
Genshin Impact: Rebirth of the unchain Berserker beast

Ambrose A warrior that was a part of the berserker's group were man and women partake they were all brothers and sisters Until the great betrayal happen his fellow brothers and sisters fall in the hands of a group of people that were against the berserkers who they call demons because of their ferocious and dark nature in battle Ambrose is kill at his last stand remembering the lost of brethren He is fuel with rage. Until a voice calls out to him to give him a chance to live in another world. But before that could happen he is leave with a task save it’s people from the incoming calamity. or will Ambrose not care at all. only doing as he pleases in the world he is sent. [images are not mine. All images are use as reference to what is going on the story. I repeat images are use respectfully.]

c_fanficsCSM · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

CHAPTER 5: A new companion and a Challenge

The sound of metal woke her up, she quickly stand up looking around she spottted the human from the night before but now he was wearing armor.

Ambrose finish to wrap its black wrapping bandages from his hand to half of his Foreman. He now began to walk to the axe of the mitachurl it's blade still stuck on the ground.

"I doubt you are able to use that" the female churl spoke (i am just going to cut short the word hilichurl to churl)

Ambrose lazily turn around facing her given her a poker face

" Don't get me wrong but i doubt any one from your kind can lift something that heavy" she spoke in a low tone.

his right hand went to the handle off the axe while keeping the his poker face. "Whatever, do as yo--"

in a quick movement the axe was yanked out from the ground and rested upon his shoulder Leaving her speechless

Without a word he started to walk away from the bonfire reaching tours the main front of the campfire. she was left standing there as she watch the so call "Human" leave carrying a weapon, only one of their second strongest kind can wielded.

she has seem many humans fall or even run away in fear to their normal weapons. but for the mitachurl no human has escape in a direct confrontation with any of them their heavy weapons can make a mess and leave a human into a red mush.

but him a human, he had fought and kill one of their champion on one on one combat. he is not as the others her kind had fight.

She had seen what he was capable of t

'stalking the night like a beast, he hunger for blood, and waits patently for it's moment to strike the unfortunate. He use the night to attack us, taking one by one into the darkness and using methods that aren't related to what the other humans had use before.'

He now pass trough the gate, walking away with the giant axe resting on his shoulder. his goal now was to go to the city of mondstadt with the gold coins he had acquire to buy resources such as food and weapons.

And of course to 'find the star and help it on it's jouney to stop clamity'

he would rather be stay dead rather than becoming some avatar for a god like entity to help someone or who ever it was to


it sounds like it belongs to a fucking story about some idiot that acts like hero running around the world doing what deems to be good and somehow fucking it up even more than what it was before.

But at the same time ha was given a chance to live again to do what he was not able to do back in his world.

How to be human

unfortunately that was forgotten when he became a berserker. But through that hand form a bond who were just like him, holding to that humanity that was still burning like a small fire.

But that has come to an end

Why shed a tear what was in the past stays in the past. It doesn't matter what it was. you either leave it behind and move on


you either Dwell on it and let it consume you becoming soft and vulnerable making you an easy target for whatever comes to you in the path.

Ambrose now was a good distance away from the camp but what he didn't account for was that the female hilichurl was chasing after him calling him

turning around he saw her running as fast as she could, getting close to Ambrose she almost fell to the ground by the lack of air that leave her lungs.

"You..... human.... did you not hear me.... calling you" she spoke as she tried to breathe properly.

"No" it was all he replied and resume his walk

"WAIT!" she pleaded

He stop his back facing her."What do you want now? if it's food, than certainly that's something i don't have on me or perhaps are you waiting for the moment to strike? because if it is you only have one chance and the last move you make"

"NO, is not what you are thinking"

"Then what is it if that is not what you are trying to do?" his voice was serious and fill with hostility.

his left arm was now on an angle ready to strike with the elbow if she do any movements that will cost her to loose her head in one swift move

"I know you are not from around here so please let me be your guide" she lower her head.

Ambrose now was confused on why this short female monster wanted to be her guide.

'did she not see what i did to her comrades or did she loose her mind and how did she now i am not from here?'

"Tell me what makes you think you can be my guide when there is a bunch of others who could do better?"

"The moment you first found me at night the way you fight it wasn't normal and receiving a blow to the face like that and manage to survive it is not normal " Her tone became serious.

"Hmp well you caught me, i am not from around here and i need somebody to be my guide, you happy now" he resume his walking "Well you got the job of guide now" he walk away.

