
Genshin Impact, Teyvat's Starborne

Orion, a young man who arrives suddenly in the mystical world of Teyvat, with no memory of his past. Struggling with amnesia and unsure of his origin or purpose he embarks on a journey to uncover the secrets of his existence. Along the way, he encounters formidable challenges, worthy allies and powerful enemies. and discovers latent powers within himself. as he navigates this foreign land, Orion must seek answers for his unknown past while forging a new destiny in a world brimming with danger, mystery and magic. . Also . Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Genshin Impact or characters, Only the MC Orion and the original characters in this story. Support my Patreon if you want to read extra chapters ahead of release here, I might even consider making it a full time commitment and that will naturally mean consistent and extra chapters, so thank you in advance! : https://www.patreon.com/frenzyaren as for this story, I've played this game up to first patch of fontaine, it will not be the same as Genshin impact's story 100%, yet i'll respect the characters and their traits and what makes them unique. I'll also be adding quite a number of stuff and new Original characters. Romance and relationships will progress slowly otherwise it will be plain and boring imo, and yes it's a Harem.

FrenzyAren · Video Games
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37 Chs

Silent Affection

Check out my Patreon if you wish to read more chapters no need to wait for schedule or simply if you wish to support me :



The grand dining hall of the Dawn Winery, a masterpiece from one of the finest architectures in Mondstadt. Sunlight poured inside from high arched windows and spread on the polished wooden floors in warm golden tones. Rich tapestries showing the scenes of Mondstadt's glorious history were hung from the walls, and the fragrant scent of vineyards outside softly wafted through the air. In the middle of the room, a well-structured, exquisitely carved oak table dominated the space, while its surface glowed in the flattering light of a crystal chandelier hanging above. Diluc sat at the head of the table, straight backed and dignified as ever. 


He balanced a cup of steaming coffee in his hand, the dark liquid swirling lazily with his unhurried sip. His eyes turned to Lisa, seated at his left, her eyes aglint with the promise of a secret which she was dying but not quite daring to tell. On his right sat Eula, interest mingling with apprehension in her face as she listened to what was being said. There was a slight pause before Diluc set his cup down and stared at Lisa. "Lisa," he said dryly-his voice unwavering, yet mixed with curiosity, "how in the world did you know this?" Lisa smiled, well knowing, leaning back into her chair. "One of my loyal knights reported it to me, word for word," she said, almost teasing. "'My lady, Dvalin was spotted in the outskirts close to Springvale. There is no mistaking it.'" 


Eula's eyes widened slightly at this revelation, her hand unconsciously tightening on the edge of the table. Lisa's voice gentled as she finally met Diluc's gaze. "Only I know this, and I figured out that somehow you had something to do with it. I didn't expect Eula and Orion to be involved as well, for fairness sake." 


Eula still seemed to wrap her head around the information and turned to Lisa. "Are you positive?" her voice laced with suspicion. "Or are you merely monitoring him?" 


Lisa burst into chuckles, her playful mood returning. "I would never," she said lightly, a hint of mischief in her eyes. 


Diluc sighed softly, exasperated with the back-and-forth. "Ugh, what about his condition today, Eula? Anything?" 


The lines of Eula's face softened as she spoke, and her tone showed just a little more of a serious concern. "He's been unconscious, and this is the third day." 


Lisa, ever the one to inject a bit of levity into any situation, placed a hand on her cheek in mock concern. "What a poor boy," she mused, a playful smile forming on her lips. "Maybe he needs my special medicine." 


Immediately, Eula recognized the implication and shot Lisa a warning look. "Nobody needs your special medicine!" she snapped, exasperation and amusement mingling in her tone. 


Lisa just laughed, her eyes sparkling with all manner of mischief. 


Diluc shook his head slightly, a small, barely perceptible smile dancing at the corners of his lips as he took another sip of his coffee. 


Lisa's laughter eased as her gaze fell to Diluc's bandaged arm, her face transforming in an instant from playful to concerned. "Tell me about that foe," she asked, her voice more serious now. "Did you find out his affiliation? Or at least something? 


