
Genshin Impact: No Limit

I woke up in the world of Teyvat, inside the body of none other than Gojo Satoru himself. It was something I daydreamed about often. Having immense power, and good looks? Amazing! Of course, my only option is becoming a legend in this world! But maybe it won't be as easy as I thought It would be... ((Slight AU/JJK elements in Teyvat))

abraX · Video Games
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13 Chs

In Cahoots With The Enemy

"Amazing, it must be my lucky day!" Bennet said with excitement. "Nothing went wrong when we were clearing the camp. I hope I just didn't use all my luck for the week..."

Me and Bennett had just finished clearing the camps, and the sun was already setting.

I was content with my performance, and Bennett was surprisingly strong. Though the effect of the Black Flash mostly faded, I still seemed to gain some higher understanding of cursed energy, making it easier to control. Though of course, the benefit from landing a Black Flash is better felt just after the fact. 

"Alright, it's getting late. Let's head back to the guild and claim our rewards," I said to Bennett, after resting for a bit.

"Yeah!" Bennett hurriedly stood up and started walking with me. "Hey, I really appreciate you doing commissions with me. I know I have a... bad reputation, but you still teamed up with me!"

"It's no big deal. Besides, I think that from now on it'll only get better. Your luck, I mean," I said.

"You think so?" Bennett had a hopeful expression.

"Call it a hunch." I don't want to give him hope for something that may not happen, but I'm pretty sure the source of his bad luck was that curse.

But if Bennett was cursed, who knows how many people are suffering from the same fate?

It may be selfish, but I don't think I'll actively look for curses to destroy... Though if I run into one I'm definitely exorcising it.

At least it seems like curses aren't as widespread here. I just hope it doesn't become a more prominent issue...

As me and Bennett chatted, the sun completely set, and the night sky was illuminated by thousands of stars. Eventually, we arrived at the city of Mondstadt.

"Well, I think I'm gonna go rest at the tavern for a bit," I said, yawning. "If you want, we can keep doing commissions together. I'm gonna stay here in Mondstadt for a while."

"That'd be great! Thank you, Dani," Bennett said, before turning around and leaving. "See you!" he said while waving.

I waved back and made my way to the tavern. If my timing is correct, Venti and Lumine should come to the tavern after trying to steal the lyre.

After a few twists and turns from being lost in the city, I arrived at Angel's Share, the most famous tavern in Mondstadt.

Just as I entered, a cozy feeling enveloped my body. There was slight chatter as ambience, and the room smelled like incense.

I sat at the bar, next to a guy that seemed quite sad. He had his head hunched over and was mumbling something. I couldn't see much, but he didn't look good. He had an unkempt beard, and his hair was clearly receding.

I turned my attention to the menu that was already on the table and picked a drink. After making my choice, I glanced at the man next to me. He really seemed quite depressed...

I'm not one to just talk to strangers like that but... "Hey man, are you alright?" I asked.

"No... I'm not." With his head hunched over, he glanced at me. His sad expression turned into a frown, and he just buried his head in his arms.

"Uh, can I ask what happened?"

"It's just..." Suddenly, he sat straight, and he had a solemn expression on his face.

"There are so many beautiful women in this world... And here I am... looking like an absolute hobo..."

Oh, so it's like that.

"W-Well, I guess I understand how you feel," I said, trying to be sympathetic.

"No, you don't! You were blessed by the gods! With that pretty face, you've never had to face any kind of hardship in your life!" He got a bit heated and started ranting about pretty privilege and stuff like that...

I turned my head to the side and just waited for my drink.


The tavern had grown silent now that it was approaching its closing time. Breaking the silence, the door opened and a familiar voice spoke.


I turned around, still sitting at the bar, and was met with Diluc. He's finally here. Now, let's wait for those two...

"You were at the temple, with the Knights of Favonius, correct?" he asked.

"Yeah. What, are you gonna lecture me again on why I shouldn't work with them?" I said.

