
Genshin Impact: Pokemon Invades, I, Arceus In My Previous Life

A shop opened on Liyue Street, popularizing the magical creatures called "Pokémon". The owner, Su Yan, can not only control various Pokémon that surpass the power of immortals and gods, but he himself is mysterious and unpredictable. Sometimes, Pokémon will call him "Lord Arceus". One day, when "Pokémon" and "Genshin Impact" merged, this world was completely turned upside down. Lugia came to Guyun Pavilion: You are the only one called the Whirlpool Demon God? Groudon: Sky-Swallowing Whale? You look like an old friend of mine. Don't say anything. Come, take my Precipice Blades first. Ying: This Poké Ball is so magical, Paimon, do you want to live in it? Fu Kalos: Huh? My plan that took hundreds of years was solved by Su Yan just like that? Doesn't this make me look stupid? No matter what, you have to take full responsibility! Zhongli: According to common sense, how can there be no super beasts with Rock and * Attributes? What do you think, Nashida? Yulongdu: No, we agreed on Pokémon.. (''THIS BOOK IS NOT MINE , JUST UPLOAD FOR FUN'')

Spector_51 · Anime & Comics
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184 Chs

078: Wendy’S Confidence, Tremble, Zhongli!

078: Wendy'S Confidence, Tremble, Zhongli!

