
Genshin Impact: Picking up a Little Loli at the Beginning

It's boring to engage in constant fighting and killing. It's better to go fishing with Jams on the Teyvat continent and become the most skilled angler! Eventually, I'll take my wives to travel around, and before I know it, I'll become a deity in Teyvat! This story is super sweet with many female protagonists!

fanticelove · Games
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72 Chs

Are you trying to teach me a lesson?

"Brother Jams, can Klee bear this pain for little Paimon?"

Klee blinked her watery, innocent, and sweet green eyes. The most beautiful words in the world could be used to describe this adorable little girl without being excessive.

Thump! Thump!

Suddenly, Jams felt that time and space had frozen, with only his heart pounding.

Oh no... It's the feeling of being smitten!

"Calm down... I've seen much bigger scenes before..."

Jams tossed the swollen Paimon into Lumine's arms and then half-knelt down, gently supporting Klee's small shoulder.

"Klee, there are some things that are still too early for you... But please rest assured, I will always be by your side!"

"Hehe, Brother Jams is hooked with Klee!"

Klee extended her slender and fair little pinky, smiling sweetly.

"Yeah, pinky promise!"

Without hesitation, Jams immediately hooked his pinky with Klee's delicate and boneless one.

The contract was sealed!


On the side, Lumine, Noelle, Barbara, and Amber silently drew their weapons.

"Do you think this lolicon can still be saved?"

"No chance, anyone who can seriously flirt with little Klee like that is one of a kind in all of Teyvat!"

"Tsk, why are you taking it so seriously? Don't you understand the innocence of children's words?"

Jams pinched Klee's soft and fluffy cheek and snorted at the girls who lacked a sense of humor. "Stop judging people based on appearances alone. The playboy image is just a disguise. In reality, I'm a very gentlemanly person!"

"Indeed... a gentleman."

Amber pinched her delicate and fair chin, looking somewhat hesitant. "Gentlemanly... doesn't seem very apparent."

"Where is it not apparent? Do you want to come closer and see it clearly?"

Jams beckoned Amber with a wave, thinking that if this girl dared to approach, he would intimidate her!

If I don't teach this firebug Amber a lesson and make her roll her eyes, I'll write my name backward, Jams thought.


However, as a scout knight, Amber had sharp observational skills and immediately sensed Jams' ill intentions. She quickly hid behind Noelle and Barbara.

"I'm not coming over. If you dare to bully me, I'll go complain to Captain Jean! La la la~"

Amber stuck out her tongue, simultaneously fierce and timid.

"Look at your lack of character."

Jams glanced at her disdainfully. Since this girl had surrendered, he would let her off for now.

He turned his attention to Lumine and the teary-eyed Paimon, asking about the main issue.

"Are you in such a hurry to find a way to deal with Stormterror? Is the final showdown approaching?"

"Yes," Lumine nodded slightly, speaking softly. "It's about time. We've found some clues during our investigation, and we'll soon confront Stormterror head-on."

"It seems like we're reaching the late stage of Mondstadt's storyline..." Jams nodded slightly and silently reviewed the main plot of Mondstadt in his mind.

In summary, it was about Lumine going through some adventures and ultimately facing the big boss, Stormterror, to cleanse the abyssal curse on him.

After resolving the crisis with Stormterror, the sexy and alluring antagonist, "The Fair Lady" Rosalyne, would make her appearance and steal Venti's Gnosis.

That would be the best opportunity for Jams, the "Yellow Bird," to make his move!

"Ah, I'm originally a kind-hearted person. How did my role start to resemble that of a behind-the-scenes villain?" Jams shook his head and sighed.

He had actually become quite good friends with "The Fair Lady" Rosalyne.

The thought of forcing the sexy and aloof Rosalyne to help him catch a thousand fish for the "Ascension of the Divine Heart" quest... Jams' conscience... was getting a little excited!

Since they were on good terms, catching a thousand fish shouldn't be a big deal. If she didn't behave, a small whip would do the trick~

Jams' lips curled up slightly as he pictured Rosalyne's cool and slightly tsundere face. He was increasingly looking forward to that day.

"Jams, what are you muttering about?" Lumine reached out and waved her small hand in front of Jams, her golden eyes filled with doubt and concern.

Seeing Jams' smile gradually turning twisted, Lumine sensed a hint of conspiracy in the air.

"Ahem, it's nothing. I just suddenly remembered something joyful." Jams coughed lightly. "As you all know, I'm an exquisite utilitarian. Once you resolve the crisis with the dragon and become the hero of Mondstadt, you won't be an ordinary Lumine anymore. Just thinking about it makes me can't help but laugh."

"Huh? Really?" Lumine's face blushed slightly at Jams' sincere words, almost believing this scumbag's nonsense.

"Lumine, don't be fooled. You can't trust a single symbol of what Jams says!" Paimon pointed at her own swollen buttocks and said in a pitiful voice, "This guy, Jams, actually went so far as to use force. It hurts, wuwuwu."

"I'm sorry, I didn't control my strength earlier. I'll be gentler next time." Jams pulled Paimon over and rubbed her gently.

Ah, the little buttocks were indeed a bit swollen. It seemed that he really used too much force.

Seeing Paimon's pitiful look, Jams finally felt a little sorry. After all, he wasn't a devil.

"How about we go for a big meal now to soothe Paimon's pain?" "Really... If you dare to deceive me... I won't believe you ever again, sniff..." Paimon lay weakly in Jams' arms, but her starry eyes still harbored expectations for food.

Jams felt a bit guilty about bullying such an innocent little fellow.

However, just as Jams was about to take Paimon back to Mondstadt, a deep male voice called out to them from behind.

"You must be Jams, right? Stop right there!"


Whoosh, whoosh!

Jams halted his steps and saw two young men leap out of the bushes.

One wore a straw hat and carried a fishing rod, while the other had brown short hair and a face full of indignation.

Jams looked puzzled.


Barbara's gaze lingered on the young man with brown hair for a few seconds, then she hid behind Jams like a startled bunny, whimpering.


Jams glanced at the small hand tightly gripping his clothes and raised his head to look at the two young men again, his expression turning unfriendly.

"What's the matter?"

"I'm in charge of the Mondstadt Fishing Association, Nantuck!" The young man with the straw hat crossed his arms and looked arrogant.

"I'm Albert, Miss Barbara's number one fan!"

The young man with brown hair stared at Jams, his face turning red, his anger evident. "I command you to stay away from Miss Barbara!"

"That's it?"

Jams remained unfazed, and he even felt like laughing. What's with this fisher and his dog-like behavior, coming here to make a fuss!?

"You bastard! Don't you dare touch her with your dirty hands!"

Albert glared at Jams and the hand holding Barbara's, his chest heaving with anger, his eyes almost popping out!


Jams not only didn't let go, but instead, he hugged the visibly uneasy Barbara in his arms and didn't even spare a glance at Albert.

"Are you trying to teach me a lesson?"