Diluc sat next to me at the bar, gestured for the bartender to bring him a drink, and then said, "I already said what I had to say. If you don't want to follow my advice, then that's not my problem."

"Well, however much you may dislike them, I think you'll still end up working with them."

"Why do you say that?"

"Just a feeling I have..." More like knowledge of future events...

"...I'll have it in mind then." The bartender brought Diluc's drink, and he immediately took a sip from it. "I'm Diluc," he said plainly, extending his hand for me to shake.

"Dani," I said, shaking his hand.

After a bit of awkward silence, I tried to make conversation. "Hey, don't you want some secret beverage recipes? I have a few."

Diluc seemed interested in this, as he said, "Secret? Please do tell."

"Well, I could tell you about mojito, the terremoto... or maybe fernet. Does the Dawn Winery have one of those?"

"Hmm, I've never heard of any such drinks."

Just as I was about to explain it to him, the door was slammed open, and two people barged in and closed it behind them.

One of them was Lumine. The other one was a boy who had aqua green eyes, and short blackish blue hair with short twin braids at the sides of his face that faded into a shade of blue. He wore a frilly white top with a corset for the midsection, along with teal shorts with gold embroidery and a matching teal cape.

I recognized him immediately as Venti, the Anemo Archon.

"Ugh, why is this guy here...!" Paimon whispered loudly to Lumine while looking at me.

"Hi, we'd like a seat at your, uh... least conspicuous table," Venti said.

"Uh, you can sit at a table on the second floor, you'd be less conspicuous up there," Diluc said, a bit befuddled by the bard's suspicious behavior.

"We'll be heading up, then. Thanks a bunch!" Venti strutted to the stairs leading up to the second floor.

Lumine and Paimon followed suit. Lumine glanced at me but otherwise didn't pay much attention to me, while Paimon stuck out her tongue, taunting me.

I simply flipped her off and turned to Diluc.

"Charles, keep an eye on them. There's something strange about that bard..." Diluc trailed off and looked at me. "You wouldn't happen to know them, would you?"

"I know the girl. First time seeing that femboy though."

"That what?" Diluc asked, a puzzled expression on his face.

"I'll go say hi." I stood up and walked to the second floor.

They sat at a table in the corner of the room. I walked up to them and said, "Seems you guys got into some trouble."

"Ugh, give Paimon a break! You're the person Paimon wants to see the least right now!"

"Shut up Paimon, or I'll deep fry your ugly ass," I said.

"Eek!" Paimon hid behind Lumine, peeking over her shoulder.

"I assume you know each other already?" Venti asked, looking between Paimon, Lumine, and me.

"Unfortunately," Lumine said, a grin directed at me.

"Well, now I feel left out! My name is Venti! You probably have heard my songs already," he said, his chest puffing out smugly.

"Not really..."

We continued chatting for a while until some Knights entered the tavern. Of course, they were looking for these two thieves. Thankfully, Diluc sent them the wrong way.

"Good save, Diluc," I said from the second floor.

"Just come down here..." he sighed.

With all of us down on the first floor, Diluc asked for answers. Lumine explained to him why they tried stealing the lyre, and of course, Venti provided a performance, telling the story of Stormterror, and how he was poisoned in the battle at Mondstadt 500 years ago, and how the Abyss Order took that chance to corrupt him with hatred.

"I see... So with the Holy Lyre der Himmel, we may be able to help Stormterror..." Diluc seemed deep in thought for a while, before he said, "I'll go fetch someone, wait for me."

A half an hour or so passed and Diluc came back with none other than Jean. She seemed surprised to see us three, and said, "So you were the ones behind it... I never thought it would be you two."

"Don't drag me into this, it was those two," I said, pointing to Lumine and Venti.

"Whatever the case, I explained to Jean all the details. She said she may know where the lyre is currently being held," Diluc explained.

"Yes. I have a rough idea of where the Holy Lyre der Himmel is." She crossed her arms, a frown appearing on her face. 