For a time, Diluc said nothing, his gaze glossing over with thought. It wasn't until after some time had passed that he finally spoke, his voice measured. "I have my theories, and they're not very bright for us." His words hung in the air as something dark and ominous settled upon the room. "He was strong, much stronger than expected. But the Conqueror of Demons and Orion..." 


He falls silent again, his head replaying the scene in graphic detail from the overflowing amount of power Orion showed to the sheer intensity of their fight. "They overpowered him, but he escaped." Diluc looks at his bandaged shoulder, still remembering how fresh the fight was. "I have a memento from him… well, actually two." 


He stood up, winced a little, and then hobbled over to a desk. Opening the drawer, he pulled something out that was wrapped in cloth, then came back to the table. Carefully, he unwrapped it to disclose their enemy's severed arm, grotesque-looking and disturbing to see. 


Lisa instinctively covered her nose, her face displaying a mildly disgusted look. "Oh my," she whispered, her usually composed demeanor faltered a little. 


Eula's eyes had widened in a stare. "You actually brought that?" she asked in disbelief. 


Diluc nodded, never taking his gaze off the severed arm. "Yeah, I did. While we were escaping that place, I don't know. something told me it might be useful to find him again.". 


The room fell silent; there was an uncomfortable tension weighing heavy on them. Diluc's words, brought together by the grim trophy before them, painted a stark picture of the challenges they faced. 

Diluc continued to stare at the severed arm a little longer, then turned to Lisa with a grave face. "Anything on Kaeya? Is he back at the headquarters of the Knights yet?" 


Lisa shook her head, the lightness in her tone now laced with concern. "No, and to be honest, we're getting worried about him. He does this from time to time, takes off on his own, but usually he contacts Jean or at least somebody just to let them know where he is. It's been days, and we've heard nothing." 


Diluc fell silent, his mind wandering back to the last time he and Kaeya spoke. The memory of their tense exchange rang in his head, specifically the words which lingered in his mind: "the foe that Orion faced,,, visiting a certain place…." Kaeya was serious than usual then, mentioning a dangerous lead he would follow, a place he would check before coming back with what he promised was to be crucial information. 


That knowledge weighed heavily upon Diluc, a sense of unease settling into his chest. The silence in the dining room grew thicker, turgid with unspoken worries about what might have befallen his brother. 


"I see," Diluc finally said, his tone subdued. Internally, he was still anxious as thoughts attacked him. Kaeya was not foreign to danger, but something about this time felt different and ominous. Diluc could not get rid of the feeling that whatever Kaeya had gone to investigate was somehow connected with the very foe Orion faced. 




Orion's world was one of blurred shapes and muffled sounds as he slowly swam back into consciousness. He struggled with attempting to open his eyelids as they felt heavy to lift, and when finally able to, the room around him was a blur of muted colors and indistinct forms. His body hurt to a dull, sustained pain, his head ached, and his mind was fumbling to piece together where he lay or how he came to be there. 


A soft touch grazed his forehead, and he tried to focus on the figure bending over him, but his vision swam. He saw a dark silhouette-her features obscured. He squinted to speak, but his voice was weak, hardly above a whisper. 


"A. nun?" he croaked out-the words slurred, barely audible. His mind wavered, and his usual spirit was in there, fluttering, trying to break through the fog. He struggled over the words before adding, "Quite. beautiful. for a nun." 


The Sister stopped, her hand remaining on his brow. In an instant, there was silence; then a low, almost incredulous chuckle escaped her lips. Her voice, always taut, held an edge of something lighter as she replied. 


"Flattery in your condition?" she whispered, an edge to her voice that was part amusement, part annoyance. Orion's vision was clearing enough that he could make out the barest trace of color high on her cheeks-a blush, fleet and unmistakable. 


"Save your breath," she continued, trying to freeze back into her usual, aloof mode. "You're a long way from recovery." 


Or at least, Orion attempted to make something of her words, but the sleep that pulled at his brain was far too strong. Never was he given the opportunity to say anything, as before word could spill out of his lips, the groaning door welcomed another figure inside. He blinked hard, straining his eyes to make out who stood there, but annoyingly, it wouldn't sharpen. 


