
Genshin Impact: Pokemon Invades, I, Arceus In My Previous Life

A shop opened on Liyue Street, popularizing the magical creatures called "Pokémon". The owner, Su Yan, can not only control various Pokémon that surpass the power of immortals and gods, but he himself is mysterious and unpredictable. Sometimes, Pokémon will call him "Lord Arceus". One day, when "Pokémon" and "Genshin Impact" merged, this world was completely turned upside down. Lugia came to Guyun Pavilion: You are the only one called the Whirlpool Demon God? Groudon: Sky-Swallowing Whale? You look like an old friend of mine. Don't say anything. Come, take my Precipice Blades first. Ying: This Poké Ball is so magical, Paimon, do you want to live in it? Fu Kalos: Huh? My plan that took hundreds of years was solved by Su Yan just like that? Doesn't this make me look stupid? No matter what, you have to take full responsibility! Zhongli: According to common sense, how can there be no super beasts with Rock and * Attributes? What do you think, Nashida? Yulongdu: No, we agreed on Pokémon.. (''THIS BOOK IS NOT MINE , JUST UPLOAD FOR FUN'')

Spector_51 · Anime & Comics
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184 Chs

046: Refresh's PokéMon House!

046: Refresh's PokéMon House!

The disaster of the demon god was yesterday.Although Liyue has experienced many horrific scenes, the demon Sinnoh Cell was killed by Lugia just after leaving Guyun Pavilion, and then taken away by Poké Ball.In fact, Liyue did not suffer any disaster.If there is any disaster... the strong wind blew off many roofs.Early this morning.Su Yan was ready to take back the [Closed] sign.Just opened the door..."Uh."Su Yan's face suddenly froze for a while, for no other reason."Boss Su Yan, you finally opened the door, I have been waiting since six in the morning!""What can you say about coming at six o'clock? I came at five o'clock. Boss, I want to draw Pokémon, I can't wait!""I want to draw too. In order to join the Thousand Rocks Army to protect Liyue in the future, from now on, I will work hard to cultivate Pokémon!"At this time, there were hundreds of Liyue people outside the door.When the tsunami hit yesterday, those who didn't have Pokémon were all wondering why they didn't buy Pokémon a while ago, otherwise they could join the camp to protect Liyue.With the Mega transformation of the Martial Bear Master, they knew that Pokémon could actually have this form, plus Lugia's sense of destroying demons with one strike.Now, all Liyue people want Pokémon...No exceptions.But at this moment...The leader of the Thousand Rock Army, with his men carrying all kinds of things, was walking towards this side.At a glance, there were agates, pearls, jades, etc., and they were all processed, seemingly... Decorate products?But no matter what, they were valuable at first glance.When Su Yan was confused...The leader of the Qianyan Army immediately said: "Mr. Su Yan, I am here today as a representative of the Qianyan Army to express my gratitude to you. These things are carefully selected by Lady Ningguang, and they are a token of our gratitude from the people of Liyue.""No... yes."Su Yan was speechless.Hey, do you know that the vortex demon Sinnoh Saier was actually cut off by Mew Imprison, and then broke the seal?Is this really okay?Look at that pile of things again.Su Yan frowned and asked: "So, what are these things used for?"The leader of the Qianyan Army laughed and patted his chest."Lady Ningguang said that the Pokémon House should be decorated well. All of us in the Qianyan Army are your craftsmen. We guarantee that the Pokémon House will be decorated no worse than Sootopolis Pavilion and Xinyue Pavilion!"However, before Su Yan opened his mouth, Mew's eyes lit up."Decoration? Great, Su Yan, Miss Ningguang really knows what we need.""..."Su Yan rolled his eyes, and then looked at the shop behind him.Hmm... empty, except for the four walls, there is only a second-hand counter selected by Mew...The kind that even thieves dislike."Thief? Strange, I always feel like I forgot something."Speaking of the word "thief", Su Yan immediately scratched his forehead, as if he had a reaction to the word "thief", but he just couldn't remember what it was."Forget it, it shouldn't be an important matter."After thinking about it, Su Yan immediately nodded to the leader of the Qianyan Army and said, "Since it is Miss Ningguang's intention, I accept it, you guys get started.""Brothers, get to work."Seeing Su Yan nod, the leader of the Qianyan Army immediately waved his hand, and the people behind him rushed forward one after another.The Qianyan Army stepped into the Pokémon House very rhythmically, and Su Yan used teleportation to inform the super beast in another