At first she was perplexed but started to walk fast catching up to him as she walk beside him.

"So were we off now" she ask as both of them were walking

"Were do you think all humans go to?" he ask her in a mad tone of voice making her tilt her head to the right.

"That is the city of Mondstadt, but how am i going to get in with you into the city."

"I have an idea" he turn his head looking down at her " you may not enjoy it but i really don't care if you do"

[2 Hours later]

Inside the city of Mondstatdt folks around were either minding their business of their daily routine or they either took in a new sight of someone carrying a large axe accompany by a short size companion that who was cover in a dark cloak hiding her features.

"When you said not to stand out for the rest i thought you mean to drop everything" said the small figure in a low voice

". . ." Ambrose didn't reply as a smirked was present on his face

she noticed his smirk making her mad

"you big idiot! Do you have any idea how long does it take For my hair to Grow!" she yell at the same time pointing her short hair.

Ambrose had cut her mane like hair leaving her with short wild hair that reach tours her neck.

"It's going to be a mess! and it's all thanks to you small brain Human!" she started to fix her hair " It's going to look ugly or even worst."

Without bothering to look at her Ambrose replied

" At least when you took of the mask you didn't look horrible".

This cause her to launch foward tours Ambrose she started to hammer his leg as if she was a small child throwing a tantrum. Ambrose of course really didn't care since he was being honest without beating around the bush as some folks do.

"Quit your whinnying were close to the adventurer's guild" Ambrose spoke with an neutral tone Both of them were now standing in front of the receptionest of the adventurers guild.

"Oh Hello Adventurer ambrose" said Katherine as she nodded " Was the mission of repelling the Hilichurl camp a success?" she Question. Ambrose left hand went to his back pocket taking out a mask of a hilichurl that had a crack on the top rigth as well as a mitachurl mask that had one horn broken.

"Does this asnwer your question?" said Ambrose as he left the masks on top of the counter as he set down the huge axe

Katherine saw the mask as well as the huge axe Ambrose had set down she nodded in response as she trun around Taking a small bag out of a huge chest. Turning around facing Ambrose she handed him the bag.

Ammbrose took the bag, he shake the bag in response he heard jingles so he assume it was his reward. Of course this sound call the attention of the small figure next to him.

"Oooh what is that sound that i hear" she said in a playfull tone, he gave her sideways glance as to tell her to fuck off but she ignore it as she got close leaning on his leg like a cat.

"Come on! Show it to me I swear i'll be carefull with it, Pretty please" she said in a flirty way with a chibi face as she lean in more.

His right Eye began to twitch slightly out of annoyence. All ambrose could think of was smashing the bag of coins into this loot goblin's face.

"Oh it seems that you got a commpanion with you as well" said Katherine as she look at the small figure who's size was half of Ambrose waist. " And what a small Companion you have is she your sister?".

"No she is a circus midget i found Outside the City"

Replied Ambrose with a normal face as to hide his grin from both of them. She in response kick him on the foot in retaliation she earn bump to the head from Ambrose right hand.

"Fu Fu Fu" Katherine giggled at the scene the two were making. Ambrose now focused on katherine as he gave her companion a bump to the head to keep her quiet.

"Is there any more missinons for today other than the hilichurls" Ambrose ask as for her companion felt a chill run up her spine.

"Well there is one but nobody dares to take it "

"And that will be?" ask Ambrose with curiosity. Katherine look down as she Sigh heavily and look back up to Raguel.

"That will be To Bring down the dragon stormterror" Said katherine who had a sad look "many People that accepted the mission either got out in the last second or never came back From it. that is why we don't have many adventurers in mondstatdt."

". . . . ." Ambrose got quiet as well as her companion who was paying attention.

"how much will the guild pay or reward give just to slay the dragon?"

this question leave katherine surprised and baffeld as to what he had just said.

"The reward that the guild will give?" ask katherine. Ambrose nooded "Well it is not the guild but the Fatui who will give out the reward and the reward will be more than what mondstatdt is worth."

this peak Ambrose interest he doesn't know who the 'FATUI' are but they are willing to give out a great amount of money just to slay a dragon. Ambrose deducted that The FATUI Seem to be that they are economically powerfull as well as filthy rich.

"I'll Take It" said Ambrose calmly Both katherine and his female companion look at Ambrose who was standing calmly an akward silent Was present butt was short as it was broken

"SLAY A DRAGON!!? ARE YOU RETARDED?!!" Exploded the fem churl in a burst of surprise and anger.