It was, however, unmistakably the voice of a new arrival. Even through the fog clouding his senses, he recognized the firmness of the concerned that was indelibly marked upon her,-familiarly so. 


"Is he awake?" The tone from the woman was urgent, full of worry and relief. It was Eula, he was sure of this. 


"Yes, yes," said the first woman-Rosaria, though the name danced just out of reach in his muddled thoughts reluctantly responded. "But I suggest you let him rest some more. He is not going anywhere in this state." 


While Eula had been indecisive, Rosaria had glided softly, her gaze softening as she looked down at Orion. Lightly, almost playfully, she sat down beside him and laid her hand over his. The latter, still semi-conscious, felt the faint touch of her hand against his, though far too weak to press his in return. His eyelids fluttered as he fought to stay awake, his senses fading in and out. 


She let her gaze rest in his face, scanning it with an almost soft look, a small smile dancing on her lips. She was lost in thought for a moment, but then she broke the silence-a curious, teasing question: 


"Is he that special to you?" she asked, her tone light, yet carrying under it a hint of real curiosity. 



Eula smiled hugely, her face lighting up the room as affection and worry swelled in her expression; she had watched this scene go on with a mixture of fondness and concern. With no hesitation, she answered, "Yes, he is,". 


Rosaria lifted a single eyebrow, and her manner became interested. Leaning in half a breath, her voice dropped into a playful hush. "My, my," she purred, "I might then ask about him in more detail. I'm already interested." 


Eula's eyes narrowed, though there was a glint of amusement in her gaze. "Don't even think about it," she warned, though her tone was more playful than serious. 


Rosaria chuckled, her hand still resting light on Orion's. "Oh, but he's just lying there, so helpless," she teased, pretending to consider her options. "It wouldn't take much, you know." 


Eula crossed her arms and shot Rosaria a mock serious glare. "Helpless or not, he's still mine," she declared, though a smirk threatened to pull at the corners of her mouth. It was only when the words were out of her mouth that she realized what she said. Her eyes widened minutely, and a soft pink blush rose to her features. 


Quick as ever, Rosaria caught the change in an instant. Her teasing smile broadened and she leaned in closer, her voice low and with playful malice. "Oh? Still yours, is he?" she drawled, knowing etched in her eyes. "You didn't waste any time, did you? Already… claimed him, have you?" And the implication was plain as day. 


Eula's face turned an even deeper shade of crimson as her composure finally broke and she stuttered to find the words. "W-What? No! It's not like that!" she managed to get out, clearly flustered. Trying to act normal and cool, embarrassment was written all over her face, and it unnerved her enough to feel both exposed and frustrated. 


Rosaria burst into laughter at her reaction, apparently finding it funny. "Oh, don't be coy," she teased, the laughter so soft, but full of amusment. "No need to get so defensive. I'm just interested in how far out you've gone to protect your 'claim'." 


Eula cast her a withering glance, still crimson in the face. "It's none of your concern!" she looked away, crossing her arms even tighter as she cast her gaze elsewhere, struggling to regain shards of dignity. 


Rosaria merely smiled, pleased with the irritated state she had allowed her to get into. "Relax, I'm just teasing," she said, tapping Eula's shoulder lightly. "But seriously, the way you are acting, one might think there is more to it..." She winked, and Eula only grew more irritated. 


Orion, hovering at the edge of consciousness, felt a surreally warm and confusing mixture as the banter reached his ears, the words not really registering to him in the least. 


When Orion's breathing finally evened out, Rosaria gave one last, lingering glance at his sleeping form before she rose, stretched indolently. For an instant, her gaze flickered with a mixture of amusements and something far deeper as she said, "You know, if you ever get tired of him, you know where to find me." 


Eula rolled her eyes, though the ghost of a smile tugged at her lips. "I won't keep that in mind," she replied dryly, though her tone held no real animosity. 


Rosaria chuckled softly, her gaze lingering on Orion a little while longer before she turned to Eula. "Let him sleep," she advised, her voice taking on a more serious note.

"He needs the rest." 


With that, Eula turned to Orion one last time before the two women wordlessly exited the room the door clicked shut behind them. The sound was a faraway echo in Orion's mind as he was tucked again into the comforting dark of sleep.