
Genshin Impact: Sword Master

In the enchanting land of Teyvat, Xian Yu, an enigmatic young man, grapples with newfound powers and a mysterious past. With the ability to wield elemental power, Xian Yu's journey takes an unexpected turn when he encounters an Cryo Crystal Butterfly, unlocking a unique connection to elemental forces. _______________ Note: This is a Translation Original Book: 原神之剑主

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98 Chs

Chapter Fifty-Three: Unwanted Attention

Back in his residence, not long after, Xianyu hears Zhang Feng's knocking.

"Young Master! Are you okay? I just heard..."

Xianyu opens the door, "I'm fine, Uncle Zhang, go about your business. The matter has been resolved."

With the Shui family losing a significant figure, they won't just let it slide. But according to Xianyu's speculation, there shouldn't be any more "Life-and-Death Arenas" in the future unless that person Wu Dan intervenes. However, Xianyu doubts he would, as there's no reason to.

With force not an option, they might resort to business tactics, but that wouldn't work against him. So, he considers the matter "wrapped up."

Once Zhang Feng is advised to leave, Xianyu sits alone in the hall, contemplating the future.

Half of the troubles left by his predecessor are now resolved. The remaining half is negligible as long as the other party doesn't come knocking.

However, his own strength presents a challenge. The evolution of the Cryo Crystal Butterfly has stagnated without the Extreme Cold Heart Core. The next steps in evolution remain unknown.

Speculation is pointless without the necessary conditions.

As for his personal cultivation, it's stable but requires a considerable amount of time. And don't even get him started on that sign-in system – a massive pit!

So far, apart from skills, the few additional items provided are quite meager and mostly junk. Not only are they useless for improving strength, but Xianyu can't even use them in his daily life.

The only thing worth looking forward to is the steadily growing experience points.

"With my current experience, considering the previous experience required for the Breath Control technique, it should take about another half month. By then, I can add another wave to my swordsmanship."

"However, it probably won't be a qualitative change. My Breath Control technique only changed after four uses, which means the sword technique might need four as well, and this will be only the third time."

"If only there was another enhancement card."

But such wishes are mere thoughts. It's been a while since the last enhancement card, and there haven't been any usable items so far. The chances of getting one are slim.

"Sigh, speaking of it, this system is quite lazy. Look at other people's systems, all impressive and flashy. How come mine is so plain?"

"Daily experience points, no reminders for rewards – sometimes, I even forget to check. What can I say?"

"Well, at least I can get a set of monster-killing experience, or take on some quests!"

Despite the complaints, the system's role is not insignificant. Without it, Xianyu would still be farming at Xianyu Slope.


"Xue'er, what's your take on this Li Wen?" Hearing her father's question, Qingxue hesitated in her response. She's not a Chosen One, and her judgment of the opponent's strength isn't precise. However, judging from today's battle, Li Wen's strength is formidable! As for how formidable, that's beyond her understanding.

"Father, I believe you were familiar with Li Wen before. Now, it's hard to say what kind of person he is. Moreover, he's connected with the Fatui's Society. In my opinion, considering our past relationship and if he aims to revive the Li family, we can cooperate or try to win him over."

After a brief pause, she added, "In the business realm, having one more friend is never a bad thing."

Qingkui nodded in agreement with his daughter's perspective, but he still had some concerns. When the Li family faced adversity initially, the Qing family, to avoid being implicated, chose self-preservation and didn't help them. Trying to establish a connection now might result in rejection.

While many families, not just the Qing family, adopted a similar approach during the Li family's crisis, it's likely that approaching them now would be met with resistance.

However, considering the influence of a Chosen One, Qingkui is still willing to give it a try. Of course, he won't go himself and can't bring himself to lower his dignity for it.

So, the best candidate for this task is his daughter.

"Qingxue, I've been quite busy lately, and there are many matters to attend to. I'll leave this to you. Initially, don't make the purpose too explicit. Just build some connections, send some gifts."

Hearing this, Qingxue is a bit speechless. So, in the end, she has to handle this herself?

She doesn't really want to. Putting aside Li Wen's past actions, even with his current strength, her own assessment of his interpersonal relationships won't be of much use.

The words just now were meant to encourage her father to give it a try, but unexpectedly, the responsibility has been passed to her.

Despite her inner reluctance, she has to do it.

"Yeah, Xue'er understands. Father, rest assured, I'll bring some gifts over later and give it a try."

Exiting the door, Qingxue sighs.

In her memory, the previous Li Wen was just an ordinary young master, then reduced to an ordinary person. All his grandiose talk and bravado seemed like a joke.

From an equal relationship to him asserting superiority, and now he has soared to new heights!

The situation seems to have reversed, causing a subtle ripple in her heart.

After composing herself, Qingxue reverts to the serene and gentle young lady, then leaves the residence with her maidservant and Qingying.

Yueying Pavilion, the area where Xianyu is located.

When Qingxue arrives, she notices quite a few people outside the door. Judging by the situation, they seem to be here to establish connections.

However, judging from their demeanor, it seems they haven't obtained permission.

This situation catches Xianyu off guard. He thought there would be a period of peace after the battle, but it turns out there are still people trying to get close to him.

Don't they fear being remembered by Wu dan?

In the spirit of "out of sight, out of mind," he has no intention of meeting anyone.

Xianyu understands the intentions of those trying to get close. They probably value his strength or his relationship with the Fatui's Society.

But he is well aware of his own situation and needs. Despite the seemingly good relationship with the Fatui's Society and no conflicts with Tartaglia, the favorable situation is a result of recognition of his strength.

If he had been powerless in the initial battle, survival would have been in question.

In the end, it comes down to the fists.

Xianyu understood this principle long ago – without strength, all honors are like a fleeting illusion.

"Miss, it seems difficult to meet him. Let's try another day."

Qingxue looks at the building ahead and nods, saying, "Yes, let's go back."

Clearing his throat, Qingying watches the back of his young miss and sighs in resignation, "So, this is what a Chosen One looks like!"

"The coveted dream of countless people. Once recognized, it's like reaching the heavens in a single leap..."

There was a time when Qingxue also fantasized about being favored by the divine. Unfortunately, such things are highly unlikely to happen.