
Genshin Impact: Rebirth of the unchain Berserker beast

Ambrose A warrior that was a part of the berserker's group were man and women partake they were all brothers and sisters Until the great betrayal happen his fellow brothers and sisters fall in the hands of a group of people that were against the berserkers who they call demons because of their ferocious and dark nature in battle Ambrose is kill at his last stand remembering the lost of brethren He is fuel with rage. Until a voice calls out to him to give him a chance to live in another world. But before that could happen he is leave with a task save it’s people from the incoming calamity. or will Ambrose not care at all. only doing as he pleases in the world he is sent. [images are not mine. All images are use as reference to what is going on the story. I repeat images are use respectfully.]

c_fanficsCSM · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 3

As Ambrose approach the bar the young lady had pointed out, he was greeted by the sight of drunks either laughing with each other over something, either way he keep walking approaching the bar 'getting drunk when they were recently attacked by a damn dragon, either they rely on the ruler of this city or they are idiots who rely on the beer to forget the massive problem they have on their hands'. Approaching the bar it seem that there was a man standing near the door that lead inside the bar. Ambrose didn't really care that much if he was the one in charge to let guest in, a thief, or a drunk. Either way he let him in or his family and friends will be mourning what is left of his body at the nearest grave if he mange to tired his patience.

As he was about to get to the a arm block it's way. "Hey hey no pups are allow in! now how about you go home or some where else".

Any other person that analyzed Ambrose features can assume he is a adult thanks to his stature, but if they look closely they will see a young man judging by his face.

"Now go get out of here you knight wannabe, before yer mama comes looking after you she might be worried" the man In front of him started to mock him, trying to make fun of him just to embarrass him and to get him to leave.

Instead of leaving like anyone would, he stood there looking at the door of the bar.

"Hey! Didn't you hear what i said" still no reaction whatsoever "Move it or—".

His face was cover by a hand gripping strong to his face before he could react. The back of his head was smashed into the stone wall close to the door, the hand let go of his face his body fell to the ground in a sitting position on the ground with his back touching the stone wall and his head was slung down.

A small red stain could be visible close to the door.

he now open the door leaving the unconscious bastard outside near the door of the bar. Has he was in the bar he noticed a a empty chair in the main large desk of the bar. The other tables were not empty has there some people drinking and talking. Has he sat down in the chair tall chair in front of the bar large desk. The bartender took notice of the new guest that show up

"welcome to Angle Share young man what can I offer?"

"I would like something that is strong" at this the bartender raise one of his eyebrow

'this kid'.

"Well there is something strong, but you seem to be underage for it"

. Ambrose now look at the bartender in front of him with a slight eyebrow raise in a questioning expression.

At this the bartender felt felt a chill running down his spine the same sensation he felt when his boss wasn't playing around.

"But who am I to question if you are young or not, but I warn ya that this drink is strong that it even put knights of this city and drunks in a deep sleep for hours it comes from the far regions we're the cold weather rules over" he turn around taking a large bottle with a transparent liquid inside." This hellish drink comes from snezchnaya".

a small glass put in front of him "now listen young man this is one shot and remember don't taste it, just in one go and that's it". but when he look up at the young man sitting in front. The large bottle was already in his mouth poring in the strong liquid.

at this his eyes grew wide in disbilief


Unbelievable as it is, the so call young man in front of him drink the liquid like if was nothing more than a baby's drink.


"Are you good, young man?". he expected him to collapse, in any given moment. By the amount of hellish alcohol he had drink.

"tell me, do you have more bottles of this?" .at this he was astonish by these new young that showed up and drank one hell of a drink .

"Well there is more but you will have to pay if you want to drink them".

Ambrose expression change as he heard him say "pay". 'It's just a dam bottle that none of these scared pussycats drunks can't even take a drink'.

"The bottle you just drink cost 550 mora".

. . . . .

. . . .

. . .

. .


"what?" '

"well that bottle voydkal was going to be sell for much more, but since nobody take a swig of the drink. It seem that I could sell at a cheap price since you are the only one who finish a bottle of pure alcohol that would make men cry in desperation".

Ambrose process the information, hard to believe the price of that bottle could be call cheap. He doesn't want to imagine what is expensive to them. So like every normal person can do when they couldn't afford a drink, he had one thing to do.

"I'll pay you later so put it on tab with my name. The name is A" well it seems that he own money that he doesn't even know how to pay it back not unless he can register has a adventurer in a guild that exist in this city

"well since it seems that you don't have money i would share something with you" the bartender was leaning with his right arm. "There is a adventurer's guild it's close to the "cat tail tavern" you can go there and Register as one, by the looks of it you seem to be one" the bartender took a glance to the armor the young man was using.

Ambrose got up from the chair "Thanks for the information" he walk to the main door

"your welcome and remember to pay back please! *and please let it not be like that alcoholic bard, always evading the bill he has to pay for those wine bottles*" the last part he whispered in a small tone, hoping the new young man would not be a total alcoholic as that bard.

"that kid is something"


As he got out of the tavern night was already upon the city. he began to make his way to the adventurer's guild. But as he made his way trough there seem to be some kind of argument going on.

