
Genshin Impact: Picking up a Little Loli at the Beginning

It's boring to engage in constant fighting and killing. It's better to go fishing with Jams on the Teyvat continent and become the most skilled angler! Eventually, I'll take my wives to travel around, and before I know it, I'll become a deity in Teyvat! This story is super sweet with many female protagonists!

fanticelove · Games
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72 Chs

Jean requests to join the team

Outside Mondstadt, at the Fruit Wine Lake, stood Jean, the acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius, a well-known blonde beauty. She crossed her arms and looked at Jams and Klee by the lakeside with a mix of embarrassment and anger.

Jams tossed the prepared bait into the lake and began preparing for fishing. Klee helped him on the side. The two of them cooperated seamlessly, chatting and laughing, while Jean, standing behind them, became nothing more than a background figure.

"This is too much!" Jean gritted her teeth, her voice filled with anger and grievance. "Jams, Klee, you two are going too far. I told you yesterday that I wouldn't interfere in your affairs anymore, so please don't disrupt my work!"

As the acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius, Jean had always been diligent and selfless in her duties, handling almost everything in Mondstadt, big or small. Being threatened with a bomb early in the morning and being ignored on the side was already irritating enough. Even the mild-mannered Jean couldn't help but feel furious.

"Don't worry, I already had Barbara arrange your leave for you," Jams turned around and gave Jean a big smile. The sun was just right, the breeze was gentle, and Jams, dressed in white with his black hair flowing, had a handsome face that made Jean momentarily dazed. She unconsciously looked away, worriedly saying, "Without me overseeing the Knights of Favonius..."

"Would the Knights of Favonius fall apart without you?" Jams asked in return.

"...," Jean hesitated for a moment.

The Knights of Favonius couldn't function without anyone, including her as the acting Grand Master. This was a truth that was not hard to understand.


"No 'buts'," Jams handed a fishing rod to Jean and lightly patted her shoulder, speaking with deep meaning, "Last night, Klee and I conducted a special investigation, and 99% of the Knights of Favonius members believe that you work too hard and need to relax."

Jean shook her head, speaking earnestly, "I'm just doing my duty. I want the residents of Mondstadt to enjoy a peaceful life."

"Your intention is not wrong, but you're pushing yourself too hard," Jams turned around and looked at the magnificent Mondstadt, sighing, "Anyone who sees this beautiful city wants it to be even better, but the prosperity of a city cannot rely solely on one person. If Mondstadt falls into decline without you, it means that everything we have now is just a false prosperity."

Jean's eyes narrowed, not agreeing with Jams' words.

"That's not true. The residents of Mondstadt have all contributed their own efforts, each adding their warmth and light. It's not false..."

"There's a saying: 'Does warmth bring light?'"

Jams chuckled and took out a report he received from the Knights of Favonius from his pocket. "This report records your recent work tasks. Let me read a few for you."

"On August 15th, helped the Hunter's Lodge drive away the Hilichurls who were raiding food supplies."

"On August 16th, reviewed the Angel's Share tavern's quarterly accounts."

"On August 17th, helped Miss Margaret find her cat."

"On August 18th, helped Timmie feed the pigeons."


Jams read each item, and finally couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Jean listened quietly, her expression somewhat complicated.

"Captain Jean, it's not my place to say this, but when it comes to tax matters, you have no problem understanding them. But why do you have to personally handle even the Hilichurls? "

Jams shook the work report in his hand and said irritably, "And what's even more outrageous is that you personally helped someone find a cat and fed pigeons at the bridgehead!"


Jean pursed her lips and remained silent, not knowing what to say.

"Captain, as a leader, you should act like one, with both kindness and authority. Indiscriminately showing kindness will only spoil the residents of Mondstadt. This will worry the people who truly care about you!"

Jams turned around and waved to Klee, saying, "Klee, come here!"

"I'm coming!"

Klee ran over with her short legs, her face adorned with a lively and cute smile.


Jams cleared his throat and gave Klee a signal, then asked, "Your captain works so hard every day. Don't you feel sorry for her?"

"Klee only feels sorry for her brother... Klee feels the most sorry for Captain Jean!"

Klee wanted to speak her mind, but after being glared at by Jams, she immediately changed her tone and said loudly, "Captain Jean not only works overtime every day, but also takes care of everyone in the Knights of Favonius. Everyone sees it and cares for her. Klee can't help but cry secretly in bed when she thinks about it... And then... Klee doesn't remember anymore..."

Klee shrugged her small shoulders and cast a pleading look at Jams.

Jams gave her a look of exasperation.

You clearly rehearsed it well last night, so how did you mess up during your performance!

"Alright, go play in the water."


Klee happily skipped back to the lakeside.

Jams, on the other hand, wore a deeply moved expression on his face, his voice filled with emotions.

"Listen to the voice of this child. Don't you want Klee to lose sleep every night because she worries about you?"


Jean looked at Jams silently, her expression unchanging, unsure of what to say.

"Do you think that because Klee forgot her lines, she doesn't really care about you?"

Jams had a sudden inspiration and continued, "But think about it, when would Klee be willing to memorize such a long and difficult script for someone else?"

"Isn't it all because of you? Because Klee cares about you, she's willing to spend the whole night memorizing those lines!"


Jean pursed her lips, and a ripple finally appeared in her amethyst eyes.

Indeed, Klee couldn't even recite her own self-introduction properly, but this time she was willing to memorize such a long script. It was evident that she was putting her heart into it.

"You're all foolish, staying up late to prepare such a farce for me."

Jean scolded them, but there was a hint of a smile in her eyes. She no longer resisted Jams and Klee's invitation as before.

With a slight upturn of her mouth and clear eyes, Jean's gentle temperament was like a swaying dandelion in the wind, pure, soft, and warm.

Jams couldn't help but say, "Captain Jean, you should smile more. You look beautiful when you smile."

"Smooth talker."

Jean glared at him, but her smile became even more enchanting and captivating. It made Jams feel like there were little kittens scratching at his heart.

"I'm just speaking the truth."

Jams smiled, and as adults, there was no need to beat around the bush.

He tore up Jean's work report and threw it into the trash can.

"Now, let's get to the point and help you relax."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Of course, I invite you to go fishing with us. What better way to ease your worries than fishing?"

Jams naturally embraced Jean's fragrant shoulder and looked at the beautiful Fruit Wine Lake. "Let me and Klee open the door to a new world for you."


A faint blush appeared on Jean's fair and delicate face.

At the same time, a system prompt appeared before Jams.

"Detected that Jean wants to go fishing with you. Do you want to enable multiplayer mode and add her to the team?"