Ambrose did not pay any attention from the fem churl out burst but it did catch the attention of people that were passing by or where close.

Especially A well dress tan man Who had an eyepatch that was sitting in one of the tables of the good will hunter restaurant

"Alright i'll Start writting the papers then" said Katherine as she pull out some papers out of her desk and started writting right away. I forgot to mention you will have a two days for you to prepare yourse-"

"Make it one day, Tomorrow to be exactly" Said ambrose as he pick up the axe and carry it on his right shoulder, walking down the stairs leaving behind Fem churl who started to chase after him.

"You were jooking right? it was all a bluff wasn't It? please tell me you din't mean that" sha ask as her voice now sounded nervous " She was Talking about a different dragon was she? she wasn't talking about stormterror right? RIGHT!!?"

"Tell me then, what kind of dragon name stormterror was she talking about them? " ask ambrose with a sarcastic tone.

She couldn't belive what Ambrose had gotten himself into. Going After a Dragon is a suicide mission especially if it's a dragon who was associated with the Archon Barbatos That much is self explanatori as how dangerous can that scaly lizard be.

But it seem as Ambrose didn't really care much either be his life or whatever he is going after, not caring if it's death itself.

"Now . . . what are you going to do?" She ask at this Ambrose gave her a side glance as he let out a hevy sight.

"We are going to the blacksmith who is near the entrance of the main gate to buy spears." replied Ambrose, this respond took the fem churl by surprise.

"Spears? Don't you need a claymore or even a sword since the dragon scales are going to be hard to penetrate or even slash them it's basic knoledge since dragon scales are hard." sha said.

This earn her a raise left eybrow fromAmbrose

"Don't get me wrong i know that with the strenght you have you might be able to deal some serious blows to the dragon but it will be a matter of time you will get tire of moving that axe around, which it will leave you open"

"Hmp it seem that you at least have a brain to think rather than complain like a house wife" said ambrose. This prompt the female churl mustard eyebrows to stiffend giving Ambose an angry gaze.

"Spears are essentially good in one thing"

"That will be?"Ask the fem churl

"Penetrating through an enemies defence or slipping pass through the enemies defence wich it will leave an open target if it's follow by other attack." the fem churl was surprised as ambrose keept on talking

"Imagine the scales of a dragon as soldiers with shield who are perfectly line up facing one way, making an unpenetrable defence meaning that if you attack from the front it will be repelled as well as leaving you open to any fatal attacks".

Ambrose stop at the middle of the stairs he turn to see his small companion. "But if you were to attack diagonaly your spear will slip pass through finding the soft flesh of a soldier but this time is the neck of the dragon."

Ambrose kept on going

"But there are many open targets like the eyes, Mouth, it's ears if it has one, Nose orifice, the back of his neck were the skull and spine meet, underneat the jaw, throat and The place were no one dares to attack"

"And that place will be?" ask the fem churl as she was impressed by Ambrose battle tactics and how he talk as if he was experience in battle.

"It's anus or better call by others the rear entrance It's an easy access since it is a soft spot." said Ambrose with a sadistic expression. This leave the fem hilichurl to look at him with disgust as what he had just said

"You are sick fuck you know that right?"

He din't say anyrthing nor reply as he turn back again walking tours the blacksmith. She follow too but now with a slow pace.

Ambrose Approach approached the blacksmith's shop causing the blacks look at Ambrose with an annoyed face as he always does with all customers whether old or new.

"If you're going to buy something, do it quickly. I'm working on something. I don't have much time here, so talk quickly." The blacksmith spoke while working on the hot metal that was in the forge, hitting the metal causing small sparks to fly frightening the small fem churl.

The blacksmith noticed the huge weapon that Ambrose was carrying. The blacksmith was impressed by the strength that Ambrose had.

But never the less he is a customer.

"Spears" Spoke AmbroseI without any reaction of what the blacksmith did with the hot metal he was working.

The blacksmith looked over at Ambrose, setting aside the hot metal he was working on, he looked at Ambrose from head to toe and also at his partner who was next to him

He raised an eyebrow when he noticed his companion was small almost like a size of a child. He looked back at Ambrose with his right eyebrow raised.

Ambrose caught the blacksmith's gaze and realized what kind's thoughts were inside the head of the blacksmith. To clear out any thoughts he had.

Ambrose responded normally without any problem.

