
Genshin Impact: Pokemon Invades, I, Arceus In My Previous Life

A shop opened on Liyue Street, popularizing the magical creatures called "Pokémon". The owner, Su Yan, can not only control various Pokémon that surpass the power of immortals and gods, but he himself is mysterious and unpredictable. Sometimes, Pokémon will call him "Lord Arceus". One day, when "Pokémon" and "Genshin Impact" merged, this world was completely turned upside down. Lugia came to Guyun Pavilion: You are the only one called the Whirlpool Demon God? Groudon: Sky-Swallowing Whale? You look like an old friend of mine. Don't say anything. Come, take my Precipice Blades first. Ying: This Poké Ball is so magical, Paimon, do you want to live in it? Fu Kalos: Huh? My plan that took hundreds of years was solved by Su Yan just like that? Doesn't this make me look stupid? No matter what, you have to take full responsibility! Zhongli: According to common sense, how can there be no super beasts with Rock and * Attributes? What do you think, Nashida? Yulongdu: No, we agreed on Pokémon.. (''THIS BOOK IS NOT MINE , JUST UPLOAD FOR FUN'')

Spector_51 · Anime & Comics
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184 Chs

052: The End Of The Scattered Soldiers, Judgement!

052: The End Of The Scattered Soldiers, Judgement!

