but curve a wry smile. 'Seriously? That's a certified old man profile picture...'

Finishing his smile, he decided to type something. He typed with his fingers as he started to walk.

[Hidden Mob: Oh, @Blonde Traveler, are you teaching them?]

[Blond Traveler: Oh, you're back! That's right. I figured that since we still don't know why these things were given to us, I decided to teach the others for a bit.]

[Hidden Mob: Yeah, I had something to do so I wasn't able to talk for a while.]

[Hidden Mob: Still, it's quite nice of you to teach them, you know?]

[Blond Traveler: Thank you. How about you? Do you want to help me?]

[Hidden Mob: Don't wanna.]

What? Just because he was the admin doesn't mean he has to teach everything. Since Aether already knows how to do it, Asakura decided to just leave it to him.

While Aether and Asakura were talking, another person decided to send something.

[Vago Mundo: Sent an attachment]

'Oh? A GIF?' Asakura thought as he looked at what Zhongli sent.

It was a VERY colorful GIF. It had a purple bouquet of flowers and some butterflies flying around as the huge words 'Hello' was present.

"..." Asakura stopped walking. He looked at his phone with a twitching smile. 'This... This is...'

'This is exactly what an old man would send to his grandchild!' Asakura almost burst out laughing. 'Well, Zhongli did say that Rock is the most difficult to adapt to change... Like an actual elderly person using a phone.'

Finishing his chuckle, he decided to send a message.

[Hidden Mob: Oh! @Vago Mundo, how did you send that?... Oh wait, I figured it out!]

Asakura then clicked the emoji button below and chose the GIF section.

[Hidden Mob: Sent an attachment]

It was a simple GIF showing a katana that seems to be releasing water every time it moves. Its bladework is very fluid, much like the water.

[Hidden Mob: It works!]

[Frosftflake Heron: I think I'm getting used to this.]

[Blond Traveler: Yeah, you do!]

[Hidden Mob: Congrats~ all of you are now starting to get a hang of this. Especially @Blond Traveler and @Frostflake Heron]

[Sprout of Rebirth: Not just her! Me too!]

[Hidden Mob: Oh really? Wow~ You two must be quick learners, huh? That's praiseworthy.]

[Vago Mundo: It seems like everyone can speak now.]

[Blond Traveler: Oh, the old guy spoke.]

[Hidden Mob: Oh, the old guy spoke.]

Zhongli, who was strolling around Liyue, saw the two's message and couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. 'Old?'

'I indeed have lived for a very long time now...' He thought as he kept looking at his phone. 'But how did they know?'

[Vago Mundo: How am I 'old'?]

[Hidden Mob: I don't why @Blond Traveler thought the same as me, but the attachment you sent radiated pure old-man energy.]

[Blond Traveler: @Hidden Mob is right. I too thought you were an elderly person for some reason.]

Ayaka, who looking at the black phone in her hand in the Kamisato Estate, chuckled a little as she read the two people's message.

'They think he's an old person just because of that?' She shook her head with a smile of amusement.

Collei, on the contrary, is confused. 'Wait... So sending these colorful pictures means you're an old person?'

"Collei, help me out with these boxes of mushrooms." A person beside her, Tighnari, her master, said.

"Yes, Master Tighnari." Collei nodded before hiding the phone in her pocket.

Returning to Asakura who was casually walking.

[Hidden Mob: Anyways, since everyone can speak now, does anyone have any idea about what this is?]

[Blond Traveler: @Hidden Mob is right. Does anyone have any knowledge regarding this?]

[Frostflake Heron: Unfortunate, no.]

[Sprout of Rebirth: This seems like an updated version of the Akasha System... But at the same time, it feels like it isn't.]

[Vago Mundo: Akasha System? Are you from Sumeru, by chance?]

[Sprout of Rebirth: Yes! I'm — —]

[The system has deleted this message]

'Huh?' Asakura looked at the system message that appeared. 'Deleted? Why?'

[Hidden Mob: Whoa... Something that calls itself a system manages this thing?]

[Blond Traveler: It seems so. @Sprout of Rebirth, what did you want to say that got deleted?]

[Sprout of Rebirth: I just wanted to tell my job here at the rainforest!]

"I see." Asakura said as he read Collei's message. "This system must have been programmed to automatically delete anything regarding its members' personal life."

Sure enough, Asakura's guess was right. The next moment, the system sent a message to the chat.

[All messages that may be used to track a user shall be automatically deleted.]

[Blond Traveler: I see... So it's a means to keep our identities safe, huh?]

[Vago Mundo: An interesting concept...]

[Hidden Mob: Yeah, seems like it.]

[Sprout of Rebirth: Oh, then this is not the Akasha System. After all, you can gain any information about any person as long as you have the Akasha.]

[Frostflake Heron: I am quite interested in learning more about the Akasha System you speak of. But for now, my curiosity leans more toward the true nature of the situation.]

Everyone who was invited was guessing why the phone suddenly invited them.

And Asakura, who was walking, finally saw the stall he loved. 'Oh...! Tomoki opened his stall at the right time!'

"Hey! Tomoki!" Asakura waved his hand as he shouted.

Tomoki, a merchant that sells very interesting products, heard the call and turned his head. "Ah! Asakura! Welcome, welcome."

Asakura swiftly dashed to his stall and looked around before looking at Tomoki. "Let's cut the small talk. You know what I'm here for."

"Haha, you order the same thing ever since I started selling it." Tomoki laughed as he instantly knew what he wanted. "You're in luck, I happen to get a new batch of Dango today."

"One Dango Milk coming right up," Tomoki said before starting to make the Dango milk.

Originally, it was a very unpopular drink as it was quite new. However, a day after Tomoki started selling Dango Milk, a tenryou Doushin named Asakura kept coming and buying it from him. As such, the two are quite well-acquainted.

After a few minutes, Tomoki finished. "Here you go, Dango milk placed on a large cup... Hmm, what do you call it again?"

"Ah, right. Boba Tea." Tomoki remembered the term Asakura loved calling his own version of Dango Milk.

That was, after all, Tomoki's business. He would let his customers experiment with some of his products.

And Asakura's own experiment is combining Dango Milk with ice and smaller Dangos with, of course, a straw. Perfectly imitating a boba tea.


"Ah, that's good." Asakura smiled with satisfaction. "It even has ice, as I wanted."

"Cryo Slimes helped a lot with keeping them cool as well as creating ice." Tomoki proudly said.

Suddenly, while Asakura and Tomoki were talking, another voice joined them.

"My, it seems like I missed my chance to be first in line again."

The two of them turned their head and saw who it was. Asakura and Tomoki instantly recognized who it was as he was also an avid buyer of Dango Milk, or "Boba Tea".

"Oh, Ayato, didn't think I'd see you here today." Asakura casually waved his hand. "Got less work today?"

If not for the fact Asakura was a transmigrator, he would have never thought that a busy but affable person like Ayato is one of the only three Commissioners of the Tri-Commissions, Kamisato Ayato.

"More or less." Ayato replied with a smile.

A very intelligent, cunning, and somewhat ruthless man. He keeps all those traits under his smile, all to protect his family.