It seem that the argument was between a man well dress and what seem to be an employee or worker close to a blacksmith work shop near were ambrose is and judging by the clothing the young man was wearing he seem to be a apprentice. It seem that the employee was receiving a hard and ruthless rebuke of the well dress man in front of him while holding the sword as if it was a kids toy other than a weapon.

"You call this a sword?! this looks nothing to be call rightfully a sword. It seems that the blacksmith himself has a repulsive taste on picking such a useless lower class member as you to be his apprentice. The only thing you would be good for is for a servant"

The one thing that Ambrose hope he never encounter was the royalty or any one who had a high status tittle, there nothing more than power hungry dick gobblers who will do anything just to get power and do as they please with it.

He had no time to hear any of the argument or bullshit that was in front of him he needed to go to the adventurer guild to register.

he now resume is walking not caring if he bumped into either them, they were in his way either they move he moves them. He pass next to a young woman who had light blue hair and was well dress, that some how was carrying a claymore on her back that she somehow didn't seem to struggle with the weight and size of that thing on her back and it look like she too was part of the nobles judging the fancy way she was dress in.

Ambrose did not care so he made his way through not caring if he bumped into one of them.

"Next time you give me a sword not well crafted as I requested it to be. You will know the wrath of the the Lawrence cla—" before he could have finished talking.

The man was brusquely bumped by someone, that someone was none other than Ambrose as he made his way through them separating them in the process. His goal was none other than to reach the adventurer's guild. But before he could.


At this, Ambrose pay no attention to him walking up the stairs that lead to the adventurers guild back to were he walk the first time he was searching for information.


At this he didn't bother to turn his head to pay attention to the noble behind him. why would he? he's just sputtering nonsense and bullshit in the middle of path were people needed to walk.

"Hmp!, well then i shouldn't be wasting my time talking too a expendable waste such as this brute"

He stop, not moving a muscle he was a few feet far away from the noble.

"Expendable waste?" Ambrose spoke with out looking back at the noble behind.

"Well well it seems that you are not deaf after all for a brute such as yourself". he seem to be please that he now had the attention of the so call brute who's back was facing him a few feet away from him.

even before he could blink.

Ambrose was now in front of him, his left hand in the shape of a fist was now approaching his stomach in such speed that it was impossible for the noble to notice what was about to happen to his mid section.

Years of harsh training of tearing apart his own skin and breaking his bones, had completely change his muscles, bones, and numb his pain reaction. Making him and the rest of his comrades into brutal killing machines if they were fighting unarmed in close quarter combat.

Their fist were describe as claws that can penetrate through the armor of several men making holes as if they were made of paper. Those who were cocky enough to underestimate a unarmed berserk warrior at his ropes, their lifeless bodies were found torn apart in battle as if a beast had attack them leaving a mess of broken bones, cave in chests, smash heads and worst of all torn out spines of the heavy armor soldiers.

but instead of connecting into the soft spot were the intestines were located his left fist connected with a hard metal surface. what Ambrose saw next was the same woman, who's hair was light blue and was dress as a noble. Using her claymore to block his incoming fist

His left fist now connected t her thick claymore


the sound was loud enough to be heard for those who were near it, as if it was a hammer striking hard metal.

But to her surprised her body was push off the ground lifting her up in their as if she was nothing more than a ball being punch into the air.

Quickly in one swift move she landed back at the ground feet first and bracing herself. she was now a few feet away from Ambrose.

Close to her was the noble man now on the ground, as if somebody pull him away from what was about to happen to his lower section being torn apart. But thanks to the woman wielding the claymore, he was free of any means of harm. Ambrose noticed that her expression was that of anger directed on him.

"What ever happened here I suggest you to let it go, we don't want anybody to get hurt. or do we?"

Both of them were looking at each other with defiance.

One out of anger and the other out of disgust. He turn showing his back tours her, showing her how little did he care. he resume his walking leaving her and the other noble behind. By this action she was almost at the border of striking him but before she could move.

"You shouldn't be hesitating on making a move if you are planing to strike right here and now". At this she tensed for a second.

'How did he know' she ask herself as ambrose stop in the middle of the stairs leading up to the guild.

"If you want to, we can star it right here and now" he was testing her on how far would she go to attack him in a populated place such as the city.

'Come on! make a move and I will bash that head of yours and your blood will be the new color to decorated the left wall next to me'

"Hmmp, I will have my vengeance, this time or the other as soon as we both meet in a more private place. Then you will remember the day were Eula Lawrence show you to have manners".

"YES!" replied Ambrose voice full of excitement, he turn his head to the side giving her a wide smile like a psychopath

"I like to see that. but for now you better fix that" he pointed at her claymore.

she look down at the claymore on her hand checking the place were his fist had connected

a massive dent was present in the middle of her weapon, it was nothing more than his fist that had leave a deep dent as if it was a projectile of a canon ball.

Her eyes widened in a bit of surprise as she noticed that dent

'How can someone have Such a strength' it was Eula's thought as she look to the man in front of her that now began to walk up the stairs to the center of the city.

Ambrose now reach to the adventures guild as a woman with short dark hair , well dress was there at the counter as if she was waiting for someone. With out wasting any amount of time he proceeded to register as a new adventure in this new place just to blend in and to get information as to do what the goddess had send him to do.

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