The Fatui fell to the ground without any warning, and they were all dead.How did they die?TALE..."Who are you?"The young man wearing a bamboo hat was alert and alert.He had never seen the person who was walking towards him step by step before, and he had no impression of him.The young man was arrogant by nature, and he couldn't imagine how a person could kill all his subordinates quietly, and he didn't even know the process.How is this possible?!However.Su Yan didn't respond to the young man's words.Dž.Dž...His footsteps were light, but they seemed very heavy when he stepped on the ground.Then...he walked straight past the young man.As if he had completely ignored this person.He only waited until he walked in front of the cage, then squatted down, and finally showed tenderness on his cold face."Little guys, don't be afraid, I'm here."He waved his hand gently.In an instant, all the Oreburgh cages containing Pokémon were turned into powder."Master Su Yan, I'm sorry for causing you trouble."The Pokémon who regained their freedom nodded to Su Yan in thanks."Master Su Yan... We originally came to this place with our trainers, but they locked us up. At first, they said they would let us go after our trainers finished their work, but just now...At this time, a Bellsprout opened two leaves, one pointing at the young man and the other at Shinsuke Hiiragi."They deceived our trainers, but they actually wanted to use us for some "evil eye" experiment."Hearing this, Su Yan rubbed Bellsprout's smooth little head."Don't worry, I already know the whole story. "Yes.Since he heard the Pokémon's call, he immediately used 'Phase Shift' to directly cross 'Liyue' and '03 Inazuma'.Whether it was the conversation between the merchant outside and the Kanjo Bugyo, or the conversation between the two people in the secret room just now.He heard it clearly.Speaking of the group of merchants outside, he had some impression of some faces.It seemed that they were customers who came to the store not long after it opened.Before coming, he was still wondering how such a thing could happen to Inazuma.Now he finally figured out the whole story.At this moment! "Asshole!"The young man in the bamboo hat was shaking with anger.As mentioned earlier, his character was arrogant, and his subordinates were quietly dealt with by Su Yan, so he didn't notice it.TUTE...Su Yan didn't even look at him? This was a shame for the young man! "How dare you ignore me, die!!!" "Xing Fan Ming Xian!"The angry young man gathered Hideki's power, turned his hand into a knife, and rushed towards the squatting on the ground with Su Yan, who was talking to the Pokémon, slashed out a wind blade with all his might.The two were very close, very close, and the wind-colored blade flashed and slashed Su Yan's back.The opponent in front of him didn't even dodge, and the young man immediately laughed strangely."Hehe, I thought you were so powerful, but it's just like this...However, he didn't finish his words.F-...The young man's words stopped abruptly.Because the wind blade he sent out did hit the opponent, but...The moment the wind touched Su Yan, it was like a drop in the ocean, turning into a breeze and dissipating into nothingness."How is this possible?!"At this moment, the young man's face was full of disbelief.The scene just now gave him the feeling that the wind element quietly returned to nature the moment before it touched the opponent.The rich breath of the wind element was floating in the entire basement at this time.That blow, let alone causing damage to Su Yan, didn't even blow up his clothes.At this timeSu Yan had already stood up, and he slowly turned around.He knew the young man with the bamboo hat.Yes, it was another Fatui.Now Su Yan finally remembered why he had reacted to the two 'Thieves' before.Half a month ago, wasn't it Fatui who sneaked into his shop?And the young man in the bamboo hat in front of him was in the Fatui, and his status was even higher than that of Tartaglia...The sixth seat of the executive officer... Skirmisher!"You can only bully children with this ability."As soon as he finished speaking, he stretched out his index finger and gently drew it in the air." Gust.Instantly!The dense wind element in the room suddenly became violent, and instantly turned into a blue wind tornado that was ten times larger than the wind blade that Sanbing had just released.Gust, this is a move of Pokémon, and it is also one of the very weak Flying skills.But while Su Yan was understating it, the circle wind tornado stabbed Hideki."T..."Seeing the blue wind tornado blowing towards him, Sanbing suddenly had a "bad" thought in his heart.At the same time.The office of Kanjo Bugyo.Seeing that the soldiers had knocked the merchants to the ground, they were about to capture them all.The next second!Bang!!!!!!!The shock wave of the wind suddenly resounded throughout the outlying island.Hiiragi Shinsuke's mansion was instantly turned into powder......"What happened?!"The soldiers looked behind them in astonishment.This look......Everyone's face showed shock!"That, that's the direction of Lord Hiiragi Shinsuke's house?!""What's going on? How could Lord Hiiragi Shin's house suddenly collapse?!"The residence of the head of the Kanjo Bugyo family suddenly collapsed, and the noise made the soldiers panic.But at this moment...A Liyue merchant who was knocked to the ground and covered in blood seemed to have thought of something and suddenly laughed."Hehe, when I bought Pokémon in the Pokémon house, the boss warned me that if anyone dared to abuse Pokémon, he would know immediately and would kill the abuser.""Haha... Me, me too, the boss's breath didn't sound like a joke at the time."You, you Kanjo Bugyo are done for now. "Although these merchants were covered in wounds, some of them had marks left by weapons on their skin, and they all looked miserable.But when they saw that Hiiragi Shinsuke's house was destroyed, they immediately recalled Su Yan's stern warning when they bought Pokémon.Although it was hard for them to imagine that this was true, and it couldn't be true...But they were more willing to believe that it was true.After all, this is Inazuma, an outlying island, and the collapsed place is the mansion of the head of the Kanjo Bugyo family!"Pokémon house?"At this time, the sharp-nosed and monkey-faced steward's face suddenly changed, but he was arrogant again in an instant."Humph, alarmist, what Pokémon house, on this outlying island, our 'Kanjo Bugyo' is everything. ""Come on, go to Hiiragi Shinsuke's house to see what happened, and the rest of you arrest these Liyue people, and wait until they are in prison. "I will let them taste what abuse is."As soon as the steward's voice fell, Boom!!!!In the distance, there was another loud noise.The sound came from a mountain several tens of meters high.In just a few seconds......…Crack, crack!The upper part of the mountain suddenly cracked, and fell to the ground with a "boom".The soldiers who were about to go to the mansion of Shinsuke Hiiragi stopped again."Oh my god, what happened? Even the mountain broke?!"From here, they couldn't see anything at all, let alone what happened.B...Just at the mountain that broke, there was a figure embedded in the wall."Damn, my hands, my hands and my feet are all broken."It was the scattered soldier, and at this moment his face was full of fear, and he couldn't even speak clearly."How, how could there be such a terribly strong person..."Just now, Su Yan's Gust not only destroyed Shinsuke Hiiragi's mansion, but also rolled himself up to Soaring in the sky, and his hand was broken by the air pressure at that time.However, before he could even react, another gust of wind pressure blew him to the mountain peak.This time, his leg... was also broken.What was even more terrifying was... Sanbing could see that every move of Su Yan was just a trial run, and he was very casual about it.It seemed that he had not even used one percent of his strength.No, it might be even more terrifying than he thought."Damn it, I'm not that person's Rival, I have to run faster."Sanbing used all his strength to break free from the rock wall, and used the wind element to fight for his life outside the island with the remaining strength.I have to say... This vitality is really tenacious.If it were an ordinary person, he would have died by now."Heh, did you think you could escape?"At this moment, Su Yan was standing in the ruins. As others saw, Hiiragi Shinsuke's mansion had completely turned into ruins.The Pokémon were right beside him, and with Su Yan's protection, they were all safe and sound.But he did not chase Sanbing.Because he couldn't escape...At this momentThere was a choking sound under the wreckage.Su Yan naturally knew who it was.........093 Hiiragi Shinsuke struggled desperately, but was pressed down by the debris of the warehouse.The pain woke him up from his coma."DS, IS..."He had at least a dozen fractures all over his body.When he saw Su Yan standing less than ten meters in front of him, his eyes were looking at him coldly............As if he was looking at a dead person."Let me go, I can give you anything you want."Hiiragi Shinsuke begged for mercy.However, Su Yan's eyes were still cold and he said nothing.Hiiragi Shinsuke immediately said: "Sir, this is Inazuma, I am the head of the Kanjo Bugyo family, if you kill me, the general will definitely not let you go.However, Yan, who had a cold look, actually reacted. "Well, it makes sense.The next place where Pokémon will descend is Inazuma.If there is a conflict with General Raiden now, it will be a bit troublesome."Hearing this.Hiiragi Shinsuke was relieved immediately.Fortunately, the reputation of General Raiden is well known to everyone, and it seems that this person dare not offend.Otherwise, with his ability, Lu Shenge does not think he can survive.As for the "descend" in Su Yan's mouth, although he does not know what it means, he dare not ask.E...Su Yan touched his chin and thought for a moment. "Then, as long as Inazuma changes to General Raiden, this matter will be easy to solve.Otherwise, with the current closed-door policy of Inazuma country, it will be troublesome to popularize it. "What?!"Hiiragi Shinsuke seemed to be unable to believe what he heard.Change the Thunder General?Popular Science?He didn't understand.But at this moment, Su Yan slowly raised his palm, and a sacred beam of light suddenly broke through the sky from his palm.Boom!!In a blink of an eye, Soaring in the sky was filled with sacred golden light, and a halo symbol was drawn in the dark thundering sky."I said, anyone who has anything to do with this matter today must die, whether it's a scattered soldier or you, do you think... you still have a chance to survive?"Pokémon is Su Yan's bottom line.What's more, these Pokémon came from his store...At this moment.Su Yan just squeezed the sacred light in his palm."Judgement."