
Genshin Impact: Picking up a Little Loli at the Beginning

It's boring to engage in constant fighting and killing. It's better to go fishing with Jams on the Teyvat continent and become the most skilled angler! Eventually, I'll take my wives to travel around, and before I know it, I'll become a deity in Teyvat! This story is super sweet with many female protagonists!

fanticelove · Games
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72 Chs

Sultry lady of the Fatui


Jean gave a light cough and said, "Barbara and Noelle have also been assigned to handle logistics..."

"They've been assigned to work too? Now my fishing teammates are only left with little Klee."

Jams lowered his head and looked at the little Klee in his arms.

Klee also looked up at him and said in her cute, muffled voice, "Klee doesn't have a job, so Klee can stay by Jams' side all the time."

Upon hearing that her sisters, who always stuck to Jams, were assigned to work by Captain Jean, Klee couldn't be happier. Her eyes towards Jean instantly became even more affectionate than towards her own mother.

"Captain Jean, are you busy with work today?" Klee asked with her sweet voice.

"Of course, I am very busy."

Jean rolled her eyes at her and sighed softly, "I envy you, being able to stay by Jams' side without worries... I mean, I envy you and Jams for not having to work."

"Eh, Captain Jean, I don't like what you just said. Why wouldn't I have to work?"

Jams lifted Klee up and spoke with a righteous tone, "My job is to take care of you. Without me, who knows what kind of trouble Klee would cause."


Jean was taken aback by Jams' words but quickly realized that he had a point. "Indeed, with you taking care of Klee, it has saved me a lot of worries."

Although she didn't consider taking care of children as a job, ever since Klee had been trained by Jams, the security in Mondstadt had improved significantly.

Jams blinked at this gentle and kind golden-haired lady and affectionately said, "So, when we have a daughter in the future, leave her to me! You focus on earning money and supporting the family, and I'll take care of being handsome. We'll definitely be an enviable couple... Hiss!"

"You're saying weird things again!"

Taken aback by Jams' sudden flattery, Jean nearly choked. She pinched his handsome face with force and scolded, "What daughter? Who will support you financially? Even if I starve, I would never let you freeload off me!"

"Tsk, with those words, I feel relieved. Usually, such words are said in the opposite way."

Although Jean had a firm grip on Jams' face, she couldn't help but smile when she heard his teasing response. It seemed like she could already envision a bright future for the two of them.

"Hmph, your skin is thicker than the city walls! No wonder Stormterror can't hurt you!"

Jean was both annoyed and amused by Jams' audacious response. She couldn't bring herself to harm him and could only pout in frustration.


Crackling sounds could be heard!

However, Jean was oblivious to the fact that her "intimate" gestures with Jams had shattered the hearts of numerous knights.

Oh heavens! What did us single dogs do wrong!?

A young knight who was about to have his meal stared at them for a while, then stood up without eating a bite and silently left the restaurant.

What's the point of eating anymore? I can't swallow...!

"Captain Jean, you said Klee has been liberated, but I think she's just like that too. She just hasn't realized it herself. What are you doing, Captain Jean?"

"Why does Jams have the right? Just because he's good-looking? I think I'm not bad either!"

"You're not bad? Do you really think you're as charming as Jams?"

"At least we're halfway there..."

"Someone, bring a glass of yellow liquid to wake this gentleman up!"


The knights sitting in the restaurant turned red-faced but dared not speak up.

The residents of Mondstadt might not know how formidable Jams was, but the knights had witnessed firsthand his battle against Stormterror yesterday.

Despite his tall and handsome appearance without much muscle, he was undoubtedly a powerhouse!

Even if they secretly opposed this marriage, the knights kept their objections to themselves and didn't dare to provoke him.

"Sob, I've also heard that Jams has a good relationship with Barbara and Amber. He's definitely a bad guy. Why do those good girls still go after him?"

"Yes, he doesn't love the innocent knights. They insist on seeking a presence in bad guys."

Jean and Jams, both with excellent hearing, naturally caught the whispers of the knights.

Captain Jean's elegant posture gradually stiffened, her delicate face turning slightly red. In her smoky-purple eyes, there was a mix of embarrassment and helplessness.

In contrast, Jams paid no attention to the knights' chatter. He ate and drank as he pleased, as if he were sitting in his own home.

"Sigh, Jean, why aren't you eating? How can you work with so little energy? Here, let me feed you a sausage."

"Don't be silly!"

Jean glared at Jams, turned her head away, and tried to avoid the sausage he offered.

"Who's being silly? Come on, be a good girl and eat, or I'll have Klee fetch a bomb!"


Jean didn't expect Jams to use Klee as a threat. After hesitating for a moment, she finally gave in and took a bite of the sausage, right under everyone's gaze... Ah, how embarrassing.

Aside from finding the taste very satisfying, a hint of sweetness and shyness bloomed in her heart.

"Well, you take a bite, and I'll take a bite."

Jams only fed her half of the sausage, leaving the rest for himself, and happily started eating.

Besides the lively flavor of the meat, there seemed to be a hint of sweetness, perhaps from Jean's lipstick.


"Tsk, now that we're done eating, if there's nothing else, I'll take Klee fishing~"

Jean stared blankly as Jams picked up little Klee and ran out of the restaurant. After a while, she finally snapped out of it and slammed the table.

"You, Jams, taking advantage of me again! Don't you run! Come back here!"

"Only a fool would run! Come and chase me, and if you catch me, I'll let you sleep... Hahaha."

"Hehe, Klee is going to play outside. Captain Jean, work hard, mua~"

Little Klee nestled on Jams' shoulder, emitting a delightful tinkling laughter. The whole city of Mondstadt seemed to come alive with the sweet sound of this little girl's laughter.

"These two..."

Jean ran outside the Knights of Favonius headquarters, watched them disappear from sight with a cold face, and couldn't help but shake her head and laugh.

Though she felt both embarrassed and angry, the image of Jams running away with Klee made her burst into laughter.

"Remember to come home early..."

Jean waved her hand in the direction where Jams and Klee had gone, then turned around and returned to her office at the Knights of Favonius.


Sitting on the high-backed chair in her office, Jean couldn't help but daydream. "If I and Jams had a daughter, would it be just like today? He would take our adorable daughter and wreak havoc everywhere, and I would wait for them at home... Wait, Jean, what are you thinking? You are the Dandelion Knight!"


Once again, they arrived at the familiar Cider Lake by the lakeside.

A shapely, white-haired lady had been waiting there for quite some time.

Sensing Jams' arrival, a charming smile bloomed on the mature and beautiful face of the white-haired lady, as she gracefully curtsied, her skirt lifting slightly.

"Allow me to introduce myself. Eighth in command of the Fatui Harbingers, 'The Fair Lady,' Rosalyne-Kruzchka Lohefalter."


Jams opened his mouth, wanting to say something but hesitated.

Well, well, just yesterday he was thinking about how to capture The Fair Lady, and now this sexy lady had come to him willingly!