"Then let's go get it," Lumine said, a determined expression on her face.

"Well, you can do that. I think I'll stay here. I spent the whole day doing commissions, I'm a bit tired," I finished my sentence with a yawn.

"I will stay here as well. It is I who will be playing the lyre, I have to rest while I can," Venti said, sitting down at the bar.

"Alright then. It'll be us three, let's get going." Diluc, Jean, and Lumine all left for the Fatui hideout.

There was silence for a moment before I said, "I'll be right back."

'Time to put my plans in motion...'

I walked through the city, the night lamps serving as the only source of illumination on the dark streets. I made my way to the Goth Grand Hotel, thinking about my plan when I got there.

When I arrived, a Fatui guard was standing post at the entrance of the hotel. He noticed my arrival, and assumed a firm position.

"Hey. Is Signora staying here by any chance?" I asked.

The guard eyed me, and asked, "Who are you?"

"So she is. Look, I have some information that may be useful to her. So if you could let me in—"

The guard scoffed, interrupting me, and said, "Go away. Don't make me repeat myself."

"Shame. I was ready to share some information that could be useful pertaining to your quest to collect the Gnoses..."

Even though the guard was masked, I could feel the surprise on his face. "How did you..."

"Gonna let me in or not?"

The guard thought for a moment, his finger tapping his chin. He ran his hand through his hair, sighed, and said, "You better be worth it, bozo. Come in."

He opened the door to the hotel, and I followed him in. A long hallway across the lobby could be seen. It was adorned with an elegant red carpet that reached its end. The lobby and hallway were dimly lit with small lamps on the walls, giving the whole place a creepy atmosphere.

We reached the end of the hallway, and the Fatui guard stopped in front of a double door and knocked firmly. "Lady Signora, I brought someone who says he has some information regarding our... objectives."

After a brief silence, a deep female voice responded from behind the door. "Bring him in."

The guard opened the door and gestured for me to go in. He closed the door behind me, and I was left alone with the woman. She was sitting at a table in the corner of the room, a large candle on top of it.

She was beautiful no doubt. She not only exuded an aura of elegance, but her presence was pressuring and intimidating. Her long wavy blonde hair cascaded through her back and a mask was covering half of her face. Her only visible light gray eye observed me intently.

I gulped. I have to admit, I'm a bit nervous.

Steeling my nerves, I spoke, "I know that the Fatui are seeking the Gnoses, and I came here to offer you my, uh, help."

She remained silent for a moment, and spoke, "And how do you know that, if I may ask?"

I shouldn't lie, so... "Let's say that as an outlander, I have obscure ways of getting information not many people know about."

Approaching the table she was sitting at, I continued, "But that's not relevant. I can make you snatch the gnosis, right now. I can present you with the perfect opportunity."

"That will not be necessary. We have been pressuring the Knights with the Stormterror's crisis, and if everything else fails, we can always draw out that... rodent Archon with the lyre we stole." Signora had a cold expression on her face, not betraying a single hint of emotion, except for her disdain for the Anemo Archon.

"Let's be real, the Stormterror crisis will likely be resolved by the Knights. At this point, why not just yoink the Gnosis?" After asking that, I sat down on a chair across the table, and said, "Besides, I could draw him out for you, right now."

"Hmph. To come here and talk face to face with a Harbinger as though we were equals, and not only that, but to question our plans, and trying to impose your own... I have to say, I'm impressed by your bravery," Signora said.

She leaned in, a threatening expression on her face. "But being brave can cost you dearly..."

I stood my ground, remaining motionless, looking at her in the eye.

She lightly scoffed and leaned on her chair. "Very well, I shall hear your plan. I will decide if it's worth it or not." She crossed her arms, and said, "And if we go through with it, and it goes wrong... You will regret it."

"Don't worry, that won't happen," I said, a nervous smile on my face.

'Oh boy, now I really hope this plan works...'

Probably a slower chapter this time, but I still hope you liked it

abraXcreators' thoughts