
Jams' Excessive Request to Captain Jean

"Jams, you are my hero..."

Jean said softly.


Jams yawned, his face showing exhaustion.

Even being held by the beautiful Jean, he couldn't muster up any energy.

The battle against Stormterror had drained him completely, and now all he wanted was a good night's sleep.

"Jean, I made a significant contribution to protecting Mondstadt just now, so can I make a small impolite request?"

"Well, even though you choose to hide your achievements, I will always remember your merits."

Jean's lips curled up slightly, forming a gentle curve, as she spoke softly, "Tell me, what do you want, and I will try to fulfill it."


Jams, with his handsome face, made a "bashful" expression and whispered in Jean's ear, "I'm feeling a bit sleepy right now, and I have a particular attachment to beds. Can I...sleep in your arms?"


Jean's eyes twitched slightly.

When I make this expression, it's not that there's something wrong with me, it's that I think there's something wrong with you!

Jean scoffed, "You have an attachment to beds, but how does that necessarily relate to sleeping in my arms?"

Jams blinked his eyes and said seriously, "Because Captain Jean is the kind of magnificent woman who makes people think of beds at first glance... Oops!"



Jean's delicate and beautiful face instantly turned red, as she tapped Jams' forehead, but her other hand still held him tightly.

"You shameless person! Is this what you call a 'small impolite request'?"

"Is it not allowed?"

Jams, using his remaining strength, hugged Jean's fragrant and soft body.

Jean thought for a moment and finally made a difficult decision, biting her lip, "Well...it's not that it's not allowed...but we can't let others know about this."

"Don't worry, I can keep a secret. From now on, it will be our little secret. Only the heavens, the earth, you, and I will know!"

Jams raised four fingers, ready to swear at any moment.

"Alright, if you're tired, go to sleep. I'll keep holding you."

Jean looked at Jams' nonchalant expression, shaking her head with a wry smile, but she didn't resist in her heart.

She was supposed to be a serious person, so why did she feel so happy being with Jams, this mischievous guy, as if she could forget all her troubles?


Jams had exhausted himself beyond his physical limits. Once he confirmed that Jean would continue to hold him while he slept, he instantly fell into a deep slumber like a baby.

Even if Jean were to slap him twice at this moment, it wouldn't necessarily wake him up.

"I knew it was you."

Jean gently adjusted Jams' disheveled hair and lightly stroked his handsome face with her fingertips, feeling a sweet sensation in her heart.

Even though she was just holding one person, it felt like she was embracing the whole world.

Drip, drip, drip...

She held the sleeping Jams steadily, avoiding crowded places, and strolled leisurely in the quiet streets and alleys.

The old Jean used to be suffocated by work.

Now, under Jams' influence, the current Jean had finally learned to be lazy.

Even if Jams lay quietly in her arms, saying nothing, she would mentally fill in the gaps with Jams' various irrelevant words:

"Our Mondstadt's the boss, nothing but eating and drinking, that's it!"

"Working is impossible, I'll never work in this lifetime!"


Imagining Jams's upright and imposing appearance, Jean smiled radiantly. When she lowered her head to look at Jams again, her eyes became even gentler.

"Thank you, Jams..."

As she continued to gaze, Jean's eyes gradually became hazy, her heart racing. Acting on impulse, she leaned down and lightly kissed Jams's forehead.



After the kiss, Jean looked around cautiously, making sure no one was watching before revealing a sweet and satisfied smile.


However, Jean completely failed to notice that on the other end of the street, several beautiful girls were secretly observing!

Watching Jean's sweet expression, as if she were a girl in love.

Barbara felt uneasy: "What did I just witness? Sister actually stole a kiss from Jams! And she's smiling so happily! Is there really not a single capable man in Mondstadt?"

Noelle was also surprised: "Thank goodness... It was just a kiss on the forehead."

Amber rubbed her eyes: "Am I seeing things?"

Lumine pouted and gently pressed her hand to her chest: "I don't know why, but it feels sour here."


Klee stomped her feet in frustration and angrily exclaimed, "Boom! Where's Klee's bouncing bomb? Klee wants to go down with this city, boo-hoo!"

"Jams is really amazing."

Paimon crossed her arms in front of her chest and admired, "The leaders of the cathedral and the Knights hold him in high regard. He's truly a hero among bad boys!"

Barbara bit her lip, her smoky purple eyes filled with unwillingness: "This time, I absolutely cannot lose to my sister. Jams, rest assured, I will protect you!"

If Jams could hear Barbara's words, he would definitely say, "Please don't protect me, and make sure Jean is a little rough with me. I can handle it!"

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