"..."After the secretary called out the names of Wendy and Zhongli, Wendy jumped onto the stage soon.Sure enough...he also came to participate in the competition.He brought Catterpie with him.But just after he entered the stage, a surprised voice suddenly came from the audience.It was Paimon's voice."Singer, do you have Pokémon too?!!"Ying was even more incredulous, frowning tightly, and rubbing his chin with his hands."How could Wendy's poor wallet be richer than mine? This is unreasonable."Unexpectedly, Lisa next to him suddenly said: "...... Pokémon have been coming to Liyue for so many days, and I haven't seen you collect them."11...Ying retorted: "Ms. Lisa, the last time we were chased by Pokémon, I have a shadow in my heart now."As soon as the voice fell, Paimon shook his hands and added."No, no, no, in fact, Ying only has me in her heart, she doesn't need any Pokémon.""Ha... They still love to join in the fun.Looking at the people off the field, Wendy smiled.At this moment, Zhongli also stepped onto the stage with calm steps."Ba... No, Wendy, I didn't expect my Rival to be you, the word fate is really wonderful.""Hehe, Zhongli, are you scared?"Wendy proudly puffed up his chest and said very proudly: "My Pokémon is unique, unlike your little guy, who only eats and lies down all day long."...DYBeing ridiculed by Wendy, Zhongli was speechless for a while.Until yesterday...He realized that he couldn't just feed Larvitar with dirt, but also help it digest."The responsibility for this matter lies on me. I rely too much on that machine. Mr. Su Yan once said that as a Pokémon trainer, you need to know more about them. I neglected this.Seeing Zhongli admit his mistake, Wendy's face was full of superiority."That's why I don't need that Pokémon Pokédex. You should learn from me and chat with your Pokémon every day to promote the relationship between the two sides.'Fortunately, Tevarin was not around at this time, otherwise...It would probably complain."It's mainly because Barbatos can't afford a Pokémon Pokédex and doesn't dare to meet the Pokémon house owner."Of course, Zhongli didn't think so much, but agreed with Wendy's words."Well, this is true. I can see you chatting with Rayquaza every day. Although I don't understand why you call it that, I think there should be some meaning in it.""That's natural... It's the future Pokémon God!"Wendy took out the Poké Ball containing 'Catterpie' very proudly."Pokémon God?"Zhongli was full of questions. What was the basis for Venti's statement?However, when he saw Venti take out the Poké Ball, he also took out the Poké Ball. After all, this was a competition...At this moment.Qianyanjun, who was acting as the referee, immediately asked: "You two, are you ready?""Yes.""I've been ready for a long time."As soon as Zhongli and Venti finished speaking, Qianyanjun immediately waved his hand."The battle begins!"Don't mention it. The referee's movements were really good. Keqing had asked Su Yan for advice and then taught them the rules.The two threw the Poké Balls in their hands at the same time."Pupitar!""Go, Rayquaza!!!"As soon as the Poké Balls had not yet landed, the audience watching the arena all slowly typed out question marks.Rayquaza?What is that?I've never heard of it before......…Paimon was even more excited: "Oh, Rayquaza sounds very powerful. When did Venti catch such a powerful Pokémon?"At the same time.Boom, boom, boom...The Poké Ball exploded on the ground, turning into two beams of red light, summoning Venti and Zhongli's Pokémon.At this time.The Pokémon sent by Zhongli was a pupa with a gray-blue shell. Two sharp eyes were hidden deep inside the pupa shell, paying attention to everything around.That's right, Larvitar evolved.The day before the game, Zhongli finally understood Larvitar's needs. After it was able to move, he immediately trained with it to digest energy.On the night before the game, Larvitar finally evolved.But...when it evolved into Pupitar, Zhongli's handsome face was confused.He couldn't understand why Larvitar evolved into this.It's not a bug, how could it be a pupa like this?This is completely different from what he imagined, and can it win the game in this state?Zhongli was really unsure.The appearance of Pupitar moved many viewers.After all, no one's Pokédex has ever recorded Pupitar, and no one knows that it is actually a quasi-god.But, their attention was soon taken away by Wendy's side........After Wendy's Poké Ball landed, the golden light immediately attracted everyone's attention.When the light faded......"Green, Catterpie?!"All the onlookers opened their mouths wide.Catterpie is very common in Liyue, especially in places like forests, where you can always see it from time to time.But Wendy's Catterpie is different......It is a golden caterpillar, completely different from the color everyone knows.Paimon's eyes lit up: "Oh, is this Rayquaza? Wendy is so awesome!!!!""Paimon, it's obviously a Catterpie, just a different color."Lisa was very rational, because no matter how she looked at it, Wendy's Catterpie was only different from ordinary Catterpies in color.She couldn't see any other difference.Even so, there were still countless surprised looks around.Wendy was getting more and more cocky."How about it, Zhongli, this is my carefully selected partner.Although I have never seen anyone else have your Pokémon, you can see that it is lazy from beginning to end.It only knew how to eat before, and it can't even move after evolution.How can you beat me?"Zhongli was silent for a moment and said: "Well...I believe in Pupitar." "Okay, then let you see how powerful Rayquaza is."Wendy stopped talking nonsense and pointed at Larvitar: "Go Rayquaza, use String Shot!"Then...The golden Catterpie suddenly spit out silk thread from its mouth, and in the blink of an eye, it tied Pupitar tightly.Wendy smiled proudly: "Hehe, now your Pupitar can't run away even if he wants to!" "...But my Pupitar can't run, he can only jump. "Zhongli folded his arms and tilted his head. He really couldn't figure out what Wendy was so happy about."Eh... is that so?"Wendy blinked.Yes.Pupitar has no feet, so what's the point of String Shot?At the same time..."String Shot? Strange, isn't this just a move in an ordinary green hand?""Yes, I thought this golden Catterpie had something special, but it turned out to be just a name given by the trainer."But why is its color different from other Catterpies?""Well... maybe it's dyed."At this moment.The whispers of many people reached Wendy's ears.But he didn't feel angry at all."Hehe, Rayquaza, let them see your true ability. Come on, stop hiding it and use the wind elemental moves."Woo woo..." (You are making it too difficult for me...)The golden Catterpie suddenly cried (Zhao's Zhao).Its trainer is too pitiful and always wants to make it difficult for himself.Only a thought flashed through the golden Catterpie."Forget it, I don't want to be a Catterpie anymore...Suddenly.Its whole body burst into colorful light."Eh heh heh?! Evolution?"At this time, Wendy was surprised and happy. Su Yan had said that it would take a long time to evolve into Rayquaza at level 100.Unexpectedly, the golden Catterpie would actually complete the evolution at this time.Wendy was overjoyed and even laughed."Hahaha, Zhongli, tremble, I will let you see it clearly next, this is..."But he hadn't finished speaking.The colorful light entangled with Catterpie exploded at this time.Looking again......The golden Catterpie has evolved into......an orange pupa-shaped Pokémon."Ehhhhhhh?!!!""Metapod?!!!"At this moment, Wendy's facial features were stretched out very long...obviously because he was scared.Ps:A new week has begun.The author shamelessly asks all readers for flowers and votes. .