"Don't worry about her she is a circus midget i found on the outside of the city". Ambrose recive aAmbrose received an angry look from his fem churl partner

"Hmp, well if you say so" said the blacksmith with a shrug "And now tell me, boy, how many spears do you need, or do you need me to make you one? Like your mother use to make everything for you"

the blacksmith made fun of ambrose a bit since he appeared to be young because of his face and his features.

Abrose didn't bother as he took a medium size bag as he place it on top on the table the black smith was leaning forward with his left hand. The bag made a clinking sound when it was placed on the table.

"Is this enough for what i need"

The blacksmith grabbed the bag, weighing it down with his hand before he opened it seeing a sum of golden coins pile on each other

"Hmp yeah that will be enough" replied the black smith as turn around reaching for the armory stall that the blacksmith had to sell his already made weapons.

"Say how many spears you want kid?" Ask the black smith

"Just eight of them" it was the short answer ambrose replied with.

He didn't reply as he grab the spears ambrose needed and put them on the table where Ambrose was standing in front he grabbed one of the spears that was on the table and at the same time he left the huge ax at his side.

He grabbed one of the spears and ran his left hand from the shaft of the spear to the tip, feeling the double sharp edge with his fingers.

"Just for your information i crafted those spears by my own hands so don't go thinking around that they are made out off cheap metal" Said the blacksmith witha bitter tone.

Of course, Ambrose noticed the blacksmith's tone he gave a small smile before speaking.

"I don't doubt your work as a blacksmith if not it impresses me" spoke ambrose "i magine what it will do to the soft flesh of a person" he said.

in one quick movement Ambrose spun back attacking the air putting the sharp edge of the spear inches from someone's neck and that someone was a man with tanned skin, who had a patch over his right eye that covered his eye.

He was apparently surprised by the speed with which Ambrose spun before he could react and on top of being detected by him.

The blacksmith was shocked to see the speed that the young man had turned in front of him and also to see who the spear was pointing at.

"So are you going to be the first candidate to test the edge of the spear with your neck" ask ambrose as he lightly press the spear carefully to not cut The carotid artery.

"Well it seems that my cover was blown" spoke the handsome tanned man "You know we can solve things by talking, sooo how about you put that lance young man" he said as he pointed the spear.

Ambrose replied by moving the spear away from his neck

He let out a breath of air but it was short, since now the spear was now position between his legs at the same time his eyes widened as he felt the blade of the spear press gently against his member.

Making it clear that Ambrose is not an easy person to deal with.

"State your business" Ambrose spoke with a serious tone

Both the black smith and the fem churl look at each other with wide eyes as they stare back at the scenery that was going on.

"O-Okay let's not get violent here l-lets solve this in a civile way We both are civilize arent we" Said the tanned man trying to defuse the situation he had goten himself into.

"Yeah we civilize now answer the question" replied ambrose with a neutral tone

Either he answer Ambrose or he says good bye to his friendS down below .

He took a breath and spoke.

"Well my business here was with you as i overheard you little friend yell out something about slaying dragon so i follow you to personally ask you if that is true, but it seems that i have gotten myself into a sticky situation" He said as he look at the spear and back to Ambrose.

He pulled away the spear carefully

Ambrose check the man infront of him from head to toe he seem to be the kind of man to fool around in brothels and he look to be some kind of rich royal by the way he was dressed but what call his attention more was on the shiny light blue pendant on his waist.

the same pendant of color he had seen on that woman with blue short hair carrying a claymore.

"And? what's the problem of slaying a dragon? Doesn't that thing attack the city offten causing winds to mess up the city as well as the people who live in this city" spoke ambrose

"well yes there is that but are you sure you want to do that? slaying a dragon that is related to the Anemo Archon, Barbatos?" he said as he waited for a reaction from Ambrose from hearing one of the archons.

Ambrose turned back to the table and raised the spears to his left shoulder, carrying them with him at the same time hearing what the man behind him was saying.


No reaction from ambrose after hearing the name of the anemo archon. this of course make him currious as to see this particullar young man act the way he was acting.

"And may i ask why is it that you want to slay the dragon" he ask

Ambrose was finish speakig to the blacksmith as he leave a five golden coins on top of the table pointed with his left hand the huge ax. He turn around facing him as he carried the spears

"What's your name?" ask Ambrose

"Kaeya" with a puzzled expression form the sudden question ambrose had ask.

"Listen Kaeya How long are you going to wait until that dragon finishes ravaging the city? until is a placed littered with rubbled and dead boddies? or until the city is turn to dust?" Ambrose spoke with an inexpressible tone that his face also showed.

