
Genshin Impact: Pokemon Invades, I, Arceus In My Previous Life

A shop opened on Liyue Street, popularizing the magical creatures called "Pokémon". The owner, Su Yan, can not only control various Pokémon that surpass the power of immortals and gods, but he himself is mysterious and unpredictable. Sometimes, Pokémon will call him "Lord Arceus". One day, when "Pokémon" and "Genshin Impact" merged, this world was completely turned upside down. Lugia came to Guyun Pavilion: You are the only one called the Whirlpool Demon God? Groudon: Sky-Swallowing Whale? You look like an old friend of mine. Don't say anything. Come, take my Precipice Blades first. Ying: This Poké Ball is so magical, Paimon, do you want to live in it? Fu Kalos: Huh? My plan that took hundreds of years was solved by Su Yan just like that? Doesn't this make me look stupid? No matter what, you have to take full responsibility! Zhongli: According to common sense, how can there be no super beasts with Rock and * Attributes? What do you think, Nashida? Yulongdu: No, we agreed on Pokémon.. (''THIS BOOK IS NOT MINE , JUST UPLOAD FOR FUN'')

Spector_51 · Anime & Comics
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120: Mew Punched The Great Sage Into A Pig's Head!

120: Mew Punched The Great Sage Into A Pig's Head!

"Nashida, from today on, you are free."After Nashida made the decision, Celebi and Mew helped open the Imprison Gate and rescued Nashida."Celebi, Mew, thank you, thank you."At this moment, Nashida looked at Mew and Celebi, her eyes sparkling with stars."This is the first time you have seen me... You both look so cute~""Hehe, of course."Mew wiped his nose, showing a rare embarrassed expression.On the other hand, Celebi smiled and said: "Nashida, you are also cute!"Of course.Now is not the time to chat slowly, Nashida immediately asked: "What should we do next?""Hehe, you have been locked up for so many years, and you haven't tried to walk out of the gate of the Order House. Come, let this Mew take you out of the gate 'openly'.Mew smiled slyly.During this period, the road to the Order House was too hot for him..."Walk out from the gate...?"Nashida blinked her big eyes, her face full of curiosity about what Mew would do...."Great Sage.""Yes.""Lord Azar. """Yes.At this moment, Mew repeated his old trick and transformed into Azar again, taking Sister Nashi (openly towards the gate of the neighboring courtyard of the Order.Along the way, every time a student saw him and Nashida, they were slightly surprised, but did not dare to ask more questions.They even bent over to say hello.And when Nashida saw Mew Transform just now, she was stunned.Nashi knew that Celebi had abilities similar to hers.And Mew's Transform once again opened her eyes.Pokémon was obviously more magical than she imagined.But Celebi did not follow them at this time, otherwise it would be exposed...Of course.With their abilities, it would be easy to take Nashida away from the Order.But, as Mew said, Nashida had been imprisoned for so long and had never walked out of the Order so "openly".After all, she is the god of Xumi.Mew really couldn't stand this...It just wanted to take Nashida out of the gate.I can only say......This is Mew's mischief, and also a token of its love.After all, this god is also very cute in Mew's eyes.And the journey from Imprison to the gate of the Order House was very smooth.14...When Mew was about to step out of the gate of the Order House with Nashida and leave Xumi City...An unexpected thing happened."Huh?"Just when Mew and Nashida stepped out of the door, a person came towards them.That person was Azar."R.IR..."When Azar saw him, his face was predictable, and his eyelids were so surprised that they collapsed.At the same time, Mew was also stunned.These days, Azar has been concentrating on adjusting the God of Righteousness in Lidu Valley, so every time Mew changed into his appearance and wandered around the Order House, and no one could see through it.Now... what a coincidence!When two Azar appeared at the gate of the Order House at the same time, the guards at the gate looked even more exciting."Two, two great sages?!"At the same time.Nashida seemed very nervous, and many thoughts flashed through Mew's mind.Strike first and kill him?No, no, in this way, Azar's true identity cannot be exposed, and it will also cause Su Yan to lose his credibility.再怎么当日可是很多人看到自己跟着 Su Yan的,而且这样弄死太便宜他了.而阿扎尔本人在惊讶过后,已然伸出手指指向 Mew,大声呵斥道."你是谁!为何冒...…"然,阿扎尔的话还没说完.砰!!!!!Mew还是先下手为强了,直接往阿扎尔那张脸呼上一拳.咔的一声.牙齿都蹦出了好几颗.Mew将力道拿捏得很好,不至于把阿扎尔打死,但却足以将一个人揍晕过去.这一拳,顿时让阿扎尔半边脸肿成了猪头,两眼一翻更是直接昏了过去....这会 Mew更是指着真正的阿扎尔,装出非常生气的模样喝道."You dare to pretend to be me? Humph, you didn't expect me to be in the House of the Order, did you? Guards, this man must be an assassin. Arrest him and I will interrogate him strictly later.The guards at the door were still confused and had no idea what was going on.But Mew immediately put on a superior look and glanced at the two guards at the door who were still confused.0...Please give me flowers...0"What, didn't you hear what I said?"His words were powerful without anger.The two guards were immediately shocked and nodded in response: "Yes, Great Sage."The voice fell.The two guards controlled the unconscious Azar and dragged him into the House of the Order.As for where he would be placed...Mew didn't care. He quickly winked at Nashida."Nashida, let's run away. "Nashida did not speak, but gave Mew a thumbs up.After a while...The two finally left the scope of the Order Institute and came to a nearby alley."Nashida, let's go find Su Yan next. Wait for two more days, and that day will be the day you become the real god of Xumi."0At this time, Mew has turned back to his original appearance.After all, if he still walks outside with the appearance of Azar, especially with a little grass god by his side.It's too ostentatious.Although Nashida knew that Su Yan would help her, in fact she didn't know the specific plan.I only heard Celebi say that Azar would definitely fight Su Yan as the God of Righteousness, and then she only needed to defeat the God of Righteousness.B...Teacher said that Nashida was not good at fighting, and she knew that she would definitely not be able to beat the God of Righteousness, and she also said this to Celebi.As a result, Celebi said...you just wait for that day to come!And now there are still two days before the decisive battle... "Okay. "Nashida naturally had no objection, after all, Buyer told her to trust Su Yan completely.But at this moment... "That hairless cat, stay away from the Little Grass God!"An angry voice suddenly came from the alley. "Ah?!"Mew and Nashida looked towards the alley together. "Nilu?"Mew didn't know the person, but Nashida knew her name.After all...Although she was locked up between Imprison, her favorite thing during this period was to observe Xumi.As a fan of the Little Grass God, Nilu's eyes were full of stars when Nashida called her name. "Little Grass God~"This immediately made Nashida a little embarrassed.But at this moment, Mew suddenly clasped Nashida's shoulder and then pointed at Nilu. "......Nashida, can I give her a f**k?"