
Genshin Impact: Sword Master

In the enchanting land of Teyvat, Xian Yu, an enigmatic young man, grapples with newfound powers and a mysterious past. With the ability to wield elemental power, Xian Yu's journey takes an unexpected turn when he encounters an Cryo Crystal Butterfly, unlocking a unique connection to elemental forces. _______________ Note: This is a Translation Original Book: 原神之剑主

Firesight · Anime & Comics
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98 Chs

Chapter Thirty-five: Hopkins

"Hopkins, Hopkins! Are you there?"

Hearing someone calling, Hopkins slowly emerged from a pile of hay.

"Jerman, is that you? What do you need?"

Jerman: "Well, I was wondering if you still have any of your 'holy water.' I'd like to buy two bottles."

As soon as he heard someone wanted to buy his "holy water," Hopkins perked up.

"Yes, yes, hold on a second. I'll go get it."

Though he didn't quite understand why Jerman would want to buy his "holy water," Hopkins was eager to make a sale. As long as he could sell it and make some money, he didn't care much about the reasons.

Seeing Hopkins, Xianyu didn't immediately inquire about the situation. He wanted to see if Hopkins's "holy water" was genuine before making any decisions.

Even though Hopkins said he was going to fetch it, in reality, it was likely prepared in his house, and he probably had a significant amount of stock.

It was watching Hopkins' actions that kept Xianyu observing.

After a few minutes, he saw Hopkins come out with two small bottles containing liquid.

"Here you go! This is your 'holy water.'"

"Seeing as you're a fellow villager, I'll cut you a deal. Just 1000 Mora for you."

After some hesitation, Jerman bought the bottles and then walked back in the direction of his home.

Once Jerman had left, Hopkins looked at Xianyu, who had been watching the whole time.

"Young man, would you like a bottle of my special 'holy water'? I'm telling you, my holy water can heal all emotional wounds, giving you unparalleled confidence!"

"It can even cure deep-seated ailments within your body! I guarantee you won't be disappointed!"

"What do you say? How about trying a bottle?"

Xianyu didn't immediately respond to Hopkins. He just observed him, and after a few moments, he calmly spoke.


"Here's a thousand Mora. If it's genuine, the extra Mora is your reward."

Hopkins' eyes lit up upon hearing this. He initially thought the young man was just curious, but he was genuinely buying a bottle.

"Alright, alright, this is the holy water, here you go."

Afterward, he took out a water bottle that looked identical to the one he had just sold.

It seemed that Hopkins had taken an extra bottle when he returned to his house.

Regardless of how many extra bottles Hopkins had, Xianyu immediately opened the one he received.

Opening it didn't mean he intended to drink it. He was well aware of whether this substance had any real effect. He was only confirming it now.

In Xianyu's perception, there was indeed a trace of water elemental power in this so-called holy water. This meant that the man in front of him was indeed connected to the Spring Fairy.

Xianyu casually tossed the bottle aside.

"The stuff is not bad, but I have a big deal for you, Hopkins. Are you interested?"

Xianyu's words snapped Hopkins out of his momentary daze. The young man's casual bottle toss had bewildered him, but upon hearing the mention of a "big deal," he focused on the matter at hand.

"A big deal? What kind of big deal?" Hopkins inquired.

Xianyu responded, "This so-called big deal is your holy water."

Looking at Hopkins' somewhat nervous expression, Xianyu continued, "Your holy water is merely water from the spring that you casually filled the bottles with, isn't it?"

"You don't need to rush to defend yourself. Whether it works or not, and whether it's spring water that you put in the bottles, I'm sure you know it in your heart."

"Besides, I've heard a bit about your reputation, but that's not my concern. I just want to know where you filled these bottles with spring water."

Hopkins knew the origin of the 'holy water,' but he couldn't admit it directly. Even though most of the people in Clearspring Town had been deceived and sometimes even resorted to violence, this was the means of his livelihood. How could he reveal it to others?

"Young man, I assure you this is genuine holy water. Don't make baseless accusations. Just now, someone else came to buy from me, and you witnessed that," Hopkins replied, although it seemed like he was on shaky ground.

Though Hopkins was showing a crack in his facade, as a seasoned swindler, he couldn't admit his deceit outright. He immediately began to defend himself.

However, Xianyu remained calm and said, "Ten thousand Mora. Moreover, I'm well acquainted with Kaeya, the Cavalry captain of the Knights of Favonius."

Upon hearing the offer of ten thousand Mora, Hopkins' face displayed greed, but when he heard Kaeya's name, he was taken aback.

Doubtingly, he asked, "Hmph! Who is Captain Kaeya? Do you really know him?"

Xianyu wasn't that familiar with Kaeya in this lifetime, but his words were intentionally misleading. Others wouldn't know that. He was just sowing doubt without revealing too much.

"That's correct. My words may not prove anything, but how about this?"

Afterwards, Xianyu's hand conjured Cryo crystals that began to swirl continuously.

Hopkins stammered, "This, this is..."

Xianyu asked, "What do you think now? As a Chosen of the Gods, do I need to lie to a regular person like you?"

"Furthermore, I'm only going to the place where you filled the water. This holy water is of no use to me. Once I'm there, I'll naturally leave."

"Also, regarding the ten thousand Mora I mentioned earlier, that offer still stands."

Xianyu's words left Hopkins with an uneasy expression, but he considered the situation. Since the spring water was something he filled casually, telling the young man wasn't a big deal, and he would get paid for it. After a moment, he composed himself.

"Alright, I can take you there, but you have to give me the Mora first."

"Don't worry, I won't just take you to any random spring. When you get there, you'll understand. The water there is sweeter than any other spring, and merely approaching it will invigorate you."

Xianyu didn't doubt Hopkins' words. When they arrived at the location, Xianyu would use his perception to confirm if it was genuine.

Without further ado, he tossed a money pouch at Hopkins, containing ten thousand Mora.

"Here's your payment, ten thousand Mora. You can check it."

Hopkins didn't bother to count the money, simply glancing at it before stashing it away.

"No need, no need. Your Lordship, as a Chosen One and a friend of Captain Kaeya, I trust you. Let me take you there."

Upon seeing the money, Hopkins immediately put on a cheerful facade, as if the displeased person from earlier wasn't him.

And so, the two started walking down a shaded path. Along the way, the path was overgrown with thorns and appeared scarcely traveled.

Seeing this, Xianyu found some clarity. When they finally reached their destination, he understood why Hopkins had conducted his "business" without being discovered.

The environment in this place indeed made it challenging to locate. Surrounded by thorny trees and rocks strewn about, it was a natural hiding spot.

But what struck Xianyu as odd was a nearby wooden hut. It left him puzzled.

As if sensing his curiosity, Hopkins explained, "A peculiar person lives there. They keep saying that there's a spirit residing in the spring ahead. However, nobody in the town believes it, and it's highly unlikely anyone would."

"Because no one has ever seen it," explained Hopkins.