" I have no idea what's going on in this city, but one thing is for sure. No one is willing to kill that dragon and no one here seems to have the ability or the will to do so."

Kaeya understood what Ambrose meant, but he still had one particular question.

"So your doing it for the money?" asked kaeya ​​looking at him with a serious face, has Ambrose was walking to the gates of mondstatdt acompany by the fem churl.

With out bothering to turn to face kaeya, Ambrose answer kaeya's question.

"Don't know you tell me" he replied without caring what Kaeya thought of him.

Ambrose leave the Blacksmith and Kaeya behind as he walk out the main gate of the city as some folks that were looking at him ether be the looks of disapproval and others of anger since apparently Ambrose had just threatened a member of the Knights of favounious of mondstatdt.

"You ok?" ask the blacksmith

Kaeya nodded in response as the blacksmith went back again working on a new bright orange metal with his hammer.

"That young man moved too fast for his age and at the same time he had already detected me" he murmured at the same time rubbing his chin "Also the way he placed the sharp edge of the spear on top of the carroid blood vessels, only Mercenaries do that when dispossing of target quickly"

Thoughts and ideas were runing around kaeya's head as to who is this particular young man. He had noticed small scars across Ambrose's face but what called his attention more was on the left side of his face

The big scar that ran from his eyebrow to his cheek it seem that scar was made years ago Probably when he was a child. Kaeya knew those scars well, those scars were not a product of abuse nor a slave Trade. but were Scars of Battle Ambrosed has been especially the scar on his left eye

"What have you been through young man" Muttured Kaeya as he went to the headquarter of the knight of favonious.


"Hey how did you know that guy was behind you? " yell the Fem churl

Ambrose look down at her with no expression what so ever, as he kept walking slowly the wide bridge that connected to the city behind him

"Experience" he replied

"Yeah 'EXPERIENCE' the way you almost make him a new 'HOLE' " She spoke in a sarcastic tone as she look at him with a disgusted face

"Your point?" ask ambrose in a neutral tone

"Maybe you should be more friendly you know? have a soft approach With your own kind, dont you think?"

Ambrose turn his head facing forward and replied with a simple word


She let out a sight of fustration.

"Well, it looks like you're going to die a virgin then."

Ambrose stop at the middle of the bridge as he look forward to the end of the bridg with a frown of annoyance and bitternes.

"Stop" spoke ambrosed at the same time he came at a halt.

The small fem churl was about to make a joke but noticed his gaze was fixid on the end of the bridge.Her eyes widened immediately at the same time she hid behind him like a frightened child.

"I-I-Is b-big s-sword i-ice w-woman" She spoke in fear as she clung to Ambrose's leg with her hands.

"You know her?" Ambrose whispered, keeping his eyes straight ahead, looking at the woman with light blue hair who was nothing more and nothing less than Eula lawrence who was standing at the end of the bridge waiting for him.

"Yes she is scout, and a scarry one. Just don't get her Angry or she will summon her ice to freeze us or even slices us." she whispered back

"Too late already did it" Ambrose whispered back

"You What?!"

Eula of course noticed Ambrose who was standing at the middle of the bridge looking at her direction. this was her time to settle her score with him from what had happend the day before.

"Well It seem that we have found each other again." she spoke with a nonchalant tone " Did i not mention the last time that I would teach you some manners and have my vengance"

"We're so fuck and it's your fault" the fem churl spoke in desperate tone.

Ambrose walk forward where she was standing, his face was now replaced that of a neutral one holding back his bitterness tours her.

He maintained eye contact with her as he walked right in front of her, stopping a few feet apart, staring at each other.

"Were do you want it ?" ask ambrose

"Hmp, it look sounds like you're eager to start your manners class." Eula spoke keeping her gaze fixed at the same time not flinching either nor being intimidated by him.

"Hmrrg" Ambrose let out a groan of held back anger as he look at her. He wanted to star the fight right here and now, but he control himself from doing so.

"So follow me if you want to settle the score between you and me" Spoke eula as she trun around walking down a clear path.

"You, stay here and watch the spears" spoke ambrose to the fem churl as he leave the spears on the ground near her

"W-Wait y-you'r joking right? RIGHT?!" se yell as ambrose follow eula a few feet behind her.

A duel was about to happen between these two, to settle a score between them. Eula the scout of the kights of favonious or Ambrose the berserker of the battlefield who will come on top?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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