
Genshin Impact: Pokemon Invades, I, Arceus In My Previous Life

A shop opened on Liyue Street, popularizing the magical creatures called "Pokémon". The owner, Su Yan, can not only control various Pokémon that surpass the power of immortals and gods, but he himself is mysterious and unpredictable. Sometimes, Pokémon will call him "Lord Arceus". One day, when "Pokémon" and "Genshin Impact" merged, this world was completely turned upside down. Lugia came to Guyun Pavilion: You are the only one called the Whirlpool Demon God? Groudon: Sky-Swallowing Whale? You look like an old friend of mine. Don't say anything. Come, take my Precipice Blades first. Ying: This Poké Ball is so magical, Paimon, do you want to live in it? Fu Kalos: Huh? My plan that took hundreds of years was solved by Su Yan just like that? Doesn't this make me look stupid? No matter what, you have to take full responsibility! Zhongli: According to common sense, how can there be no super beasts with Rock and * Attributes? What do you think, Nashida? Yulongdu: No, we agreed on Pokémon.. (''THIS BOOK IS NOT MINE , JUST UPLOAD FOR FUN'')

Spector_51 · Anime & Comics
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184 Chs

048: Katrina, Please Don't Want This PokéMon, It's Too Scary!

048: Katrina, Please Don't Want This PokéMon, It's Too Scary!

"Of course you can, but this will be counted as your second draw, and you will be charged a draw fee of 100,000 Mora."

