
Genshin Impact: No Limit

I woke up in the world of Teyvat, inside the body of none other than Gojo Satoru himself. It was something I daydreamed about often. Having immense power, and good looks? Amazing! Of course, my only option is becoming a legend in this world! But maybe it won't be as easy as I thought It would be... ((Slight AU/JJK elements in Teyvat))

abraX · Video Games
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


HELLO!!!! It's been a while. 

Before you ask, no, I'm not dropping this or anything.

The thing is, I had some personal issues that made it very hard for me to write and upload chapters. To add insult to injury, I lost access to my Webnovel account. Now that I have it back, and now that my personal problems are mostly resolved, I'll get back to writing when I have time.

So I guess this is just to show you guys that I'm alive. Give me some time and I'll upload some chapters when I can.

See you soon!!!!!