space."Palkia, go back to Mt. Coronet first.""Yes, Lord Su Yan."But at this moment, someone asked anxiously."Boss Su Yan, then, what should we do if we want to draw Pokémon?!"But the next second, he was met with contempt from many people around him."Shut up, this represents our respect for Boss Su Yan from Liyue. It won't be too late for us to come tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or even the day after tomorrow after the decoration is completed.""That's right, the decoration of the Pokémon house is the top priority now, and we are not in a hurry for one or two days."It has to be said.Now, Su Yan's prestige in the hearts of Liyue people is no less than those immortals.Just like that...Just as the Pokémon House was about to open, it closed again for three days.During the renovation period, Ningguang even went there in person to direct the Qianyan Army to decorate the Pokémon House."Put these there, and put the red ruby ​​coral here, so that customers can see it before they enter the door.""Also, all materials must be of the level of the Qun Yu Pavilion, and there must not be any flaws on the walls and ceilings.""Also, I have someone rewrite the Pokémon House sign with gold paint. You put it up, remember, it must be flat.""Also..."I have to say.Ningguang looks like an amazing decoration designer.Whether it is the placement of each place or the details of each decoration, she is very rigorous.This made Su Yan next to her unable to interrupt, anyway, he didn't understand these things...By the third day.The entire store had been completely replaced.All kinds of precious decorative items were placed in just the right place. Not only were they not complicated, but customers could see them at the first glance when they were about to enter the door, enhancing the visual impact.The walls, floors, and ceilings were all painted and renovated with high-quality wood.Ningguang also had the second-hand counter remade, which was white jade, light and simple.However, there was only one place in the whole store that was not touched, and that was the small room.Ningguang thought it was Su Yan's secret, and even told Qianyan Army not to go in.But in fact, Su Yan didn't care at all.Speaking of which.If Su Yan's store was not even simple before, then now this store can be described with words such as "contest", "luxury", and "luxury".Refresh's Pokémon House is now no less than Sootopolis Pavilion and Xinyuexuan.Of course.As soon as the decoration was completed, countless customers came to the door, big and small, men and women, everyone wanted Pokémon."Don't worry, come one by one."Seeing that the customers were scrambling, Su Yan didn't know whether to be happy or sad.I have to explain the knowledge and calculate the price at the same time...It's difficult, too difficult, even more difficult than fighting the demon god.During this period, Ningguang and Beidou would come sometimes.But for some reason, Su Yan always felt that the two of them seemed to be hostile to each other.I don't know why.But Su Yan was very busy these days and could hardly talk, so the two of them left quickly every time they came.In a blink of an eye, several days passed...Just when the last batch of customers had just been sent away, Mew suddenly signaled: "Su Yan, there are customers coming.""What? How about closing the shop today."Su Yan spread his hands. He really wanted to rest for two days. He was not tired physically, but tired mentally.But soon, he suddenly raised his eyebrows."Huh? Not from Liyue."Because he sensed that someone was talking not far from the store, and they were also the "customers" that Mew mentioned.And through their conversation, he also knew that these people were from the Kingdom of Wind.Mondstadt!"I've already asked, the Pokémon house is just in front.""Ms. Lisa, I saw a lot of people with Pokémon on the road just now, they all look so cute, can I really want one too?""It's rare that you've been so obedient and not causing trouble along the way. Since you've done it, I won't break my promise, so... Honorary Knight, what about you? Do you want a Pokémon too?""Ms. Lisa, Ying has me, she doesn't need any Pokémon.""Oh, but aren't you emergency food?""You, you, you... forget it, Ying just needs me anyway.""But Paimon, I also want Pokémon, because they will help me fight.""Hey hey hey, but, but I will cheer you up!"On the street, a group of people walked and chatted leisurely, only one little guy was anxious, I won't say who it was.However, at this time, they had found the location of the Pokémon house."This is the Pokémon house!"Seeing the three golden letters of Contest on the plaque, Li Sara nodded at the magic hat on her head and then gestured to the three people around her."Let's go in."