Su Yan nodded indifferently.Speaking of which, Lisa is still the first in the double draw during this period.Although Ningguang and Keqing are not short of Mora, they also understand the principle of biting off more than they can chew.Now, their minds are all on the only Pokémon.Lisa nodded very straightforwardly."No problem, I don't have to pay for Mora anyway.""Please."At Su Yan's signal, Rotom turned the picture again.This time, Lisa was no longer nervous, but acted very leisurely.Su Yan saw her performance before and after, and could only say...It doesn't matter if you draw for others."You asked me to help you draw, no matter what I draw, you can't complain."After Lisa silently said a few words in her heart..."Stop!"At this time, Rotom Pokédex stopped turning again.However, before Su Yan could explain the Pokémon that Lisa had drawn, she suddenly shouted in surprise."Ah?!""Boss, we want this Pokémon. How many Moras do you need?""???"Su Yan hadn't seen the picture on Rotom yet, but he was very puzzled by Lisa's performance.So straightforward?He turned his head and saw the picture on Rotom Pokédex.He laughed dumbly...The moment he saw the Pokémon in the picture, he seemed to understand.Then, he turned to Lisa again and asked with a strange look on his face."Miss Lisa, could it be that the friend who asked you to draw for him is the cavalry captain of the Knights of Favonius, Kaeya?"As soon as these words came out.Lisa, Ying.They both showed surprised expressions and exclaimed at the same time."Hey, how did you know?!""Miss Lisa, you drew a Pokémon named Ponyta. The price is... two million Mora."Su Yan did not answer, but smiled and introduced the Pokémon in the picture to Lisa.That's right.The second time Lisa drew was a fire-type Pokémon, Ponyta!"It is a fire-type Pokémon. It can evolve into Rapidash in the future. Its combat power is not bad, but it takes more effort to cultivate it to evolve."Ponyta is a Pokémon with good combat power, but it is not easy to evolve.Level 40!For any guest, Su Yan will give them the opportunity to consider according to the actual situation.But Lisa smiled and said it didn't matter."It's okay, my friend will definitely like this Pokémon when he sees it, and will cultivate it carefully.""Well, I think Captain Kaeya will like it very much."Su Yan nodded in agreement.This is about a famous stalk of Genshin Impact!Kaeya!As the cavalry captain of the Knights of Favonius, he has never been seen riding any horse.Although it is just a joke, it may not be consistent with the actual situation.But after seeing Lisa's excitement in drawing Ponyta, Su Yan tried to guess the identity of her "friend".Unexpectedly, it was really..."So, do you still need to continue drawing?"At this time, Su Yan's eyes turned to Ying and Katrina again.At this time, Ying glanced at Paimon beside her, and then shook her head."I won't draw anymore. This time I just came with Miss Lisa."As soon as the voice fell.Paimon rubbed his nose: "Hehehe, I know that Ying has me."Who knew that Ying would take out her empty pockets at this time."The main reason is that I can't afford so many Mora...""...Woo woo woo!"Paimon, who was still excited the last second, now suffered a 10,000-point critical hit.Of course, Ying didn't draw, but Katrina was different. She had been looking forward to it for a long time.After Mond was released from the confinement room, Qin told her about Pokémon.And she also said that as long as she behaved well, didn't make trouble, didn't blow up the kitchen, and didn't blow up the fish pond, she could draw a Pokémon herself.This is not...She behaved very well all the way on this journey. When she came to Liyue and saw the Pokémon on the road, she liked it even more.At this moment, she raised her hand and shouted in a lively and cheerful voice: "Boss, Katrina wants to draw a Pokémon!""Okay."Looking at the little Stephanie in red, Su Yan's face was even more gentle, as if he was looking at his daughter Normal.Even...Su Yan picked up Rotom, then half-knelt down and handed it to Katrina."Come on, since it's the Pokémon you want, you can draw it yourself."This action made Lisa's eyes flash with surprise.She could feel that Su Yan seemed to have a good impression of Katrina. "Great, thank you, boss brother."Now Rotom was placed in front of Katrina, and her cheerful smile became even more cheerful, and then she rubbed the Rotom Pokédex with her little hands. "Red machine, give Katrina a cute Pokémon.Katrina promises to take good care of it, accompany it to rest every day, and feed it delicious food." "Ahem."Rotom coughed twice in embarrassment, it couldn't decide. "Then, little Katrina, I'm going to start rotating the pictures!" "Okay!"As Katrina nodded excitedly, Rotom's screen quickly slid the pictures.After two or three seconds...Katrina suddenly made a prayer gesture. "Mom, please bless me to draw a Pokémon as cute as 'Doduoke'!""Stop!!!"Lisa had demonstrated it in front of Katrina before, and she learned it very well.And when she shouted stop, the picture on Rotom was also fixed.Katrina's eyes were shining and fell on the picture.Looking forward to it.However, after seeing the picture... Katrina's face was suddenly full of disappointment."Oh, no, the Pokémon I drew is not cute at all."Whether it was the ones seen outside or the two Pokémon Lisa drew just now, they all looked so cute.But why...Why did she draw a red and white ball?Not good at all."Let me see."Because the Pokédex was facing Katrina, Su Yan saw the other party's disappointment and immediately turned Rotom to the other side.Only after seeing the Pokémon Katrina drew..."So that's it, you drew Voltorb."When Katrina heard the name of this Pokémon, she immediately asked with a puzzled look on her face: "Voltorb? Is it a ball?"Su Yan patiently explained Katrina's doubts."No, Voltorb is not a ball, it's a bomb, the kind that explodes."It would have been fine if she hadn't said it, but now..."Bomb!!!!"Katrina's eyes 'ding', and suddenly all the little stars were twinkling.Excitement and excitement have completely replaced the loss just now.But when Lisa and others heard the word 'bomb', their faces turned pale instantly...Lisa hurriedly persuaded: "Katrina, since you think this Pokémon is not good-looking, let's draw another one. I'll give you 100,000 Mora, no... let's draw until you like it."However... it's too late!Katrina shook her head without hesitation and said: "I don't want it, I want this Voltorb."Lisa still didn't give up."No, look at how cute the Pokémon I just drew is, and you..."Before she could finish her words, Katrina pouted her lips in protest."You and Captain Jean promised me that as long as I behaved well on the way, I could have any Pokémon I wanted. I just wanted this one."