
Genshin Impact: Picking up a Little Loli at the Beginning

It's boring to engage in constant fighting and killing. It's better to go fishing with Jams on the Teyvat continent and become the most skilled angler! Eventually, I'll take my wives to travel around, and before I know it, I'll become a deity in Teyvat! This story is super sweet with many female protagonists!

fanticelove · Games
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72 Chs

Paimon is a cute little thing

"Brother Jams! I love you~"

Klee meowed and pounced into Jams' embrace.

"What love? Next time, say 'you were amazing last night'!"

Jams pinched Klee's soft face, his gentle smile filled with doting affection.

But soon, Jams couldn't maintain his smile.

It was because after Klee nuzzled against him, her little nose twitched, sniffing his scent like a puppy.


Klee's eyebrows furrowed, her expression growing serious.

"What's wrong?" Jams asked, feeling a bit guilty.

"Um... Brother Jams, there's someone else's scent on you, Captain Jean's... and that big sister from yesterday..."

Jams rubbed Klee's elfin ears and retorted, not pleased, "Don't make things up. There's no Captain Jean's scent, only the scent of that big sister from yesterday!"

"Hmph, no wonder you intentionally distracted Klee last night. You must have gone on a date with that big sister! Wahh!"

Klee pouted, her cute face turning teary, as if she had suffered a great injustice.

"Oh, so you deliberately mentioned Captain Jean earlier to trick me into telling the truth?" Jams looked at Klee with disbelief.

This little girl Klee had actually learned the art of fishing for information!

"She seemed so innocent and pure, but how did she suddenly become so cunning? Who taught her?!"

Jams glanced at the other girls, his expression serious. "Was it... you, Paimon!"

"Hey hey hey! Paimon only met little Klee less than a day ago. How could I have taught her anything bad!" Paimon folded her arms and pointed at the others indignantly. "Besides, why only ask Paimon and not the others? Barbara, Amber, even Lumine, aren't they more suspicious than me?"

"I can't bear to!" Jams puffed up his chest, defending himself with all his might.


Paimon was so angry that her face turned red, and she flew into Jams' embrace in a flash, raining down punches like a tiny storm!

"Mmm, that feels good. Hit harder, aim for my kidney reflex zone!"

Jams took the barrage of Paimon's punches, feeling refreshed as if he had opened up his meridians.

Those soft little hands, the moderate strength, and the sound of Paimon's breathing, it almost melted Jams' heart.

"Wahh, you bully! Lumine, aren't you going to do something? Emergency rations also deserve respect."


Lumine wanted to step in and help, but she sensed that the atmosphere between Jams and Paimon was actually quite good.

Paimon's punching and kicking towards Jams didn't seem like venting anger, but more like a display of coquetry.

"Alright, I won't tease you anymore."

As an experienced Genshin player, Jams understood Paimon's temperament very well.

He held Paimon's small and delicate body in his hands and gave her a gentle squeeze.

"I'll treat you to a big feast tonight. Can you forgive me?"

"A big feast..."

Upon hearing those words, Paimon's teardrops at the corner of her eyes immediately stopped, and a glistening tear fell from her lips.

"Make your decision quickly, or else you'll miss out." Jams furrowed his brows slightly, pretending to be willing to change his mind at any moment.

As expected, Paimon couldn't resist the temptation. She immediately grabbed Jams' arm, her voice full of grievance. "Alright, Paimon forgives you, but next time, no bullying Paimon!"

"Sure, next time for sure."

Jams chuckled and tousled Paimon's white hair.

"Jams, you haven't answered Klee's question yet!"

Klee poked Jams' face and asked in a sweet voice, "Did you go out with that big sister last night, the one with white hair and a slightly better figure than Klee? You have her scent on you, and it's quite strong~"

"Really? No matter how strong her scent is, it can't compare to the scent Klee left on me. Don't believe me? Take another sniff."

Jams didn't explain further; instead, he held Klee in his arms and nuzzled her.

Sometimes actions spoke louder than words. No matter how much you say, it's better to hold someone in your arms and comfort them.

Indeed, Klee immediately became well-behaved and affectionate. There was no trace of doubt in her beautiful eyes, only joy and attachment.


Watching this heartwarming scene, Amber quietly took out a flare:

"I think I should call the Knights to come and arrest this lolicon Jams."

"How many years would he get in a situation like this?" Barbara's expression turned serious.

"Um... Can you arrange a position for me as a jailer? I want to take care of him while he's in prison," Noelle softly suggested.

"Why not just execute him and let Klee follow me?" Lumine placed her hands on her hips, ready to strike Jams and snatch Klee.

"We're just having a normal emotional exchange, hugging and cuddling. What's wrong with that?" Jams remained calm, still holding Klee in his arms.

Klee in his left hand, Paimon in his right.

Left hand, right hand, slow-motion. Right hand, left hand, slow-motion replay... Ahem.

"In any case, we're just friends! Right, Paimon?"

"That's right! We're only in a relationship where we eat big feasts together!"

Paimon, who had been won over by the promise of a big feast, leaned against Jams in agreement, lacking any sense of shame.

"See, even Paimon, this clever little thing, has spoken. Who are you to say that our relationship has soured?"

Jams raised his eyebrows triumphantly and then curiously asked, "By the way, why did you all come to the shores of the wine lake so early to find me? Is something urgent?"

"Oh, right, we almost forgot about the main business!"

Paimon quickly flew out of Jams' arms and wore a serious expression. "Lumine and I have encountered some difficulties in our recent attempts to defeat Stormterror. We wanted to seek your advice on how to become stronger quickly!"

"Methods to become stronger quickly?"

Jams blinked, looking puzzled. "Am I really that strong?"

"Don't pretend! The entire Knights of Favonius already know that you're a super powerful man who can stand up against Stormterror!"

Zoom zoom!

Paimon made a punching motion, her eyes filled with fighting spirit.

Lumine also looked at Jams with an admiring gaze.

It wasn't the admiration of a weak person for a strong person, but rather the beautiful yearning of a younger sister for her older brother.

"I didn't expect to hide so well, and yet you all see through me. Truly, talent is like pregnancy—it cannot be hidden."

"Oh my, it's really difficult to be a low-key person..."

Jams adjusted his hairstyle, looked up at the sky with a mournful expression, and sighed.


The women fell silent, their eyes filled with displeasure toward Jams.

If they could overpower Jams, they would have kicked his ass with their little boots a long time ago!

This guy, Jams, either flirts and teases with the acting Grand Master of the Knights or exchanges tender feelings with the beautiful bishop of the Church of Favonius, or engages in romantic encounters with the popular maid...

As members of the Knights of Favonius and even unmarried men in all of Mondstadt, how could he have the audacity to claim that he's low-key?

Never had they seen such shameless audacity!

"Alright, alright, don't give me that look like you want to eat me. So, you want methods to become stronger quickly, right? I'll tell you, but you owe me!"

Jams beckoned to Lumine, "Come closer, I'll tell you quietly."

"Huh... Do I have to get closer? Okay..."

Lumine felt a bit shy, but still brought her delicate and cute ear closer to Jams' mouth, blushing, and said, "My... My ears are quite sensitive... Speak softly... when you talk."